Economics of Milk Cola 4 by Robert Frank

 Download Robert Frank's e-book of Milk Coke Economics 4

Author: Robert H. Frank
Press: Zhanlu Culture/Zhejiang People's Publishing House
Produced by: Zhanlu Culture
Subtitle: Take you to the novel and interesting economics Classroom
Original name: The Darwin Economy
Translator: Wang Kun, Feng Xu, Xian, Kang Xixin
Publication year: April 2020
Page: 268
Price: 69.90
Binding: paperback
ISBN: 9787213094842

content validity

● Why can't parents choose their children's school time freely? Why can't the law prohibit your neighbor from playing the piano at night? Who should wait a little longer when the flight is overbooked? Why don't antlers evolve as big as possible? Why didn't the enterprises implementing employee autonomy prosper? Why is wearing more expensive suits more likely to succeed in an interview? Super best-selling book Milk Coke economics 》Continuation, completely change your right economics Our traditional cognition! ● Creatively take you from Darwin's perspective Economics , break through regret free irrationality! You know what? Meaningful behavior to specific individuals may damage the whole society, and we need a new perspective to understand Economics How does competition work? Break all kinds of myths about competition!

About the author

Yang Wenli has received 20 years of EQ training, 10 o'clock reading app, and 8 years of special research on EQ and happiness. She is a female EQ expert and has tutored 200000 students. She graduated from Peking University. He has the national copyright course of "5A Optimistic Thinking Training Law" and is the designer of "Entrepreneur's Wife Specialized Course" of Taiwan Jianfeng Enterprise Management Group. He also serves as an off campus tutor of Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Normal University, China University of Political Science and Law and other business schools. The public account "Scholarly Women's Heart" was founded to help Chinese women master the skills to find inner peace and the wisdom to feel happy.

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