enterprise 🤖 AI agent building engine , intelligent orchestration and debugging, one click deployment, support for privatization deployment scheme advertisement
<br> [* * Click here to enter the official website of Sesame Customer Service * *]( https://xiaokefu.com.cn/?source=kanyun_t_mia ) <br> #Developer Mode User Guide ##Instructions 1. Access enterprises can obtain the corresponding information through the api provided by Sesame customer service official 2. This function supports H5, applet and public account ##Access settings ! []( https://img.kancloud.cn/67/a9/67a9876e5efc8564415666171b83892f_1025x616.png ) 1. The developer needs to log into the Sesame customer service background, click the developer option in the left menu bar to enter the setting page. ##Open API list 1. [Click View to obtain the access_token document]( https://www.kancloud.cn/wikizhima/wikixkf/1022130 ) ##Open function 1. After the developer mode is enabled, messages in the enterprise will be pushed to the developer's address (format is as follows, content is consistent with WeChat official): 2. After the developer server receives the pushed message, please return the success string within 5 seconds (like WeChat) 3. After receiving the message, the developer can dock the WeChat API to push the message to the user, [WeChat Message Document]( https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki?t=resource/res_main&id=mp1421140547 ) ```curl curl -i -k -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"ToUserName":"gh_18a68d4722658b","FromUserName":"oQV2m5M22tNYv9ynxoI6r63Fkovp5Q","CreateTime":"1565772633","MsgType":"text","Content":"\\u770b\\u770b","MsgId":"22416477347317962"}' http://test.applsssnk.cn/test ``` ##Applet push message format 1. Text ``` json { "ToUserName": "toUser", "FromUserName": "fromUser", "CreateTime": 1482048670, "MsgType": "text", "Content": "this is a test", "MsgId": 1234567890123456 } ``` 2. Pictures ``` json { "ToUserName": "toUser", "FromUserName": "fromUser", "CreateTime": 1482048670, "MsgType": "image", "PicUrl": "this is a url", "MediaId": "media_id", "MsgId": 1234567890123456 } ``` 3. Applet card ``` json { "ToUserName": "toUser", "FromUserName": "fromUser", "CreateTime": 1482048670, "MsgType": "miniprogrampage", "MsgId": 1234567890123456, "Title":"title", "AppId":"appid", "PagePath":"path", "ThumbUrl":"", "ThumbMediaId":"" } ``` 4. Enter the session event ``` json { "ToUserName": "toUser", "FromUserName": "fromUser", "CreateTime": 1482048670, "MsgType": "event", "Event": "user_enter_tempsession", "SessionFrom": "sessionFrom" } ``` <a href=" https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/customer-message/receive.html "Target=" _blank ">Click jump to view WeChat applet message format</a> </h> </h> <br> <br> <br> <br><br> [* * Click here to enter the official website of Sesame Customer Service * *]( https://xiaokefu.com.cn/?source=kanyun_b_mia ) If you have any questions and need to consult, you can scan the QR code below: </h> ! []( https://img.kancloud.cn/04/a1/04a1fd65b5f5cfbc32ad431a32fabd2a_200x199.png ) </h> </h>