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The theme of "Quick Go to Sea" mainly includes overseas three consumer games and three consumer games related to going to sea.
 Playrix's next generation of three cancellations, "Roomscapes", was launched to declare war on crazy Royal Match
Playrix's next generation of three cancellations, Roomscapes, was launched to declare war on crazy Royal Match
In the past two years, the most eye-catching mobile game in the three consumptions market is the Royal Match released by Dream Games. After achieving a revenue of US $2 billion at the end of last year, this game has exceeded US $3 billion in five months, and the monthly flow of water has exceeded 1.2 billion yuan, becoming the world's first truly three consumptions track.
GameLook 2024-05-14
 Three consumer giant King's new tour test, quickly entered! Fight with Tencent, Zynga and Voodoo
Three consumer giant King's new tour test, quickly entered! Fight with Tencent, Zynga and Voodoo
The end of the universe is elimination. Although it is a joke, in the field of leisure games, which play an important role in the mobile game industry, elimination games have always been the most important category. In addition to the classic three cancellations, there are three tracks that are more meaningful: merge elimination, stack elimination and simulation play
GameLook 2023-12-08
 Guofeng+Sanxiao+PVP? This new tour brings a "new wind" to the domestic leisure track
Guofeng+Sanxiao+PVP? This new tour brings a "new wind" to the domestic leisure track
"The end of the universe is the three consumptions". This joke is being repeatedly verified in the game industry.
GameLook 2023-11-30
 Less leisure is more? This three consumptions game "self chopping" has grown rapidly since its rebirth!
Less leisure is more? This three consumptions game "self chopping" has grown rapidly since its rebirth!
Elimination has always been a major category in the game market, but for a long time, the track has been dominated by overseas leisure giants such as Playrix, King, Dreams Game, and leisure companies such as Chinese manufacturer Leyuan, Lemon Weiqu, and Japanese manufacturer Line have also built a high threshold through category cultivation.
GameLook 2023-10-26
 Lilith, NCsoft and UBI will go on the next three consumptions mobile tour, playing with tickets or enlarging their moves?
Lilith, NCsoft and UBI will go on the next three consumptions mobile tour, playing with tickets or enlarging their moves?
For a long time, the three consumptions have been a magic category. In the eyes of players, it seems to be at the bottom of the "contempt chain", but in the market, we can also see the powerful ability of this category to attract money.
 Annual revenue of $130 million: How did Triple Match 3D break through the three consumptions track?
Annual revenue of $130 million: How did Triple Match 3D break through the three consumptions track?
Boombox Games' triple match 3D, a triple play product released in April 2022, has been making waves in the mobile game field. So far, this game has been downloaded more than 10 million times on Apple and Android devices. In August this year, the number of downloads of the game increased sharply, and nearly 800000 installations were achieved that month.
GameLook 2023-10-12
 Tencent joined hands with Xishan Ju World Tour to challenge the "three consumptions PVP battle", and overseas monthly income has reached nearly 100 million
Tencent joined hands with Xishan Ju World Tour to challenge the "three consumptions PVP battle", and overseas monthly income has reached nearly 100 million
In the leisure game category, in addition to the common experience of single player elimination, PVP play has attracted more and more attention. Even Candy Crush Saga, which has been online for more than 10 years, has started to hold competitions and in game competitive activities, and even Match Masters, a pure PVP three consumer game with a monthly flow of 90 million yuan, has emerged.
GameLook 2023-08-28
 After half a year of optimization, the monthly turnover reached 100 million yuan. After only three years of establishment, they have thoroughly understood the categories that a large factory does not want to touch?
After half a year of optimization, the monthly turnover reached 100 million yuan. After only three years of establishment, they have thoroughly understood the categories that a large factory does not want to touch?
Looking at the global mobile game market, the three consumptions are an enduring category. It is simple to play, light leisure, low requirements for equipment, and very fragmented. It is naturally compatible with the mobile terminal, and has also produced a number of classic products such as Candy Crush.
 In depth analysis of the global three consumer mobile games market, the general environment is declining, why are these three models growing significantly against the trend?
In depth analysis of the global three consumer mobile games market, the general environment is declining, why are these three models growing significantly against the trend?
As one of the oldest categories in the mobile game market, the head product of the elimination category has always stood firm in the mobile game market.
GameLook 2023-04-10
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