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Reduce user experience to increase touch volume

Lack of accurate touch strategy, sending messages separately in multiple channels to reach more users, resulting in message bombardment

Difficult to balance cost and delivery rate

The delivery rate of free apps and other channels is low, while the cost of SMS that can guarantee delivery is very high

System separation, few data analysis dimensions

The user data, transmission system and statistical system are independent, and the data are not interconnected, making the operation work unable to be closed loop

Repeated docking wastes resources

Each business system independently docks with the distribution channel, which leads to the need for repeated development in channel expansion

What functions can Aurora UMS achieve?

Why choose Aurora UMS?

Unified Messaging, full channel coverage

Covering 10 channels including App, WeChat official account, WeChat applet, SMS, email, Alipay life account, nail, WeChat, 5G message, and fly book, it will soon support: Alipay applet, byte applet

Reduce costs and improve delivery rate

Use other free channels instead of SMS, and then use reissue strategies to ensure delivery, greatly improving the delivery rate and significantly reducing the cost of SMS

Unified interface and standardized access

The interface of the unified message sending portal is extensible and can realize the horizontal expansion of the message channel without any change

Safe and reliable, supporting privatization

Provide a private deployment customization scheme to ensure the security and compliance of customer data in a private environment. Customers can also be authorized to use the core source code of Evoque

They chose Aurora UMS

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