Product capability

One click voucher generation makes financial work easier

Take photos and scan codes to check invoices, and match templates for intelligent bookkeeping according to user habits to avoid repeated bookkeeping; Electronic storage of voucher attachments; One click voucher generation for business documents, journals, fixed assets and wages to reduce financial workload
  • Intelligent bookkeeping
  • Original voucher
  • Purchase, sales and inventory vouchers, reimbursement vouchers
  • Voucher generation for journals, fixed assets and payroll

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 Accounting voucher  Intelligent bookkeeping
 Account Table Analysis  Project accounting

Multidimensional account table analysis to guide business decision-making

Multi dimension account table query of quantity, foreign currency and accounting item; The business status of the enterprise is clear at a glance, meeting the needs of refined accounting of the enterprise; Customize editing standard reports, or create customized analysis reports with different dimensions according to business needs
  • Quantity account book
  • Accounting Item Account Book
  • Project Profit Statement
  • Visual operation board
  • Custom Report

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Invoice ledger management, saving time and effort in integrating finance and taxation

Direct link tax bureau collects the invoice, and T+1 obtains the input/output invoice/digital invoice One click import of invoice to solve the problem of disconnection between invoice and finance; The invoice is verified automatically, and the invoice is verified and duplicated; Obtain invoice image automatically and form voucher attachment automatically; One click voucher generation to realize seamless connection between finance and taxation; Automatically calculate enterprise tax burden and give tax saving suggestions
  • control over invoices
  • Invoice voucher template
  • Tax burden calculation

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 Accounting voucher  Intelligent bookkeeping
 Bank enterprise interconnection  Enterprise capital flow

Comprehensive fund management and control, timely grasp of enterprise fund flow

Bank enterprise interconnection, download bank flow and query balance in real time; Summary statement of income and expenditure, comprehensively grasp the income and expenditure of funds, and avoid capital risks; Independent of financial closing, it locks business in real time to clarify rights and responsibilities
  • Journal
  • Bank Statement
  • Bank enterprise interconnection
  • Bank deposit reconciliation
  • Bank Balance Reconciliation Statement

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Asset card management, automatic depreciation accrual

Fixed assets card management automatically accrues depreciation and generates purchase, depreciation, devaluation, and cleaning vouchers; Multi dimensional depreciation report of department and asset category, with traceable asset changes
  • Card management
  • Accrued depreciation
  • Depreciation Report
  • Asset Change Record

Free experience Introduction video

 fixed assets  Accrued depreciation
 Salary expense statistics  payroll

Intelligent payroll management, one click generation of payroll voucher

Intelligently import payroll to generate vouchers for salary accrual and payment; The salary statistics are intuitive and clear
  • payroll
  • Salary expense statistics

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Financial and tax tools and information services, enabling financial and tax personnel

Common function aggregation, flexible and skillful use of financial and tax tools; Fiscal and tax policy push and T+1 acquisition policy change; Reminder of tax calendar and reasonable planning of tax declaration
  • Common functions
  • Fiscal and tax policies
  • Tax calendar
  • Product knowledge
  • Product Dynamics

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 Account Table Analysis  Project accounting
 Tax declaration  One click tax declaration

One click tax declaration saves effort

One click tax declaration directly to the tax bureau, eliminating the tedious manual filling
  • Tax declaration

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Mobile audit and intelligent bookkeeping

The key data shall be mastered in a timely manner; Take photos and scan codes to identify invoices, and intelligently match voucher templates according to users' bookkeeping habits to intelligently bookkeep
  • Nail
  • Enterprise WeChat
  • Jingdouyun APP
  • WeChat applet

Introduction video

 Mobile audit  Intelligent bookkeeping
 Credit report  Financing services

Accumulate credit and help enterprises solve the problem of capital shortage

Accumulate enterprise credit, enjoy exclusive digital credit services, no mortgage, high limit, fast lending
  • Credit report
  • Exclusive financing service

