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Exclusive | Liang Jianguo&Xie Ke: Here and Now, Breathe Everything

Eugenics horizon 2023-11-13 16:54:14



Here and now

Breathe and see everything



When you reach the bottleneck period, you should learn to reconcile yourself. As long as you persist in doing something, you will have an answer. Don't waste time and stop moving forward.

——Liang Jianguo


Geo property is not only within the building, but also extends beyond the building, making the building more human.

——Xie Ke




In 2023, Jinteng Prize will take advantage of the design trend of "giving up the old and bringing in the new", and take "the spirit of freedom and independent character" as the value guide to make the charm of design emerge. On November 9, the 7th Golden Teng Award Ceremony gathered in the Devil City. People came from across the mountains and seas, and inspired the design in the name of Golden Teng; In the name of breathing, carrying the spirit of independence, expanding the boundaries of design, firmly moving forward in uncertainty, and meeting new challenges.


In the important annual sharing of this grand ceremony, Liang Jianguo, the judge of the Golden Teng Prize, and Xie Ke, the popular designer of the 2022 Golden Teng Prize, jointly spoke with the theme of "Here and Now", encouraging designers to break boundaries, integrate symbiosis, deeply blend the current space-time characteristics of the project, pay attention to social and cultural factors, highlight innovation and modernity, and provide more diversified aesthetic experience for the public.



  Rooted and reconciled international self


From the Forbidden Academy in the Forbidden City to Hangzhou Liangzhu International Resort Hotel, from North Lake No.9 Golf Club to Shanhailou Club, Liang Jianguo, the representative of contemporary oriental design ideas, has always implemented the design concept of "expressing local culture in an international way", integrated the ancient and modern cultural genes and ways of life, forged the Chinese style blank art aesthetics, and led the industry to think deeply.


Taking "Here and Now" as the title, Liang Jianguo deeply focuses on the industry phenomenon from his own life experience, tells how he took root in practice to achieve self reconciliation when facing the bottleneck period of his design career, and also looks down on the design market from multiple perspectives both at home and abroad, revealing the common ground between design and life cultivation.


Liang Jianguo

Manufacturing · Founder

Judge of Jinteng Award



Selected Golden Sentences


◆ Design should not go astray in the search for meaning. It is the right way to conscientiously improve your skills and practice yourself in practice.


◆ At this time and here, I think it is my greatest ideal to be an interesting person and a warm person.



◆ It depends on how well a thing is done, how good a material is, and how good a work is. First, it depends on whether the creator is in the most authentic state.



  Discover the feeling of local fusion  


Xie Ke, a design poet who adheres to the "inaction" design philosophy, starts from the heart, integrates the time and natural space, and highlights the poetic design with a warm and bright atmosphere. Whether it's downhill Meili, Dali Xishang, or Liuyue Haidong, Anaya Y Hotel, he restores the original mood of space in the "breath", and demonstrates the integration and retreat of architecture and nature with the design insight that strikes the heart.   


With respect to "Here and Now", Xie Ke, with the help of projects such as Jixianshan Meili, deeply dissected the creation path of design in the ground, revealed the subtle changes in the design industry with his keen perception, showed the strength of feelings and emotions to the designers present, and conveyed the expectations and encouragement for the future of design.


Xie Ke

Founder of Shang Yiyang Design

Popular designer in 2022



Selected Golden Sentences


◆ Sometimes being trapped in your own thinking will restrict your imagination. We can pay tribute to the masters of the customer's era and find the entry point.


◆ Most of the time, it is not our mature thinking that guides the final form of the work, but the moment when the inspiration flashes inadvertently, which may not be called "emotion", but a feeling that strongly guides your design direction.



◆ When we were young, we always wanted to integrate a lot of attitudes into our works, but when you go through many places and experience a long time, you will find that understanding and feeling the local customs of the project can also make your works lasting.


◆ When integrating local characteristics into the design, it is advisable to collect colors, architectural symbols and other elements from local folk houses and temples, and deconstruct and reshape them in the way of understanding and collage.





The sharing between Liang Jianguo and Xie Ke, based on "here and now", started from their own life experiences, with their own unique design philosophy and creativity on social issues as the starting point, constructed multidimensional thinking on space value, pondered emotional interaction and cultural expression, and presented to the designers present how to achieve a comfortable design that connects people and space and integrates the East and the world, Stimulate infinite imagination for contemporary art creation and design transformation.



The annual sharing of the Golden Teng Prize in 2023 has come to a successful end. It is an ideological journey to explore the evolution of the national lifestyle and aesthetic ideas, guide designers to adhere to thinking outside the trend, and create a kind of original, clear and value aware design context.


Just as the breath circulates, the design is also constantly flowing and evolving. Jinteng Award will always accumulate the power of "breathing", encourage the design industry to move forward with synergy and momentum, look for every "better design, better you", and explore the irreplaceable value of design in the present and future!



The 7th Golden Teng Award in 2023 is sponsored by Youju | Design Evolution, guided by China Interior Decoration Association (CIDA), and strategic cooperation between Tencent Home | Shell and Arena.



[Special thanks]


Joint title: Mengtian Woodwork, A.O. Smith, Boss Electric

Special brand: Huanai Design Fund

City partners (including but not limited to, ranking in no particular order) : Co design, Youth Design Association, Suzhou Erdaoban, Cloud Design Club, Orange Design Media, Twenty seven Design Brokers, Avenue Hengmei, Beautiful Home (Taiwan) Id SHOW (Taiwan), Rundong Culture Media, Qingyunshe, Guangzhou Kasa Media, design gravity, place, Cunmen, architect, Ningbo Interior Designer Association, Wuhan Design Alliance Society, Huanai Design Fund, Zhende, Qingge Media, Muqi Media, One Home Design Institute, Jingying Academy, AXD Yearbook, Jishehui, Guanzhu, World Design Awards Institute ASDA Design, Interior Design Alliance, T10, One+, Fujian Shihui, Haixi Design Association, FOCUS DESIGN, Changsha Youth Design Association, Chu Jianzhuang Technology, Chu Design Expert Review Committee, Design Jingde, Tianjin Kankan Design, Zouque Media, Northeast Across the Road GLUE



Live replay of Jinteng Award Ceremony




*Follow the [Golden Teng Award] video number



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Product information



Produced by: Jinteng Award Organizing Committee

Supervisor: Yan Hong

Coordinator: Wu Jiajia

Planner: Lai Yulian

Project manager: Wang Hexuan

Compiled by: Zhang Zhiying

Checked by: Yanina

Editor in charge: Inspired design Source: Youju Vision
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