How to do wish cross-border e-commerce?
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How to do wish cross-border e-commerce?

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To successfully open a shop on the Wish cross-border e-commerce platform, you can follow the steps below:

  1. To register an account: First, fill in relevant information, such as name, contact information, email, etc., on the official website of Wish to complete the creation of an account.

  2. Improve store information: including store name, store logo, store profile, etc. These information will be displayed on the Wish platform, which is crucial to attracting consumers.

  3. Submit qualification certificate: The Wish platform requires businesses to provide business license, tax registration certificate and other relevant certificates to ensure the legitimate operation of businesses.

  4. Uploading product information: On the Wish platform, the accuracy and integrity of product information is crucial for sales. Merchants need to carefully fill in the title, description, price and other information of the goods, and upload high-quality pictures of the goods.

  5. Set up logistics methods and payment methods: The Wish platform supports a variety of logistics methods and payment methods, and merchants can choose according to their actual conditions.

After completing the above steps, the store of the merchant can be officially opened on the Wish platform. However, just opening a store does not mean success. Businesses also need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Focus on market dynamics and consumer demand: find trends and potential business opportunities of hot selling products by analyzing sales data, user evaluation, search volume and other indicators.

  2. Selection and pricing strategy: consider your own resources and capabilities, understand the supply chain, inventory and sales channels, and ensure that the selected goods have competitive advantages and good reputation. At the same time, the price should be competitive to bring reasonable profits to businesses.

  3. Operation optimization: focus on the performance indicators of the store, such as transportation timeliness, refund rate, etc., and improve the operation level of the store by improving these indicators.

  4. Use the recommendation algorithm of Wish: push relevant products for users according to their shopping habits and preferences, and increase product exposure and sales volume.

In short, in order to succeed on the Wish cross-border e-commerce platform, businesses need to constantly improve store information, optimize product selection and pricing strategies, improve operation level, and actively use platform resources to promote products. At the same time, we should pay attention to the market dynamics and consumer demand, so as to adjust the business strategy in time and respond to market changes.

Answered on April 29, 2024
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