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WDCP panel supports IPV6 tutorial

Wdcp is the abbreviation of WDlinux Control Panel. It is a Linux server management system and virtual host management system with a large number of users. It is also a very old panel.

Now many hosts begin to have IPV6 addresses, but many with the wdcp panel will not be set.

In fact, this is very simple.

The premise is that of course your server has an ipv6 IP address, and then add AAAA to the domain name to record the ipv6 address.

Build a website in the background of wdcp, assuming the domain name is



listen 80;

Change to

listen 80;

listen [::]:80;

If https is enabled

Just put it

listen 443;

Also changed to

listen 443;

listen [::]:443;

Restart the server and fix it.