Born to Run Christopher? McDougall

 Born to Run Christopher? McDougall e-book download

Press: Nanhai Publishing Company; First edition (January 22, 2014)
Publication date: August 1, 2012
Language: Simplified Chinese

Content introduction:

Forbes and Washington Post Books of the Year; New York Times bestseller list No.4, Boston Globe bestseller list No.1. A classic masterpiece that makes you love running and know how to run. Every morning, the antelope knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion; The lion knows that it must run faster than the slowest antelope. Whether it is a lion or an antelope, when the sun rises, they must start running. All other mammals on the earth are running freely. Is human being the only exception? In Mexico's Copper Canyon, the strongest long-distance running ethnic group in history, the Taraumala people, live in seclusion. They survived because their parents ran faster than deer, and their parents survived because their grandfather ran faster than the Apache horses. They never know how fast and how long they have to run in pursuit of their prey. Only by adjusting your posture, direction and speed at any time, and jumping swiftly between rocks and gullies, can you run across the intricate mountain roads, climb steep rocks and go home. Tara Umala people run not so much for faster, but for closer to each other and to nature infinitely. It turns out that people are born to run!

About the author:

About the author: Christopher? Christopher McDougall is an American writer. After graduating from Harvard University, he joined the Associated Press as a reporter and went to Angola, Congo and Rwanda to report on the war. After returning to the United States, he wrote articles for Outdoor, New York Times, Runner's World and other publications. He has been nominated for the National Magazine Report Award for three times. Love running, but often suffer from foot pain. I accidentally learned that in the Copper Canyon of Mexico, the strongest long-distance runner in history lives in seclusion. So he crossed the canyon to find the strange man Kabalo who has a lot of friendship with his people. He saw the real face of this isolated tribe and found out the true meaning of running. During this time, I learned the running method of Tara Umala people, and my foot wound healed without treatment. Later, I wrote the book "Born to Run". At present, I am writing a work after practicing running.

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