Good Economics Abijit Banerjee

 Good Economics Abijit Banerjee e-book download

Author: [US] Abijit Banerjee
Esther Duflo
Press: CITIC Publishing Group
Subtitle: Action Plan for Solving Global Development Problems
Original name: GoodEconomicsforHardTimes
Zhang Yuan
Jiang Zongqiang
Publication year: April 1, 2020
Page: 440
Price: 68.00 yuan
Binding: hardcover

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Why emigrate to Economics Does it not follow the law of supply and demand? Why does trade lead to higher unemployment and lower wages? Who has really explained the reasons and timing of growth? From New Delhi to Dakar, from Paris to Washington, D.C., immigration, income gap, globalization dilemma, technological disruption Economics Slow growth, accelerated climate change and other issues can be seen everywhere. How to properly handle these issues may be the core challenge of our times. We already have the resources to deal with these challenges, but we lack the ideas that can help us bridge differences and rebuild mutual trust economics In this revolutionary book, the 2019 Nobel Prize economics Benedict and Duflo, the winners of the award and famous economists of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, faced the above challenges directly, explained the cutting-edge research achievements in the field of economics in a clear and elegant way, put forward many innovative and enlightening solutions, and explained what wise actions we should take with convincing reasons to deal with the urgent challenges of economic growth, migration, poverty and so on.

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