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There is universe in every square inch. A few flowers, a few fist stones, a few pools of water, a small garden with mountains and rivers, a cup of tea, a furnace of incense, a book room with heaven and earth, a square inkstone, a poster, a painting table with dry rivers. For the ancients, the room where the mustard seeds can be accepted and the knee can be seen. Even if the space between the heaven and earth is small, you can still travel freely in the mustard garden. The ground stops at a hill, only three mu, which is small in shape, so it is called mustard seeds, but it can accept the mustard seeds. The mustard garden in history was the residence of Li Yu, a famous scholar in the early Qing Dynasty. Although the garden is small, it is in Liyu

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Allium cultivated crops, represented by onion, leek and garlic, are a special kind of crops. Their plants are rich in sulfide, and once injured, they release a pungent pungent smell. The pungent tastes with different styles make people love and hate each other and can't stop. Allium plants play an important role in kitchens all over the world. If you love them or not, they are there. Is Allium Liliaceae or Lycoriaceae? Figure 0.1 Many friends of Lycoris radiata know that scallions, leeks and garlic seem to be full of people meta name=keywords content=share meta name=robots content=max image pr

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

From the perspective of literary speculation, in the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty", Wu Liuyi, the nine door senior governor, calmed down the rebellion of Bubul who was good at taking the name of "diligent king" in the process of "catching, fighting and worshipping" in Kangxi. After that, I got my wish and welcomed my adoptive father back. This role has never been mentioned again. According to the plot, at a reasonable latitude, Wu Liuyi was promoted. However, due to the "San Francisco Rebellion" in the play, Zhou Peigong's deputy general Tu Hai was also played by the same actor. So many netizens do meta name=keywords content=share meta name=robots content=max image pr

System advantages:

What's the meaning between the squares? Between the squares, there is a heaven and earth – Jimou

Varieties and Pictures of Onion (Several Kinds of Onion) - Jimou

Is Tuhai and Wu Liuyi the same person? How did Wu Liuyi become Tuhai? Jimou

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What we have

small area

There is universe in every square inch. A few flowers, a few fist stones, a few pools of water, a small garden with mountains and rivers, a cup of tea, a stove of incense, a book, a small room with heaven and earth, a square of inkstone, a poster, a picture

Type of onion

Allium cultivated crops, represented by onion, leek and garlic, are a special kind of crops. Their plants are rich in sulfide, which will release once injured

Tuhai and Wu

From the perspective of literary speculation, in the TV play "Kangxi Dynasty", Wu Liuyi, the nine door senior governor, calmed down Ban Bu Shan's borrowing the name of "diligent king" in the process of "catching and worshipping" in Kangxi

Why cattle

Guide: Reminder: Don't buy these five kinds of meat. They are all synthetic! The price is expensive, but there is no nutrition. Some people often eat meat. Now people's living standards are getting higher and higher


In the fifth unit of Chinese in the first semester of grade two, the theme of this group of texts is a profound story. The purpose is to let children understand some truth through simple accidents

Used house

It is said that the taxes and fees for second-hand apartment transactions are amazing, but how is it amazing? I dare say that 99% of people do not know, they are all heard of, today I will let