The method of modifying the background color and font color at the top of the page in the firefly applet store

Modify the background color and font color at the top of personal center page

Modify page configuration file

Modify the front personal center page configuration file. The file path is pages/user/index.json. NavigationBarTitleText is the top title, and navigationBarBackgroundColor is Top background color , navigationBarTextStyle is Top Font Color Note that the value of the top font color can only be "write" or "black". Change to the color you like as needed.

 { "NavigationBarTitleText": "Personal Center", "navigationBarBackgroundColor":"#ffdd00", "navigationBarTextStyle": "black" }

Modify Page Style File

Modify the front page style file. The file path is pages/user/index.wxss. The background color item is the background color, which can be modified as needed. If you want to modify the text color, you can add the color item.

 .user-header { display: flex; padding-top: 1px; width: 100%; height: 310rpx; align-content: center; background-color: #fd0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center right; background-size: auto 100%; }

Modify the top background color and font color of all classified pages

Modify the front page configuration file, the file path is pages/category/index.json. Open the file and add two lines of code: "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "# ffdd00" and "navigationBarTextStyle": "black". Modify the color according to your needs.

 { "NavigationBarTitleText": "All Categories", "navigationBarBackgroundColor":"#ffdd00", "navigationBarTextStyle": "black" }

Modify the background color and font color at the top of the shopping cart page

Modify the front page configuration file, the file path is pages/flow/index.json. Open the file and add two lines of code: "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "# ffdd00" and "navigationBarTextStyle": "black". Modify the color according to your needs.

 { "NavigationBarTitleText": "Shopping Cart", "navigationBarBackgroundColor":"#ffdd00", "navigationBarTextStyle": "black" }

It can be found from the above modifications that the title, background color and font color of the top of the page defined separately are all modified in the configuration file. The configuration file at the front end of the applet is the suffix of json, and the style file at the front end of the page is the suffix of wxss.

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