Identification of high-tech enterprises

Focus on the application of government subsidy projects such as high-tech enterprise identification, expertise and novelty, intellectual property consulting services, talent identification, loan discount, national standards, and implementation of standards!

  •  Subsidy from Shenzhen Municipal Government
  •  Specialization, refinement and novelty
  •  Identification of high-tech enterprises
Service Items

 Digital transformation of enterprises

Puzzlement in application for high-tech enterprise accreditation

  • What should we do if we fail to meet the conditions for recognition and declaration of high-tech enterprises?
  • Which partner should I find to help me pass the high-tech certification at one time?
  • What kind of government support can we enjoy after passing the high-tech enterprise certification?
  • How to promote enterprise qualification and brand after obtaining high-tech certificate?

Free hotline: 400-000-5026 Click here to consult us

Dr. Kim helps you solve the problem easily

We have solved the problem for 12 years More than 1000 enterprises applied for the identification of high-tech enterprises as substandard;

We've helped for 12 years 968 of more than 1000 enterprises passed the high-tech enterprise certification at one time;

We have applied for 12 years More than 600 million yuan of special support funds for industries at all levels in Shenzhen;

We've known each other for 12 years Conditions, procedures and approval of application for hundreds of projects by government departments at all levels.

 Model of successful high-tech enterprise lineup

Construction of intellectual property system

Professional financial analysis guidance

Construction of modern tax exemption system

Special funds from dozens of government departments

Be familiar with hundreds of project applications

Nearly 700 million yuan was approved successfully

Loan services of major commercial banks

Financing of Qianhai Equity Trading Center

Senior accountants and lawyers provide listing consultation planning

Recommended site leasing for major industrial parks in Shenzhen

Recommendation for Incubator and High tech Industrial Park

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  • Funding for high-tech enterprise cultivation | Recognition conditions for high-tech enterprises  | Industrial design innovation | Enterprise technological transformation | Shenzhen High tech Zone Enterprise Cultivation Project | Shenzhen is specialized, refined and new | Entrepreneurship subsidies for overseas students | Identification of technologically advanced service enterprises
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