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Zblog topic Nice resources download Kefeng

 Nice resource download
  • apply name Nice resource download
  • App ID Nice
  • Application Author Windy net
  • system requirements Z-BlogPHP 1.6.0 Valyria
  • PHP version 7.0 and higher

Application Introduction

major function

Social login: QQ login, WeChat login, Weibo login, QQ login (authentication free)

Collection function: Alipay signing payment (face-to-face payment, computer website payment, mobile website payment), WeChat payment (h5 payment - arouse WeChat, QR code payment), Code payment (personal collection, direct receipt), Tiger skin pepper (Personal payment interface), Cool cat payment (No authentication is required, and automatic withdrawal is made the next day)

VIP/SVIP function: free or specified discount can be set to purchase goods, and whether some articles are free can be set separately

No login purchase: users can purchase without registering a login account

Website promotion commission rebate: different commission rates can be set for ordinary users, VIPs and SVIPs respectively, and promotion users can get commission when they buy goods. You can set different commission rates for users separately

The theme has its own user center, including Official demonstration station All functions, No support from LayCenter is required! No support from LayCenter is required! No support from LayCenter is required!

Demo station

Official demonstration station:

Empire Template:

Mo'o Bar:


Wuliu Resource Station:

Configuration screenshot

 Nice resource download page 1

Secondary navigation code

<li class=menu item has children><a href="#">Second level navigation</a><ul><li><a href=“ ">Archiving</a></li><li><a href=" ">Label Cloud</a></li><li><a href=" ">Themes</a></li></ul></li>

Home screenshot

 Nice resource download page 2

Hide paid content

 Nice resource download page 3

Demo address:

(S) VIP exclusive content

 Nice resource download page 4

Demo address:

Login Visible

 Nice resource download page 5

Demo address:

Comments visible

 Nice resource download page 6

Demo address:

Body Hidden Content

 Nice resource download page 7

Sidebar attachment download

Before purchase

 Nice resource download page 8

After purchase

 Nice resource download page 9

Demo address:


conventional arrangement

 Nice resource download page 10

Home page configuration

 Nice resource download page 11

Login Registration

 Nice resource download page 12

Article Configuration

 Nice resource download page 13

Article List

 Nice resource download page 14

Payment Configuration

 Nice resource download page 15

Promotion configuration

 Nice resource download page 16

Other configurations

 Nice resource download page 17

Advertising configuration

 Nice resource download page 18

Backup recovery

 Nice resource download page 19

Theme update

 Nice resource download page 20

Content management

user management

 Nice resource download page 21

Order management

 Nice resource download page 22

Withdrawal management

 Nice resource download page 23

Commission details

 Nice resource download page 24


 Nice resource download page 25

Download record (newly added in 1.40.0)

 Nice resource download page 26

Update log

v3.1.2 2022-06-18 09:08

[Optimization] Thumbnails can be used optionally ZBLOG The built-in clipping program (Topic Configuration - Other Configuration - Thumbnail Clipping) [Optimization] removes multiple h1s from the home page, and only retains the h1 of the latest article [Optimization] User editing can see the user's registered IP address

v3.1.1 2022-06-12 09:44

[Repair] When the tiger skin pepper payment configuration is wrong, the error message cannot be displayed correctly

v3.1 2022-05-08 21:12

[Optimization] When "VIP exclusive" or "SVIP exclusive" is configured and the article price is 0, only the corresponding VIP users can download or view the problem that the QR code cannot be displayed in the [Fix] withdrawal management [Fix] When the latest article list on the home page is not displayed, the top/bottom of the home page list Advertising space Problems not displayed

v3.0.1 2022-04-07 09:36

[Add] Tiger Pepper Payment can set the payment gateway domain name [Fix] The content generated by the article poster may contain hidden content

