How to bind the collection account of the country of Facebook's advertising cash conversion tool?
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How to bind the collection account of the country of Facebook's advertising cash conversion tool?

Zheng Aiji asked questions on May 13, 2024
six thousand nine hundred and forty-six

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Xu Badong

The following are the possible reasons and corresponding solutions for the problem that the country/region collection account bound to Facebook's Meta Ads Manager still cannot be associated with the application after being approved:

Possible causes

  1. Inconsistent account information:

    The account information of the collection account is inconsistent with the account information in the Meta Ads Manager, such as name, address, etc.

  2. Browser problem:

    The browser used may have problems with caching, cookies, or incompatibility with Meta Ads Manager.

  3. Network problems:

    The network connection is unstable or there are firewall, VPN and other network restrictions, resulting in unsuccessful association.

  4. System or application updates:

    Meta Ads Manager or related systems are being updated, resulting in temporary unavailability of associated functions.

  5. Account authority:

    The Meta Ads Manager account used may not have sufficient permissions to associate collection accounts.

  6. Account setting problem:

    Some settings in Meta Ads Manager may prevent the association of collection accounts.


  1. Check account information:

    Carefully check whether the account information in the Meta Ads Manager is completely consistent with the collection account information, including name, address, contact number, etc.

  2. If any inconsistency is found, update the information in the Meta Ads Manager in a timely manner.

  3. Clean browser cache and cookies:

    Clear the browser's cache and cookies, and then try the association again.

  4. You can also try using different browsers or seamless browsing modes.

  5. Check network connection:

    Make sure the network connection is stable, and try to turn off firewall, VPN and other network restriction tools.

  6. If you are using a public network, you can try to switch to another network environment.

  7. Wait for the system or application update to complete:

    If the Meta Ads Manager or related system is updating, please wait for the update to complete and try the association again.

  8. Check account permissions:

    Make sure that the Meta Ads Manager account you use has sufficient permissions to associate the collection account.

  9. If necessary, you can contact your account administrator or Facebook support team to obtain higher permissions.

  10. Check account settings:

    Log in to the Meta Ads Manager and check whether any settings prevent the association of collection accounts.

  11. Adjust the settings as needed and retry the association.

  12. Contact Facebook support team:

    If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended to contact the Facebook support team directly for help.

    Provide detailed error information and your account information so that they can quickly locate the problem and provide solutions.

Through the above steps, you should be able to solve the problem that the country/region collection account bound to the Facebook advertising cash flow tool cannot be associated with the application. If the problem persists, please continue to contact the Facebook support team for more help.

Answered on May 13, 2024
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To bind the national collection account of Facebook's Meta Ads Manager, you usually need to follow the steps below. However, please note that the specific steps may change due to Facebook's policy updates.

  1. Log in to Meta Ads Manager: First, you need to log in to your Meta Ads Manager account.

  2. Enter payment settings: in Meta Ads Manager, find and click the option of "payment" or "payment settings". This is usually in the setup or account management section.

  3. Add or bind collection account: In payment settings, you will see the option of "Add payment method" or "Bind collection account". Click this option.

  4. Select a country or region: You need to select your country or region when adding or binding a collection account. For country/region accounts, you need to select China.

  5. Fill in bank information: fill in your bank account information according to the prompt. This usually includes bank name, bank account number, name of the account holder, etc. Please ensure that the information is accurate, so as not to affect your collection.

  6. Verify the information and submit it: After filling in the bank account information, Facebook may ask you to verify the information. Follow the prompts to complete the validation and submit.

  7. Waiting for review: Once you submit your collection account information, Facebook will review it. After approval, your collection account will be successfully bound to the Meta Ads Manager.

Please note that the specific steps may change due to Facebook's policy updates. If you encounter problems during the operation, it is recommended to consult Facebook's official help document or contact Facebook's customer service support for more detailed guidance.

Answered on May 13, 2024
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