Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

 Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens e-book download

Press: Shanghai Translation Publishing House; Version 1 (December 13, 2012)
Publication date: August 1, 2010
Language: Simplified Chinese

Content introduction:

The beauty of an editor's recommender does not lie in his nature, but in the dirty world and the inextricable fate, he still does not forget his soul. Editor's recommendation ★ The early representative work of British writer Charles Dickens ★ The growth history of orphans in a world of poverty and crime ★ In the dirty world and an inextricable fate, don't forget your soul content Introduction to Oliver? Tuesta was bullied by the poor when he was a child. After escaping to London, he was unfortunately trapped in a thieves' den. The world around him is like a machine running crazily, but little Oliver tries to stick to the purity and nobility in his heart. This persistence finally helped him and others to come to light: Mr. Brownlow, Mrs. Merrie and others reached out in time to help; At the same time, Oliver's strange life experience was gradually revealed. While revealing the social ills in depth, the novel also leaves a series of vivid characters in English literature, which has been loved by readers for more than 100 years.

About the author:

The author introduces Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. Dickens' works are mostly based on events related to his own personal experience or what he saw and heard. In his book, he exposed the appalling life system of the almshouse and revealed the terrible secrets of the bottom of British society. Dickens described a lot of dark social reality in his works, placed deep feelings on the civilian class, and mercilessly criticized the social system at that time. He has made outstanding achievements in the realistic description of novels and the individualization of characters. He became a writer with the largest number of characters in his works after Shakespeare. His main works include Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield and Great Expectations. Readers recommend that human beings are always just human beings. The good side is exuberant, while the bad side is reasonable. Just like a pond, beautiful lotus flowers and lotus leaves shine in the sun, but they grow in turbid water and rotten sludge—— This work of Cyritus (douban reader) delicately depicts and profoundly reveals the goodness, love, kindness, evil, fraud, jealousy, hatred and many other aspects of human nature and their contradictions. The flower of good and the flower of evil are blooming together in the wonderful flower of human nature, so that readers can understand the various forms of life, at the same time, clarify their minds, and strive to make their own lives bloom with the flower of good—— Dai Wenkai (douban reader)

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