Jiangsu government service
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Identification of New Wall Materials in Jiangsu Province Qualification certification of inspection and testing institutions Evaluation and recognition of famous brands in Jiangsu Cultivation and recognition of "specialized, special and new" products Provincial University Science Park Identification Recognition of provincial science and technology business incubator Identification of high-tech enterprises Identification of provincial new industrial demonstration base It is related to the enterprises where the national and provincial newly recognized enterprise technology centers are located and the technological progress at or above the provincial level in the field of industrial informatization Identification of provincial leading producer service enterprises Identification of Protected Traditional Arts and Crafts in Jiangsu Province Affirmation of charitable organizations Recognition of tax exemption qualification of non-profit organizations Identify the construction drawing review organization Qualification recognition of water transport engineering supervision enterprises Determination of fuel consumption of road transport vehicles Highway engineering comprehensive class A, B, C and special class, water transport engineering materials class A, B, C, water transport engineering structure class A Qualification certification of water conservancy project quality testing unit (Class B) Announcement of qualification accreditation (Grade B) results of water conservancy project quality testing units Qualification of grass seed and edible fungus seed quality inspection agency Accreditation of crop seed quality inspection institutions Take the lead in organizing the review and confirmation of the tax exemption and refund qualification of the equipment purchased by the foreign-funded R&D center Qualification recognition of units for restoration, reproduction and rubbing of cultural relics in the collection Qualification recognition of tourism planning units Personal dose monitoring, radiation protection equipment and radioactive products detection, medical institutions radioactive hazard assessment and other technical service machines Identification by autopsy institution Qualification of foreign-related statistical investigation institutions Qualification certification of the unit that lifts and releases unmanned free balloons and tethered balloons Qualification determination of practitioners of drug retail enterprises dealing in Class B OTC drugs Grade B qualification accreditation of designated units producing, duplicating, repairing and destroying state secret carriers Identification of comprehensive review organization of construction drawings Information query on capacity determination of social radiation environment testing institutions (legal person)