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Wow, this trophy can be concave freely!

Eugenics horizon 2023-12-05 16:47:26

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Jinteng Award · Trophy


The evolution of a trophy always carries special meaning and new expectations. The Jinteng Award, which has been advancing, ushered in the "rebirth" of the trophy this year.

"I hope that trophies are not like trophies, not just trophies". This is the thinking of Zheng Zheng, the designer of the 7th Golden Teng Prize in 2023, who is the founder of Lipin Design.

The triangular three-dimensional shape extended from the logo shape of Jinteng Award transcends the simple award certification and becomes an interesting aesthetic piece that can be "flexible and freely combined"; The theme of the Golden Teng Award is "breathing", bringing color and form aesthetics to the extreme, and vividly interpreting the mission of "pursuing innovation".









Good design needs precipitation, and the designers' accumulation means rich experience and life experience. The new trophy hopes to echo the uniqueness of each award-winning designer with certain "variability".







The trophy is composed of 25 pieces of translucent acrylic unit pieces. The unit pieces are shaped from the triangle of the logo of Jinteng Prize. After being strung together with the central axis of a metal rod, they can be rotated to show different colors and shapes.








The light passes through the rich refraction of the unit piece, showing brilliance and permeability; The morphological changes caused by the rotation and distortion of the stacked unit pieces make each trophy present a unique dynamic and become unique.






Designer of Jinteng Award Cup



 Image photo of Zheng Zheng (latest). jpg

- Zheng Zheng -

Founder and Design Director of Lipin Design

Designer of 2023 Golden Teng Award trophy

Winner of 2017 Golden Teng Award for Catering Space



As one of the winners of the first Golden Teng Prize, Zheng Zheng has been associated with the Golden Teng Prize for seven years. In the past seven years, Lipin Design, led by him, has insisted on polishing a number of classic design cases in the field of brand experience design. The well-known Chinese brand stores such as Huaxizi, Xicha, Anta, etc. can all see Lipin's handwriting.

Representative Works of Zheng Zheng




Designer of Jinteng Award Cup



 Zhou Chenchen.jpg

- Zhou Chenchen  -

Frank Chou Founder of Design Studio

2019-2022 Jinteng Award Cup Designer

2017 Golden Teng Award Popular Designer of the Year


In 2019, the "I-beam" trophy created by product designer Zhou Chenchen debuted at the third Jinteng Award, and accompanied Jinteng Award through four years of hard work. Now it is the seventh year of Jinteng Award. With the hope of "a new start", the "I-beam" trophy has been successfully retired and the "folded" trophy has been taken over!


I-beam trophy







With the award ceremony in Shanghai Center on November 9, the "folded" trophy came into the public's view and was delivered to 100 award-winning designers and 4 award-winning brands of the 7th Golden Teng Award in 2023.

The unique triangular three-dimensional shape, changeable colors and shapes engraved the honor mark of evolution on 100 sets of excellent avant-garde designs.







Golden Teng Award Ceremony






This trophy implements the core demands of environmental protection in the selection of materials and the cutting of shapes, and responds to the environmental friendly concept that is increasingly valued in the new era. It is a new environmental protection practice; At the same time, it abandons the traditional trophy form limitation of fixed monomer, so that each flexible unit can retain its characteristics while forming a whole, activate the infinite possibility of form, and let the remodeling take place in every moment of breathing and breathing.








This award winning designer prints







Jinteng Prize × Zheng Zheng




Q: What's your impression of Jinteng Award?  

A: In my opinion, it is a very serious award, insisting on the exploration and support of good design, and also constantly promoting the sharing, exchange, learning and progress of the design industry.


Q: Why did you undertake the design of this trophy?  

A: First of all, trophy design is a field I haven't really set foot in before, which is an interesting attempt for me. In addition, over the years, the design team and I have won many different design awards. Every time we win an award, we will carefully observe the design of trophies and medals. In this process, we found that the design of many trophies was not careless, even a simple glass or copper medal. Whenever we encounter such a situation, we will think about the significance of the trophy.

If the trophy is just a simple award certification, it can be issued in the form of electronic version, why should it be designed as an object without symbolic significance and aesthetic value? In my opinion, trophies should be in line with the spirit and purpose of the award itself, and be able to make people willing to keep them in their own space, bearing the feeling and understanding of winning.


Q: What is the starting point of this trophy design?

A: The trophy design is not similar to the space design. Rather than demonstrating the rationality of the space function, the trophy needs to be given a symbolic meaning in the spiritual level. Therefore, when I conceive the creation of the trophy, I am not limited to the traditional form of the trophy, in order to hope that it looks more than just a trophy, which is a very important starting point.


Q: Can you introduce the design concept or highlights of this trophy?

A: First of all, the single structure of the trophy is lamellar, and multiple units are superimposed to form a whole, which is actually a very important concept source. I think that every designer who can win the Golden Teng Prize must have accumulated design strength layer by layer, and the accumulation process of designers has its own characteristics. So when I design, I choose to use a visual way to symbolize each designer's rich experience of self-improvement and harmonious but different aesthetic expression, so that its luster, color and shape can present a unique feeling.

In addition, every designer has a unique design method. It is precisely because of their uniqueness that they can jump out of the industry and win awards. Therefore, I also endow the trophy with the attributes of customization and flexible reorganization.


Q: Your understanding and practice of design are involved in different fields. What other design themes and fields are you interested in?

A: Brand experience design has always been our focus and development field. In the past, our practice has always focused on the construction of experience scenes in commercial brands. Recently, we began to expand experience research into the field of museums and exhibition planning, hoping to use new perspectives and new experience logics to create a unique exhibition experience.


Q: The essence of design is the advocacy of a certain lifestyle. In recent years, what different lifestyles have you observed that are worth recording?

A: Over the years, the word "lifestyle" has been widely used in various marketing content. Media/brands/designers use "lifestyle" to let people see an ideal life that can be realized through consumption. Since last year, I have been reading the book "The Fourth Generation of Consumption" repeatedly, recording the changes of Japanese consumption behavior and lifestyle in the past 40 years, and some fragments are happening now. With the slowdown of economic growth, more and more people are beginning to find that there is not a complete correspondence between consumption and living a good "life". Returning to the basics, valuing the present, and relaxing has become a consensus of most people. The definition of "good space, good product, and good design" is gradually being updated, "de labeled", "relaxed", and "sustainable" in the future More and more designs will emerge.







Behind the Scenes
















 ·  About Jinteng Award·  



Jinteng Prize is an interior design competition launched by Youju Design Evolution and the China Interior Decoration Association (CIDA). The entries are subject to the real projects. The evaluation principle is "whether the design is innovative, or can represent a certain trend in the future, which makes people have expectations and imagination".

After seven years, the 7th Jinteng Award continued to focus on "we are looking for better design, better you", gathering the thinking of design individuals in the face of new era propositions, mining and encouraging designers. And always adhere to three guidelines:

 ·  Social guidance·

Guided by the pulse of the times, designers are encouraged to focus on social issues for creative thinking, reflecting the evolution of national lifestyle and aesthetic ideas.

 ·  Professional leadership  · 

Relying on solid academic theory, it shows the excellence of interior design discipline, actively expands its diversified influence, and is committed to urban development and upgrading of consumer culture.

 ·  Cultural guidance  · 

Jinteng Award is not only an award, but also a reflection of culture, enthusiasm and responsibility. We are committed to injecting healthy and positive vitality into the Chinese design industry.

Editor in charge: Inspired design Source: Youju Vision
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