Various cloud products meet all needs of the cloud

We lead product research and development based on users' needs, and provide rich, safe, easy to use and flexible cloud products

  • ECS

    High performance enterprise class ECS

    Safe, reliable, flexible, pay as you go

    Low to sixty RMB/month

    View details

  • Stand alone server

    Gigabit optical fiber access

    Independent IP, exclusive bandwidth, and dedicated maintenance

    Low to six hundred and fifty RMB/month

    View details

  • Cloud virtual host

    High cost performance all-around Cloud virtual host

    Excellent performance, exclusive isolation, safety and reliability

    Low to eighteen RMB/month

    Coming soon

Enterprise level website solution

The website solution enables enterprises and developers to realize flexible and automated infrastructure construction, pay as you go service mode and zero cost operation and maintenance IT service system. Transform the traditional IDC data center into a highly simplified, standardized, automated and flexible cloud data center. It makes the IT support system of enterprises and developers transform from a "cost center" to an engine to promote the continuous development of enterprise core business.

Across the world, the continuously expanding data center makes the cross domain experience more smooth

Whether it is Los Angeles in the United States or Tokyo in Japan, it has seamless global coverage, providing CN2 high-speed network and BGP access support


East America


Hong Kong



Why choose Jingwen Internet?

Speed guarantee
200G bandwidth BGP access
Direct interconnection backbone network
Raid10 helps data security
Remote backup to prevent physical damage
Service system
Senior technical customer service
Continuous service support
Senior operation and maintenance
8-year senior IDC operation and maintenance room
Escort your website
Customer witness
Serve more than tens of thousands of customers
And large enterprise users
Convenient and fast
CPU, Memory, bandwidth
It can be upgraded at any time and selected arbitrarily

Jingwen Latest Cloud Dynamics

Provide you with the latest industry information, event announcements, product announcements, and gather the latest and most popular cloud computing technologies

Win win hand in hand and build cloud ecosystem with global partners

Realize in-depth cooperation with Jingwen Internet, create new business, acquire technology and resources, and achieve faster growth