v3.0 2022-04-04 21:49

[Add] VIP exchange coupon (the same as coupon, if the coupon amount is greater than or equal to the amount required for vip activation, the voucher will be automatically exempted) [Add] Configurable temporary link for attachment download (anyone with attachment download link can download the file) [Payment/payment article configuration] - [Temporary link for attachment] [Add] Log in to view free content (visitors must log in to view/download free (price is 0) content) [Pay/pay article configuration] - [Log in to view free content] [Optimize] When the paid content of the article is free, the list and module content will not display the word "free" [Fix] Search for the problem that the purchase account displayed by the user is "visitor" in the order [Fix] The problem that error messages may not be displayed correctly in some cases [Fix] The problem that article posters fail to generate

v2.9.6 2022-03-05 14:18

[Add] When opening a VIP, you can select Kumao's QQ payment [optimization] tag cloud page, which can be configured for paging (you can set the number of displays per page after selecting a tag cloud template for a new page) [Fix] Some hosts cannot display payment QR codes

v2.9.5 2022-03-05 10:38

[Add] When opening a VIP, you can select Kumao's QQ payment [optimization] tag cloud page, which can be configured for paging (you can set the number of displays per page after selecting a tag cloud template for a new page) [Fix] Some hosts cannot display payment QR codes

v2.9.4 2022-02-15 15:53

[Add] The "Expand" button can be set on the list page: automatically, always automatically expand, manually click to expand [Article List]

v2.9.3 2022-02-15 14:48

[Add] The list page can be set to automatically expand "More" [Article List]

v2.9.2 2022-01-12 10:10

[Repair] Configuration classification SEO [Fix] In some cases, an error is reported when the article page is opened (the error content prompted includes/zb_users/theme/Ice/style/img/imgload. svg)

v2.9.1 2022-01-09 16:19

[Optimize] The default thumbnail can be configured as multiple random [Article List] - [Default Thumbnail] [Optimize] Thumbnail cutting can turn off [Article List] - [Thumbnail cutting] [Optimize] The number of articles classified on the top of the home page will include the number of subcategory articles (version above zblog1.7 is required)

v2.9 2021-12-11 10:11

[Optimization] Classification page classification and label filtering. After the selected page is loaded, automatically expand [Add] "Level Classification Name", and modify the first level classification, second level classification, and third level classification in the classification page [Article List] - [Level Classification Name] [Add] navigation bar search function

v2.8.3 2021-11-20 15:30

[Fix] Problem with article list style

v2.8.2 2021-11-14 21:56

[Fix] and the problem that LayCenter does not display the card secret sales content [Add] Configurable thumbnails are square [Article list] - [Square thumbnails] [Add] and LayCenter can configure the article payment content when using LayCenter style [Other configurations]

v2.8.1 2021-09-16 23:06

[Fix] The security problem of attachment download

v2.8.0 2021-09-10 09:24

[Fix] Button style problem

v2.7.9 2021-09-09 22:46

[Fix] The "0 point sales method" configured with LayCenter is invalid

v2.7.8 2021-08-11 14:32

[Optimization] At the bottom of the service description, you can set whether to hide the top of the [New] list page. Add the words "[Top]" at the beginning of the article title

v2.7.7 2021-08-06 16:54

[Fix] After closing the theme SEO function, the new window opens and the article configuration fails

v2.7.6 2021-08-06 14:59

[Add] Download record can be cleared [Download record] [Add] When switching themes, all relevant data of the theme can be cleared [Theme configuration] - [Other configuration]

v2.7.5 2021-07-16 15:13

[New] If "Tencent Graphic Verification" is not enabled, ordinary graphic verification code will be used for login, registration and automatic login

v2.7.4 2021-07-10 14:02

[Adaptation] Add Hupi Pepper WeChat H5 payment parameters, please add website domain name and store name in the theme configuration of Hupi Pepper

v2.7.3 2021-07-07 14:37

[Adaptation] No login purchase for LayCenter

v2.7.2 2021-07-06 19:52

[Adaptation] No login purchase for LayCenter

v2.7.1 2021-06-30 19:49

[Fix] The problem that "click to open VIP" does not respond when not logged in (the login window should pop up) [Fix] The problem that hidden text is directly exposed in some cases

v2.7 2021-06-23 19:45

[Fix] The problem that new users cannot automatically register for social login under zb1.7 [Add] QQ Internet (QQ login) is exempt from authentication

