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Door to door talk: there is still hopeless hope for you "-- Eason Chan's" Prejudice "

Can you eat dumplings when they turn red - Common sense of life - Wangchuang.com

Back to the south

What month is the return to Nantian usually

Popular answer: about March and April. Huinantian is the name of a weather phenomenon in southern China

Pharyngeal swab

Where is the pharyngeal swab collection site-

Hot answer: throat swabs are collected mainly through deep throat, tonsil or palatal arch secretions


What are the top ten hospitals in Hefei

Hefei is the capital city of Anhui Province. It is also a gathering place of high-quality medical resources in Anhui Province. have

jackals and wolves


It's young. I don't know that the world is full of ups and downs. Sunrise and sunset make people gather and disperse


ready to do sth

Those who enjoy privileges but have no power are rubbish, while those who are educated but have no influence are worthless rubbish.


new problems crop up unexpectedly

Reading movies