Who are the target users of Dunhuang?
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Who are the target users of Dunhuang?

Deputy Director Yu asked questions on April 29, 2024
seven thousand one hundred and eighty-two

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Tu Ya

The target users of Dunhuang Network mainly include the following categories:

  1. Small and medium-sized purchasers in Europe and America : Most of these purchasers are retailers and small wholesalers, focusing on foreign trade. They seek high-quality goods from China and purchase at a lower price. Dunhuang Network helps them find and buy the goods they need more conveniently by providing rich product information and trading services.

  2. Many small and medium-sized suppliers in China Dunhuang also provides a platform for Chinese suppliers to display and sell their products. Through Dunhuang. com, these suppliers can push their products to the global market, expand sales channels and improve brand awareness.

  3. "New WeChat business" with the demand for social flow realization : Such users may be content creators, online celebrities or KOLs. They have a certain amount of social traffic, but lack the complete ability of e-commerce or distribution. MyyShop can help them directly connect to the Chinese supply chain and provide one-stop services such as product selection, website building and marketing, so that they can easily realize flow realization.

In general, the target users of Dunhuang are those individuals or enterprises who have foreign trade needs, seek high-quality goods or hope to realize the realization of social flow. Dunhuang Network helps them achieve their business goals and promote the development of global trade by providing convenient online trading services.

Answered on April 29, 2024
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