v2.6 2021-06-21 15:09

[Repair] Save personal information unfiltered html code [Add] Add the "Click to activate" button next to the VIP discount or free information prompt in the sales area

v2.5.3 2021-06-19 08:27

[Fix] Some switches for publishing old articles under LayCenter4.0 are turned on by default

v2.5.2 2021-06-18 13:45

[Repair] Article publishing and editing links under LayCenter4.0

v2.5.1 2021-06-18 13:20

[Repair] Article publishing and editing links under LayCenter4.0

v2.5 2021-06-17 17:39

Compatible with LayCenter4.0

v2.4.3 2021-05-03 08:11

[Fix] The extracted code cannot be automatically copied

v2.4.2 2021-04-25 14:07

[Fix] The problem of not displaying the homepage site data configuration with LayCenter

v2.4.1 2021-04-24 10:47

[Optimization] The vip introduction guide page can modify the code in the body of the editing article

v2.4 2021-04-23 16:23

[Integration] extension - site information statistics, vip introduction guide page [Topic Configuration] - [Other Configuration], after the update, the template file is automatically updated, and the extension is disabled.

v2.3 2021-04-20 18:14

[New] Cool cat payment

v2.2 2021-04-19 15:21

[New] Tiger skin pepper payment

v2.1.1 2021-04-16 18:33

[Optimization] Uploading does not depend on the UE editor. The editor can be used at will. In addition to the UE editor, TinyMCE editor can also be used. On zb1.6, only the UE editor will display the Insert Hidden Content icon

v2.1 2021-04-16 18:15

[Optimization] Uploading does not depend on the UE editor. The editor can be used at will. In addition to the UE editor, TinyMCE editor can also be used. On zb1.6, only the UE editor will display the Insert Hidden Content icon

v2.0.2 2021-04-13 12:31

[Fix] Some mobile WeChat payment prompt orders do not exist

v2.0.1 2021-04-12 22:02

[Fix] Some mobile WeChat payment prompt orders do not exist

v1.80 2021-02-17 13:44

[Adaptation] zblog1.7 [Optimization] Configurable [Whether to display "classified display" articles in the area under the "latest articles" from the second page of the home page list] (not displayed by default) [Optimization] VIP/SVIP paid content exclusivity Click "Activate" when not logged in to pop up the login window

v1.70 2021-02-04 21:54

[Add] Exclusive VIP/SVIP paid content (only VIP or SVIP can purchase article content) [Topic Configuration] - [Payment Configuration] - [Exclusive Paid Content]

v1.60.1 2021-01-07 09:45

[Optimization] Theme color matching for logo background in mobile side navigation bar

v1.60 2020-12-29 19:03

[New] Option "Enable theme SEO function" (enabled by default)

v1.6 2020-12-29 11:36

[New] Option "Enable theme SEO function" (enabled by default)

v1.50.8 2020-12-10 13:30

[New] The sidebar of article page can be 6-9

v1.50.7 2020-10-22 17:56

[Optimization] Display "View more XXXX" under the classification content of the home page [Optimization] Add a search box [Optimization] template "Related content" and "Popular content" in the category navigation of the classification page. You can modify the module title [Optimization] Article pictures Delay loading Display loading pictures

v1.50.6 2020-09-20 13:09

[Fix] Some problems

v1.50.5 2020-09-19 10:30

[Beautify] The style of paid content after being visible

v1.50.4 2020-09-18 09:24

[Adaptation] With LayCenter, you can limit the free viewing times of paid text vip

v1.50.3 2020-08-22 20:03

[Add] You can select to enable "Jump to the home page of the original login address". The default is to enable the [Login Registration] configuration

v1.50.2 2020-08-15 11:54

Fits LayCenter 3.0

v1.50.1 2020-08-14 16:24

Fits LayCenter 3.0

v1.50.0 2020-08-07 19:51

[Optimization] Each category can be individually configured to enable "Article Atlas". By default, the theme configuration [optimization] order management can be called to filter orders by common time range. "Total Order Amount on This Page" is added at the bottom of the order list

