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How to write 10 templates for lawsuit
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In order to protect our rights and interests from being infringed in our daily life and work, we have to solve the problems that need to be solved by law. The following is a brief summary of your complaint, which I hope will be useful to you.

How to write a template for a lawsuit 1

The plaintiff in the incidental civil action: [name, gender, date of birth, nationality, native place, educational level, occupation or work unit, post address, etc.]

Legal representative: [Name, gender and other identity matters and relationship with the plaintiff in the incidental civil action]

Entrusted agent: [name, gender, work unit, address, etc.; if a lawyer, name, work unit, and position]

Defendant in incidental civil action: [name, gender, date of birth (or write age), nationality, native place, educational level, occupation or work unit, position, address, etc.]


Facts and reasons:

Name and address of witness, name and source of other evidence:


X X People's Court

The plaintiff in the incidental civil action: (signature and seal)


Attachment: x x copies of this statement.

[Scope of Application]

This document is suitable for victims or legal representatives and close relatives in criminal public prosecution cases to directly file an incidental civil action with the people's court after the people's procuratorate has initiated a criminal action against the defendant and before the judgment of the first instance is pronounced, to request the defendant to compensate for the material losses caused to the victim due to his criminal behavior.

Plaintiff of the incidental civil action: Kang XX, X, XX years old, worker of x x flour factory in x x city, living at No. 20, x x Road, x x District, a city.

Legal representative: Kang XX, male, XX years old, retired cadre of the Bureau of Retired Cadres of x x x x x city, x x province, with the address above, is the father of the plaintiff.

Defendant in the incidental civil action: Yang XX, male, 29 years old, a flour mill worker, living in the dormitory of the factory.

Claim: The defendant was ordered to compensate the plaintiff for 52626.11 yuan of medical expenses and other economic losses caused by his criminal act.

Facts and reasons:

I worked in the same unit as the defendant. At 11:00 a.m. on the xx day of xxxx, I was sitting on the windowsill of the workshop to have a rest. The defendant took a small bucket containing thinner from the outside workshop and put it in front of me. He said that he wanted to brush the bucket and take it home to fish. I said to the defendant out of kindness, "Let me burn the bucket for you."

Then a match was drawn and put in the bucket, and the thinner in the bucket began to burn. I immediately jumped off the window sill. At that time, the defendant saw his bucket on fire, and angrily threw the thinner in the bucket on me. Suddenly, I was on fire all over, and the pain was unbearable. Fortunately, the colleagues on the scene saved me from further injury.

After the burn, I went to a hospital of the PLA and a hospital affiliated to a medical college for treatment. A total of 18315.76 yuan of medical expenses were spent. The plaintiff's loss of A-T resources was 245 yuan per month, and the monthly sick leave was only 76.20 yuan. So far, 13 months have totaled 2194.40 yuan. The patient nutrition fee (13 months) was 20xx yuan. The patient care fee (3 people, 40 days) was 10 yuan per day for the plaintiff's father, mother, and brother based on ordinary temporary workers, 1200 yuan in total.

Other expenses: 264 yuan for nursing staff accommodation, 330 yuan for escorting patients, 9 people for escorting patients, doctors and drivers, 85 yuan for entertainment, 40 yuan for copying and photographing, 152.10 yuan for returning and returning nurses, and 44.55 yuan for telephone calls.

On September 10, 20xx, according to the judicial technical appraisal of the city's public security bureau, the function of wrist and finger joints was seriously impaired after the radial nerve was burned, with more than 50% of the function lost and 40% of the whole body burned. The final conclusion was that it was serious injury.

The defendant has been prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of x x City according to law.

According to the provisions of Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the plaintiff filed an incidental civil action according to law, demanding the defendant to compensate for the economic losses caused to the plaintiff due to his criminal acts, and to bear the disability subsidy of 24000 yuan and cosmetic surgery fee of 500 yuan for my disability caused by injury, which totaled 53626.1l yuan, less 1000 yuan paid by the defendant, The plaintiff shall bear 52626.11 yuan.

Evidence and evidence source:

1. One copy of judicial technical appraisal certificate issued by the public security bureau of a city;

2. 93 medical bills;

3. 48 tickets to the hospital.


X x Municipal People's Court

Plaintiff of incidental civil action: Kang (signature and seal)


Attachment: 1 copy of this petition.

On the evening of xx, xxxx, the defendant Wang Shouman and the victim Mao Yuanshu stopped to kill the victim because of a dispute, and then beat the victim with a murder weapon.

Without the death of the victim, the defendant cruelly strangled the victim with ropes and dragged the victim outside the house with ropes to throw the victim's body into the mountains, which was found by the masses three days after the incident.

How to write a template for a lawsuit 2

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