The secret of rapid expansion of community chain convenience stores is here

Industry insight

The joint prevention and control of the epidemic has compressed the scope of people's activities, and new retail consumption such as community convenience stores and community group buying has been stimulated.

With the social background of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the new retail consumption scene around the community has become normal. Consumers' living habits are also gradually changing. Chain convenience stores have become the mainstream business model of community commerce.

Customer introduction

A city of hundreds of islands, new retailers compete with each other

Dingya · Youpin is a community centered chain convenience supermarket. There are more than 10 stores in Zhuhai, covering the communities around the store through the store+online store model, providing consumers with daily necessities, simple meals, fruits and vegetables directly from the origin and other products.

At the door of the convenience store, there are several large self-service equipment nearly 2 meters high, including traditional beverage self-service machines, freshly ground coffee vending machines and ice cream making machines. The transparent glass window can see the whole process of making ice cream and coffee. After scanning and payment, you can get a cup of freshly ground coffee or an ice cream cone within a few minutes.

On a yellow self-service machine, there is the word "order shop", on which customers can order fresh food directly from the origin. When entering the store, you can see the traditional convenience store model, where daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil and salt are placed on rows of shelves, and there are 2-3 steam cabinets at the cashier counter, providing special simple meals and soup stewing services.

What is different from the traditional convenience store is that there is a double temperature freezer and several shelves for fruits and vegetables in the store. Fresh food purchased by customers from communities such as Meituan Premium is stored here. The double temperature freezer can store frozen and fresh food, so that consumers can get more fresh food.

The mode of convenience store+online mall+community group purchase+intelligent self-service equipment, Internet+entity, is the core competitiveness of ordering premium products. At the same time, it operates a community around consumers near physical stores to realize the transformation from product sales to customer operation.

Transformation and upgrading, new retail in the community, radiating vitality

When we met for the first time, Zhang Guosheng, the general manager of Dingya Youpin, gave us the impression that he was a healthy and self-discipline businessman, dressed in a neat shirt, with a white face, looked competent, heroic and elegant.

He treats people gently, never criticizes them, and never pursues perfection too much. He understands that if the water is clean, there will be no fish, and if people are scrutinized, there will be no apprentice. He is more willing to give the retail industry full space to imagine.

"I entered the fast selling chain industry at the beginning of 2012. Under the impact of e-commerce, the dividend period of offline retail industry has ended, and the number of sales and customer orders are declining every year. Many peers choose to transform to become e-commerce, but I always believe that physical chain stores must have its future, but how to achieve such a low point transformation? After a lot of struggle and thinking, I think that if the operation of consumers is embedded, there will be a new spring for physical stores in the future. " When it comes to the future and prospects of physical retail, Zhang Guosheng, general manager of Dingya Youpin, is full of confidence in physical retail. He believes that in doing business, we must actively adapt to the times and stay ahead of them.

With the national strategy of expanding domestic demand and promoting the implementation of the quarter hour convenient life circle and smart convenience stores, physical convenience stores will become the key to connecting the last mile of consumption.

Digital requirements

In the process of transformation, ordering premium products faces two major problems: first, the change of store managers' management concepts; The second is the support of digital tools for operation. In the past, the store manager was only responsible for selling products. In the future, he would turn to managing consumers. In terms of the responsibilities of the store manager, he should be given the function of a group leader.

Now every store is equipped with mobile phones to establish a consumer WeChat group. The store manager interacts with consumers in the group every day, and sends new product information and promotional products to the group to attract customers to shop.

Under the system of diversified operation, the headquarters needs to integrate the preferred data of retail stores, self-service equipment, online shopping malls and third-party platforms Meituan. It is hoped that these data can be integrated into one system for analysis, providing data support for procurement, price adjustment, member marketing and other work.

"Our traditional cash register system in the past, to be honest, can only see the portrait of the product, and can only know what products I sold in a month and how many products I sold. This digital upgrade, we want to improve to see the portrait of people through the system, such as which consumers the product is sold to and what products a consumer likes to buy“

Zhang Guosheng, the general manager, is very cautious about the digital upgrade plan of ordering premium products. In the face of numerous digital service providers, he was impressed by the ecological platform built by Kingdee Cloud and Star.

"Kingdee Cloud Star is modular and can be expanded and extended continuously. Through the Kingdee Cloud platform, we can integrate the data under our diversified business system. We can not only see the picture of products, but also the picture of consumers. We can analyze more thoroughly through this data platform, which is more conducive to our business. The ability of Kingdee Cloud and Star digital integration can completely solve the future needs of new retail enterprises. "


Easier distribution of new products

For example, when new products come on the market, order premium products to analyze the sales of new products on a weekly basis, what types of consumers buy, and how often they buy. When sales are not ideal, it is necessary to formulate promotion strategies in time to improve the sales of new products.

Know every consumer

According to the consumption data and consumption behavior analysis of the community, the operation strategy of the store is formulated, basically one store, one policy. The products of each store are customized according to the consumption habits of surrounding customers, and the price and promotion strategies are formulated through the analysis of customers' purchase behavior. Promptly publish the promotion discount and new product launch information to the community, establish long-term communication and contact through the community, and attract consumers to shop.

Make the goods in the store sell better

The store manager can view the sales data of the store on the POS machine, which goods are easy to sell and which goods are not. The purchase volume of products with good dynamic sales needs to be increased; The unsalable products can be sold through the promotion activities in the store to improve the sales or allocated to the stores with good sales.

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