v1.40.6 2020-06-29 19:06

[Add] The default article list on the home page can be set not to display [Theme Configuration] - [Homepage Configuration] - [Latest Article] [Repair] In some cases, after the article is set to "VIP Original Price", the list badge also displays the problem of "VIP Free" [Modify] The theme configuration entry name is changed from "Nice" to "Theme Configuration"

v1.40.5 2020-06-16 11:03

[Optimization] Navigation bar supports the "Link Module Management" plug-in

v1.40.4 2020-06-15 10:33

[Fix] Firefox can't click to forget the password

v1.40.3 2020-06-13 21:13

[Fix] The problem that the first picture cannot be obtained correctly in the article [Fix] The problem that the number of downloads is limited

v1.40.2 2020-06-12 19:21

[Repair] Tourists use IP to filter download times instead of user IDs

v1.40.1 2020-06-12 18:07

[Repair] The article atlas is adapted to the mobile terminal

v1.40.0 2020-06-11 21:12

[Add] The summary can be displayed in the real-time search results on the home page [Add] The administrator logs in to the navigation bar and displays the publish article button [Add] Download times limit [Topic configuration] - [Article configuration] - [Download times limit] [Add] The article source and original description can be added at the bottom of the article [Topic configuration] - [Article configuration] - [Bottom article copyright description] [Add] After the article is enabled, the picture light box (and the picture is delayed to load) [Add] The article album atlas [Theme Configuration] - [Article Configuration] - [Enable the article atlas] [Add] Mailbox authenticity verification [Add] Comments can be set to comment only after login or only after mailbox verification [Theme Configuration] - [Other Configuration] - [Comment Permission] [Add] The payment order supports user-defined title [Subject Configuration] - [Payment Configuration] - [Order Title] [Add] Comment Email Reminder [Subject Configuration] - [Other Configuration] - [Comment Email Reminder] [Optimization] In order management, you can search [Optimization] by IP. The back-end error report does not display the directory where the website is located. [Delete] Remove the "Debugging Mode" option

v1.32.1 2020-05-19 11:04

[Repair] Stepped on several blue chickens [Add] The hidden content of the article can be set to "VIP/SVIP visible", "SVIP visible" [Add] The list of article management pages increases the display of "sales price", "access rights", and "sold" data [Add] The article can be opened to "pro test". After opening, there is a pro test chapter in the upper right corner of the article body [Optimize] The article page crumbs navigation moves to the top of the body

v1.32 2020-04-22 23:13

[Repair] Stepped on several blue chickens [Add] The hidden content of the article can be set to "VIP/SVIP visible", "SVIP visible" [Add] The list of article management pages increases the display of "sales price", "access rights", and "sold" data [Add] The article can be opened to "pro test". After opening, there is a pro test chapter in the upper right corner of the article body [Optimize] The article page crumbs navigation moves to the top of the body

v1.31 2020-04-02 14:43

[Fix] The problem that a duplicate registered user name can still be registered [Add] The "Keep Login" option on the login interface

v1.30 2020-04-02 13:32

[Fix] Incorrect display of commission proportion on user promotion commission page [Fix] Some page links plus/on 404 issue [Optimize] article release page, cancel the right page scroll to follow [Optimize] Tencent waterproof wall new switch (before it was judged whether to fill in the APPID, please manually turn it on after updating) [Optimize] When the user was disabled from promotion, Displayed as "disabled" instead of "0%" in the user management list

v1.3 2020-04-02 13:10

[Fix] Incorrect display of commission proportion on user promotion commission page [Fix] Some page links plus/on 404 issue [Optimize] article release page, cancel the right page scroll to follow [Optimize] Tencent waterproof wall new switch (before it was judged whether to fill in the APPID, please manually turn it on after updating) [Optimize] When the user was disabled from promotion, Displayed as "disabled" instead of "0%" in the user management list

v1.29 2020-03-28 14:06

Fix the problem that the user page's own avatar is not displayed due to a green chicken caused by the update of the previous version

v1.28 2020-03-27 13:56

Be compatible with the latest version of the 1.6 system search engine. When spiders crawl pages, list images do not use delayed loading

