Characteristic problems faced by building materials industry

Pre sale transaction
Potential customer follow-up - difficult management of business opportunity report collision
It is difficult to trace the non-standard field measurement data
The quotation basis for delivery, installation and quality assurance is not clear and there are many contradictions
There are many responsibility disputes among salesmen, masters and designers
On sale process
Package combination (processing), non-standard product cost is difficult to collect
It is difficult to manage and control the delivery of products by drivers
It is difficult to monitor whether the master installs on time
Customer delay and task reassignment management are in disorder
After sales maintenance
Regular maintenance - no planned warning, often overdue
Customers are prolific with different warranty periods, and charge for errors or omissions
Appointed for on-site repair, customer satisfaction is unknown
The customer's whole process information is incomplete, and it is difficult for multiple departments to summarize
Financial and tax integration solution for building materials industry

Kingdee Cloud Star X Easy to refer to Cloud Building Materials Special Edition, integrating the characteristics of the building materials industry and the challenges of enterprise financial and tax integration management needs, helping building materials enterprises rebuild their digital combat effectiveness

Blueprint of solution application in building materials industry

One platform realizes sample, measurement, ordering, processing, ex warehouse, distribution, installation, maintenance, return visit, integrated management of procurement, capital, finance and tax, realizes seamless connection between business management and finance and tax management, improves business efficiency, reduces operating costs, reduces tax risks, and provides data support for business decision-making

Three core advantages help building materials enterprises reconstruct digital combat effectiveness

  • Integration of industry, finance and taxation - improving the fine management ability of enterprises

  • Optimize the business process of the enterprise, realize the information management of sales, procurement, production and other links, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of the process;

  • Perfect financial management system, including financial accounting, cost control, fund management and other functions, to achieve timely and accurate entry and analysis of financial data;

  • Establish a tax management system, including tax declaration, tax compliance, tax preference and other functions, to achieve automatic processing of tax data and early warning and prevention of risks.

  • Platform based operation - help enterprises improve service quality

  • Establish an enterprise information sharing platform to realize potential customer business opportunities, customer follow-up, measurement and quotation, purchase warehousing, delivery and installation, and collection and settlement to achieve collaboration and information sharing among multiple departments;

  • Standardize the product plus customer service period, product warranty period, extended warranty package, maintenance plan, trace the customer business trajectory throughout the process, and fine management to lay a solid foundation for customer service;

  • Improve the after-sales service management process, break through the regulatory difficulties such as appointment registration, repair and maintenance, photo registration, completion confirmation, improve work efficiency and timeliness to improve customer satisfaction.

  • Industry digitalization - optimizing resources and improving brand image

  • The process of building materials distribution, installation and after-sales service is managed digitally, which greatly reduces the time and workload of manual processing. It can quickly dispatch delivery and installation, assign tasks, record installation information, etc. to improve work efficiency;

  • Track and monitor the progress and status of installation and after-sales service in real time, help enterprises reasonably arrange personnel and resources, improve resource utilization and optimize resource allocation;

  • Record and manage various information in the business process, including customer needs, service records, problem solving process, etc., accumulate experience, and provide customers with more accurate and personalized services.

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Exclusive solution provider for building materials industry
Seamless expansion of featured applications, breaking industrial application barriers, and helping small enterprises improve their digital combat effectiveness

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Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

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