Business pain points and challenges

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Customer portrait is difficult

The customer tag system is disordered and can not provide effective insight into the business. How can we build a real-time and effective 360 portrait through the combination of our own customer business behavior data and third-party big data?

Low commodity ROI

How to recommend the right products to the right people at the right time for the products that have been developed with great effort and cost, and how to improve the sales of products through intelligent recommendation?

Customer value difference

For enterprises, different customers have different values. Customers of different value levels cannot achieve equality. How can limited resources make differentiated investment?

Individual customer differences

There are individual differences between different customers in the same value hierarchy. Customers have different hobbies, behaviors, habits and tastes. How can we customize the operation plan to improve Up sale?

User aurora operation

User aurora operation

  • Enterprise marketing operators can independently and quickly create and complete an operation activity with the help of marketing intelligent products, and can monitor the target conversion rate of the operation plan in real time to adjust and optimize the operation plan at any time

AI application scenarios

AI application scenarios

  • Based on data advantages and real-time feedback system, combined with Evoque's proven in-depth learning recommendation model, it provides intelligent recommendation services for enterprise customers through visual logical configuration, serving different business scenarios, and effectively improving core business indicators

User asset management

User asset management

  • Comprehensively solve the unique identification problem of multiple devices and multiple accounts, single account and multiple devices, multiple accounts and single device, integrate user attributes, labels and behavior data of multiple platforms, and serve the intelligent marketing closed-loop

    The Aurora Global User Portrait+In app Precision Portrait can provide better insight into the characteristics of target user groups and set different marketing activities for different groups

Scheme architecture

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