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Malicious registration generates a large number of spam accounts

Unable to verify the authenticity of the mobile phone number of the login application, which led to the registration of many fleece mobile phone numbers, damaged the better promotion of the platform's operation activities, and when doing data statistics, there will be a large part of the data of the swiping;

Affect user experience and promote new activation rate

The operation process of customer registration or login is relatively long, including interface operation and waiting for SMS verification, SMS congestion and other reasons; The process waiting too long will lead to losses. There are various losses in the registration link, login environment, and new activity link

Simulate human operation

The black industry uses the code receiving platform, batch script, registration machine, etc. to conduct machine simulation operations, and then forms a large number of order swiping, batch order swiping behavior, or constantly simulates swiping business vulnerabilities

Black ash production risk

Black industry fraud gangs conduct online fraud on the platform through such acts as hitting the database and stealing the number, logging in the stolen number, washing the number and printing the number, and raising the number, which affects the normal operation of the platform and causes unpredictable losses to users

What functions can Aurora security certification achieve?

Why choose Aurora safety certification?

Comprehensive coverage

Integrate three major operators and cover more than 99.9% of users

Experience upgrade

One click authentication without verification code, improving conversion rate and user experience


Say goodbye to clear text message verification code to reduce the risk of being hijacked

Real-time countermeasure

Second level dynamic defense confrontation, real-time confrontation of front-line business

Convenient access

Quickly complete SDK integration without additional development costs

Multidimensional model

Massive black production features, intelligent model confrontation, multi-dimensional risk identification

Contact business to get your exclusive offer 50% off time limit

Purchase quantity
X ≤ 10000 times
10000 times<X ≤ 50000 times
50000 times<X ≤ 250000 times
10> 250000 times
One click authentication unit price (yuan/time)









Business risk control unit price (yuan/time)









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