Solve ten characteristic problems in foreign trade industry

Shelf life management

Cross currency write off

Deposit management

Flexible price adjustment

Inventory analysis

Expense processing

Volume weight

Order by sales

Delivery early warning

Accounting period management

  • currency converter

  • The document's foreign currency is automatically converted, and the exchange gain/loss is carried forward in one key according to the period end exchange rate. The legal report in functional currency is automatically issued. The financial account book can be switched and queried at any time in multiple currencies

  • Cross currency write off

  • Write off of external transactions by direct RMB foreign exchange purchase supports parity write off and automatic calculation of exchange gain/loss

  • Deposit management

  • Support receipt/issue business document deposit management, as well as multiple advance receipts, advance deposits. The deposit can be deducted directionally, specified business document deduction, and earmarked funds

  • Expense processing

  • Freight, tariff, insurance premium, third-party agency fee and other expenses are related and allocated into the cost of goods. The purchase and sales expenses are managed in a refined way to support the full process of cost tracing

  • Accounting Period Alert

  • Customer and supplier credit management, efficient transaction reconciliation, settlement overdue warning, aging analysis, accelerate the withdrawal of payment for goods, reduce enterprise capital occupation, and improve capital turnover efficiency

  • Flexible pricing

  • Pricing according to sales volume and time dimension to meet flexible price changes in foreign trade industry

  • Multiple price schemes

  • It can be combined according to customer, supplier, commodity and other dimensions to develop an appropriate price scheme

  • Reference price of more than ten kinds of prices

  • Through the management of multiple reference prices of business documents, it provides reference for business personnel to issue documents, helps business personnel to quickly and accurately price and conduct business

  • Price priority

  • By managing the priority of various business document types, automatic and flexible pricing of business documents can be realized

  • Inventory Alert

  • By setting the minimum, maximum and safe quantity of inventory, we can provide business, warehouse keeper and other personnel with inventory and shipment reference, help to develop accurate inventory strategies, avoid overstock or shortage of inventory, and provide basis for goods preparation and purchase

  • Available inventory

  • It supports the calculation of available inventory by formula, provides inventory reference for receipt/issue business, and carries out refined inventory management

  • Volume weight

  • The logistics cost and container demand can be accurately estimated through the management of volume and weight

  • Analysis of unsalable commodities

  • The system provides a table of unsalable commodities and a table of dynamic selling rate of commodities, which can timely understand the frequency of goods in and out of the warehouse, timely formulate preferential promotion and other strategies, reasonably arrange inventory, and reduce inventory backlog

Excellent product quality, they witnessed

Shanghai Baojing Electronics Co., Ltd

Industry category: foreign trade industry

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

Shanghai Baojing Electronics Co., Ltd

Industry category: foreign trade industry

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

Yunxingchen has greatly improved our operation and management efficiency. The whole process from commodity management to purchase and sales business is managed. Real time data analysis and reports can provide a very intuitive understanding of the business situation of the enterprise and provide data support for decisions such as purchase, promotion, price control, etc—— Zhang Xin, Operation Director of Shanghai Baojing

Scientific instrument

Industry classification: science and technology services

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

Scientific instrument

Industry classification: science and technology services

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

"From the launch to the official use of Yunxingchen, Kingdee's pre-sales and after-sales teams have always listened to our opinions to upgrade the system, which is what we appreciate. We look forward to Yunxingchen becoming more and more powerful." - ERP system leader

Shenzhen Yunpeng Bicycle Co., Ltd

Industry classification: transportation

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

Shenzhen Yunpeng Bicycle Co., Ltd

Industry classification: transportation

Product: Kingdee Cloud Star

Through Kingdee Cloud Star+Easy Order, we have built a one-stop enterprise service platform based on "digital technology", which has greatly improved enterprise collaboration efficiency, saved enterprise costs, and formed an information service based on enterprise comprehensive operation management.

Start a new digital experience and move towards a new stage of enterprise growth

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Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

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