Three major express logistics services

  • Logistics Query

  • Express bill printing

  • Door-to-door pickup

Solve the logistics delivery problem, and make business management easier

Logistics Query
After picking up by express, the merchant can query the track node information of the waybill at the current time at any time
  • Real time update of logistics track information
  • Logistics tracking and anomaly monitoring
  • Timely query

Free experience

 Accounting voucher  Intelligent bookkeeping
 Account Table Analysis  Project accounting
Express bill printing
After the logistics order is reviewed, the express delivery order can be printed directly, greatly improving the delivery efficiency
  • Batch self-service printing
  • Quick access to express bill number
  • Support policy search and query
  • Official express standard template

Free experience

Door-to-door pickup
One click push down/manually add business documents to generate logistics documents, and the courier can quickly pick up and deliver goods at the door
  • Online one click mailing of merchants
  • 1400+mainstream express companies
  • Address, goods and other information are automatically brought out

Free experience

 Accounting voucher  Intelligent bookkeeping
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

got it
