Birds startle and fish disperse

The rest of my life is long. I want to hold your hand and accompany you around; Life is long. I want to hold your arm and watch the sunset with you.

now singing , now dancing

When I opened Alipay and saw my balance, my heart finally stopped beating.

Cut through the wood and uncover the rod

From now on, let's go together. We have exquisite thoughts together.


We are on the same land, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Go back to the old forest

Don't be afraid, the world and I love you

indulge in fits of temper

The people I love have their own names. The people who love me are miserable. They either deteriorate in debauchery or become abnormal in silence. For Valentine's Day!

murmur to oneself

The morning star lights up the dawn, and honesty warms the world.

make a law only to fall foul of it oneself

The days we spent together were very ordinary and seemed calm, but this ordinary day was the most romantic, right? Dear, Happy Valentine's Day!

love all the people and animals

The high voltage in your eyes is enough to let my mobile phone use for a year.

Returning a_

There is no other expectation in this life except you

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