
Feign stupidity Lotus Flower Language (Lotus One

Flower language

Hibiscus flower language (what does Hibiscus generally mean) 021-09-14 17:31 Liao Meichun First part: Refusing frost and wild goose coming red Second part: sincerely invite friends to tell us that in August and October every year, clusters of thick green shrubs will bloom one after another in white, light red or deep red flowers, which look like lotus flowers, not fragrant, but beautiful, especially in the cold autumn, this tree is full of flowers, with red, yellow leaves The colorful chrysanthemums in the fence are more beautiful. Miraculously, Muhibiscus, which blooms for several months
I sincerely use: a healthy mung bean, a happy peanut, a beautiful red bean, a happy sauce, wrapped into a happy dumplings for you. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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Outskirts and Wilderness - Lotus Flower Talk (Lotus One

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