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Zblog theme FinchUI blog version Starland Studio

  • Zblog topic
  • 2023-05-25 10:51:45
  • two hundred and twenty-two
 FinchUI Blog
  • apply name FinchUI Blog
  • App ID fui_blog
  • Application Author Xinglan Studio
  • system requirements Z-BlogPHP 1.7.2 Tenet
  • PHP version 5.4 and higher

Application Introduction

FinchUI series can't be without blog theme! This is the first blog theme of FinchUI series!

Responsive theme, which supports computer, tablet and mobile access.

With it, you can quickly build a blog type website, not only a blog, but also an IT technology information website, new media news website

Demo Site

Experience the backstage

Update log

Theme highlights

1. The column, tag, search and author pages all support four sorting methods: latest, click, like and comment. Each sorting method also supports ascending and descending.

2. The content protection provided by the theme can disable F12, disable the right-click menu, disable copying, disable selection and prevent article collection (simple strategy). You don't want your hard work articles to be easily "reprinted" by others!

3. The theme comes with its own icon library, with 1182 rounded icons to choose from. You can set small icons for the navigation bar and website classification.

4. Articles support likes. The likes function has an initial value that you can set freely.

5. The article can set the global reprint statement or specify the article to set the reprint or original statement separately.

Other functions invite you to experience our website backstage, or see the topic introduction below!


Links (hyperdetailed)

Picture (super detailed)

 FinchUI Blog Version 1