How much does eBay need for purchasing? How does eBay purchase on behalf of others?

Time: June 15, 2024
two thousand three hundred and eighty-five
It is not easy to do cross-border e-commerce or use the account of cross-border e-commerce platform, and many cross-border e-commerce stores do not sell to domestic users, so cross-border e-commerce purchasing has started to rise at this time, so how much does eBay purchase on behalf of others cost?

It is not easy to do cross-border e-commerce or use the account of cross-border e-commerce platform, and many cross-border e-commerce stores do not sell to domestic users, so cross-border e-commerce purchasing has started to rise at this time, so how much does eBay purchase on behalf of others cost?


1、 How much does eBay need for purchasing?

The cost of eBay's purchase on behalf is mainly composed of two parts: the cost of the commodity itself and the cost of the purchase service. The cost of goods depends on the price, quantity, freight and other factors of the selected goods, while the cost of purchasing services varies from buyer to buyer.

The purchasing agent will charge a certain proportion of purchasing fee according to the price of the goods. For example, for goods less than 200 yuan, each purchase fee may be fixed at 5 yuan; For goods over 200 yuan, the purchase fee may be calculated according to 5% of the price of the goods, but it will not exceed a certain set upper limit, such as 200 yuan.

This is only a rough reference range. The actual cost may change due to the pricing strategy of the purchasing agent, the particularity of the goods, the market supply and demand relationship and other factors.

Consumers also need to consider some potential additional costs, such as tariffs, VAT, etc. These fees vary from country to country and region to region. Consumers should understand the relevant tax policies before purchasing to avoid unnecessary trouble.

2、 How does eBay purchase on behalf of others?

The operation process of eBay purchasing is relatively simple, but it also requires certain skills and precautions. Consumers need to register an account on the eBay platform and be familiar with the platform's operating interface and rules. Find the desired product through search or browsing, and carefully read the product description, seller's comments and other information to ensure the authenticity and quality of the product.

When choosing a purchasing agent, consumers need to carefully compare the service quality, cost level, reputation and other factors of different purchasing agents. It is recommended to choose a purchasing agent with good reputation and rich experience to reduce the risk of purchasing.

After placing an order, the consumer needs to keep close contact with the purchasing agent, and timely communicate the order status, logistics information, etc. to ensure the smooth progress of the purchasing process. After receiving the goods, consumers need to carefully check whether the goods are consistent with the description, and if there is any problem, they should negotiate with the purchasing agent in a timely manner.

Although eBay provides consumers with convenient overseas shopping channels, it also requires consumers to spend some time and energy to understand and operate. While enjoying the purchasing service, consumers also need to be vigilant to avoid falling into the purchasing trap.

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