v1.27 2020-02-24 12:06

You can set the pagination seo title plus pagination logo or add meta tag content in the code noindex, follow [topic configuration] - [article list] - [pagination seo] to remove the friendship links on the first page other than the first page

v1.26 2020-02-21 15:00

You can set the top articles on the home page [Topic Configuration] - [Home Configuration] - [Top Articles] You can set the label name to add to the article seo keywords [Topic Configuration] - [Article Configuration]

v1.25 2020-02-18 17:18

Fixed the problem that some article abstracts in the article list did not remove styles

v1.24 2020-02-12 17:31

Fix the wrong display of VIP user logo in the comment list

v1.23 2020-02-12 17:24

Fix the wrong display of VIP user logo in the comment list

v1.22 2020-02-12 17:02

Fix the wrong display of VIP user logo in the comment list

v1.21 2020-02-12 12:08

When the mobile terminal of the latest payment gateway uses Alipay to pay in person, click the QR code to call up the problem that the VIP user logo in the APP payment repair comment list displays an error

v1.2 2020-02-06 12:33

The VIP free ID of the article list is fixed. In some cases, it displays abnormal problems. It adapts to the independent download page of the laycenter

v1.19 2020-02-03 11:15

When it is not possible to directly obtain the pictures outside the station to generate thumbnails, the pictures will be temporarily downloaded to the local to generate thumbnails

v1.18 2020-01-28 17:58

Fix some bugs

v1.17 2019-12-21 17:08

The valid time of VIP/SVIP can be set. [Topic Configuration] - [Payment Configuration] - [VIP Recharging Configuration] The article can separately configure whether VIP/VIP and SVIP are sold at the original price

v1.16 2019-12-15 11:30

Fix the problem that the cms list on the home page will not be displayed if it exceeds 8 serial numbers

v1.15 2019-12-13 14:31

When using LayCenter, the article list can display VIP free information

v1.14 2019-12-09 19:05

Remove a wonderful style

v1.13 2019-11-29 14:55

Fix search and other plug-in compatibility issues

v1.12 2019-11-28 14:02

Slide up the page to display the newly added "popularity" sorting in the navigation list. If no thumbnail is set for other sorting names, the background image at the top of the list will display the articles in the "bottom service introduction base map" article list. If there is no label, you can set the label to display the "unlabeled" [article list] thematic setting, Change to enter the label name (the new function in the previous version is the set label ID, which needs to be changed after the update) Change the search page filter box label to "popular label" label Article list Filter box label list to "latest label" More style adjustments

v1.11 2019-11-26 21:49

The topic can add labels. The classification page supports three-level classification. When the website has more than 100 labels, the label list above the label article list will display the "View All Labels" button at the end

v1.1 2019-11-25 21:50

When cooperating with LayCenter, the paid content in the article can display the login free purchase button. You need to enable and update the login free purchase plug-in to the latest version of the search page to filter only search titles or only search content

v1.09 2019-11-23 22:45

You can set up the upper and lower articles to limit the articles of the same category. The [Article Configuration] category page can display sub categories to fix the problem of abnormal page turning after sorting on the search page

v1.08 2019-11-23 16:54

Fix the problem that out of station pictures cannot generate thumbnails

v1.07 2019-11-23 14:27

Solve a problem of js error when using LayCenter

v1.06 2019-11-22 20:37

If you add a payment method whose VIP coupon function is not enabled, the foreground will not display it

v1.05 2019-11-22 16:10

Fix 2 bugs

v1.04 2019-11-20 23:04

Classification page pseudo static question Search page page turning question The article header displays seo introduction as summary

v1.03 2019-11-19 12:56

Fix problem with article page edit button

v1.02 2019-11-17 22:21

Add new friendship links, optimize some styles, add "popular articles" module, [theme management - re enable Nice theme]

v1.01 2019-11-17 16:38

Add custom css function [Other configuration] to set the problem above the search box on the home page [Home configuration] to set the access introduction at the bottom of the home page whether to open the classification page Classification navigation can be set to specify the classification to fix some problems in the laycenter