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Game advertising
The Quick Sail Game Advertising feature mainly includes overseas game advertising and game advertising related to sailing.
 Summary and reflection on arcade game placement behind more than 500 million downloads
Summary and reflection on arcade game placement behind more than 500 million downloads
The theme activity of "New Opportunities for Game Track" co sponsored by TopOn, Roskey and the General University invited the heads of several well-known platforms and manufacturers to share the latest industry trends and changes in depth based on their respective business fields.
 What opportunities do game developers have for the UGC platform with 120 million monthly active users worldwide
What opportunities do game developers have for the UGC platform with 120 million monthly active users worldwide
TopOn、 The Salon themed "New Opportunities for Game Track" jointly hosted by Qimai Data and Roski invited the heads of many well-known domestic manufacturers and platforms to share the latest industry trends and methodologies for practitioners from the perspective of personal business.
 How to improve IVR retention through interactive advertising
How to improve IVR retention through interactive advertising
The salon event themed "New Opportunities for Game Track" co hosted by TopOn, Roskey and Qimai Data invited leaders of many well-known domestic manufacturers and platforms to share the latest industry trends and methodologies for practitioners from the perspective of personal business.
 Halloward's Realization Yu Jiugang: Experience of Improving the Income from the Realization of Leisure Game Advertisements
Halloward's Realization Yu Jiugang: Experience of Improving the Income from the Realization of Leisure Game Advertisements
On December 10, the theme series Salon of "New Opportunities for Game Track" co sponsored by Roskey, Topon and TID Technology was held in Wuhan. The event invited heads of many well-known companies in the industry at home and abroad to share their experiences. Guests on the scene explained and shared their experiences from their fields of expertise, through data analysis, case review and other dimensions.
 How to improve the survival of products through the whole optimization process from the initiation of creative projects to the making of money
How to improve the survival of products through the whole optimization process from the initiation of creative projects to the making of money
Zhao Lanying, founder of Chengdu Youhui Technology, shared the theme salon of new opportunities in the game track, and put forward methodologies such as product optimization, content addition, and ROI optimization.
 IAP and IAA are indispensable! How to set game advertising scenarios to maximize user value?
IAP and IAA are indispensable! How to set game advertising scenarios to maximize user value?
In recent years, the competition for purely domestic games has become increasingly fierce, and the value of paying users has been further explored, resulting in limited revenue for each game. Swrve's survey found that 10% of the paying players accounted for more than half of the total game revenue, and the remaining 90% of the paying users accounted for less than 50% of the total revenue. This shows that only a few of the global game users have the habit of paying.
TradPlus aggregate advertising platform 2023-07-14
 How can non game applications use mobile game advertising technology to achieve strong growth?
How can non game applications use mobile game advertising technology to achieve strong growth?
Games are the largest and fastest growing category of mobile applications. During the epidemic, the use of mobile applications increased sharply, and game applications took the lead, which was quite eye-catching.
AppLovin 2023-03-17
 What is the pre registered advertisement that 90% of game advertisers are using? How to complete the creation?
What is the pre registered advertisement that 90% of game advertisers are using? How to complete the creation?
Nowadays, more and more advertisers use pre registration. It has been proved that entering the warm-up link in advance can help us have more advantages in the competitive game market. This issue of Meta Pre registration Advertisement Introduction will take you to have a deep discussion on the effects of pre registration and how to create Meta pre registration advertisements.
Official GatherOne 2023-02-27
 The blind date was cheated, interrogated, interrogated The overseas MMO has made the best use of live material, which is really confusing
The blind date was cheated, interrogated, interrogated The overseas MMO has made the best use of live material, which is really confusing
What does the efficient live material of overseas MMORPG games look like? What is the logic behind it?
 Unity engine makes game development within reach!
Unity engine makes game development within reach!
This article will present the existing technical advantages, outstanding achievements and future development direction of Unity engine from two levels of technology and cases, and deepen everyone's understanding of the content and direction of the engine.
Unity 2023-01-29
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