Difficulties and challenges of financial media industry

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Loss of traditional platform audience

The audience of traditional paper media and radio is gradually losing, and the influence of new platforms is insufficient. The audience demand in the era of financial media is gradually diversified, especially the demand for interactive experience

The content is scattered, scattered and isolated

The message content of different media platforms is scattered, scattered and isolated, and different channels and platforms are independent from each other. On the one hand, it cannot meet the needs of the rapid development of the Internet, and on the other hand, it is difficult to track public opinion

The pattern of provinces, cities and counties is fragmented

It is difficult for news at different levels of provinces, cities and counties to sink. The characteristics of each level are prominent, and it is generally impossible to complement each other in terms of public opinion and content. It is difficult for three-level joint operation

Omni channel access to media information

Omni channel access to media information

  • Centralized publicity of all media messages

    • One system to handle personalized release of all media platforms such as "three micro end", "app" and "dithering"
  • Party building information intelligence service

    • Channel party building news center provides small and medium-sized enterprises and governments at all levels with party affairs, learning, information and mass interaction services to improve cohesion
  • Strengthening the construction of colleges and universities

    • Assisting colleges and universities to provide education, life and activity services for students with APP, WeChat and PC terminals as the main positions
  • Traffic safety wisdom education

    • Assist the public security and traffic police to publicize the content of safety education in real time, and strengthen the ability of traffic safety law popularization

One chain direct to assist private domain drainage

One chain direct to assist private domain drainage

  • Before

    • In the online media scene, users' attention was attracted by sharing news information, digital currency, etc. After downloading and installing the app, they stayed on the home page and could not return to the previous page
  • After

    • Through the unique scene restore technology of magic chain, when the user downloads, installs and opens the app for the first time, the user request is perfectly restored, and the page of interest before the user automatically jumps to

Create an ecosystem of media and video content

Full platform architecture of financial media

Customer Stories

A news network

The original message delivery rate is too low and too slow to synchronize official news at the first time. The news form is single, and short video content needs to be added. By accessing the aurora push and the aurora VaaS short video, the user retention rate has risen rapidly in a short time, the short video publishing function has been added, and the user stickiness has been enhanced. The average length of user stay has increased by 5-15s.

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