Financial and tax consultation, expert answer

Financial and tax consulting, senior financial and tax experts answer quickly
  • Questions and Answers on Finance and Taxation
 Questions and Answers on Finance and Taxation  Tax Consulting
 Golden Butterfly Cloud Stars
 Jingdou Cloud app
 Cloud accounting applet
 Enterprise Micro Cloud Accounting
 Nail Cloud Accounting
Mobile Experience Zone
  • 01 Jingdou Cloud App
  • 02 Cloud Accounting Applet
  • 03 Kingdee Cloud Accounting (Enterprise WeChat Version)
  • 04 Kingdee Cloud Accounting (nail special edition)
Jingdou Cloud App
Scanning invoices, taking photos, intelligent bookkeeping, intelligent language query data, and clear business conditions at a glance
 Jingdou Cloud app
Scan code to experience immediately
Cloud accounting applet
On demand, scan invoices, take photos, share on smart accounting codes: share report data in real time for internal and external collaboration
 Cloud accounting applet
Scan code to experience immediately
Kingdee Cloud Accounting (Enterprise WeChat)
Intelligent financial management, efficient support for business decisions, seamless connection with enterprise WeChat, communication and cooperation, make work healthier
 Enterprise Micro Cloud Accounting
Scan code to experience immediately
Kingdee Cloud Accounting (Nailing Special Edition)
Seamless connection with nails, providing a full set of financial management functions, and creating a new financial management mode
 Nail Cloud Accounting
Scan code to experience immediately


Number of small and micro enterprises served


Number of simultaneous online users


Daily voucher entry


Daily data report views

Choose the right product for you
Cloud Accounting
Micro enterprise intelligent financial management
Eliminate tedious labor, liberate the productivity of financial personnel, make work more simple, efficient, easy and convenient, and make financial work more valuable

Buy Now Free trial

Cloud Accounting Personal Account Edition
Convenient agency accounting tool for financial freelancers
Intelligent bookkeeping (invoice generated voucher, business data generated voucher directly, automatic period end closing check), agency account service management, authorized account viewing

Buy Now

common problem
What is Jingdouyun Cloud Accounting?
Jingdou Cloud · Cloud Accounting provides micro enterprises with intelligent financial management services based on the Internet. Accounting and auditing, invoice identification and inspection, agency bookkeeping, automatic voucher generation, and automatic financial statement generation can seamlessly interface with cloud business management software such as cloud purchase, sales, storage, and reimbursement. Business documents can be used to generate vouchers at one click, and at the same time, they can be used by enterprise application developers, It is an intelligent financial management software that fully opens the financial and tax API, supports docking with third-party industry systems, and has strong scalability.
Is there a trial period and how to register?
The Jingdou Cloud · Cloud Accounting product has a 15 day free trial period. Just go to the registration page, enter your phone number, verification code and set your login password, and you can start to select the cloud accounting product you need for trial.
Registered address:
How to download Jingdouyun Cloud Accounting on the mobile phone?
You can directly search for "Jingdou Cloud" in the mobile application market, download and install the Jingdou Cloud app to the mobile phone, and then register or log in with the existing account password to experience or use Jingdou Cloud Cloud Accounting.
What is the difference between cloud products and downloaded and installed software?
1) First of all, the one-time investment in traditional software is very high, which requires self configuring servers and professional network management. Traditional PC software is interactive, complex to operate, slow to update, and can only be fixed in the internal application of the enterprise. It has low openness and cannot be used anywhere at any time. It also has to pay maintenance fees every year. Once the computer has a problem, the software cannot be used, and data may be lost in serious cases.
2) However, cloud products do not require any hardware investment, download and installation, or architecture server, which saves costs. They can be used by registering an account. They can be leased annually and used on demand. They can work together anywhere at any time with high efficiency.
3) Cloud products continue to update new functions free of charge, without on-site maintenance. The Internet Web and APP based interactive experience makes the operation more convenient and flexible, easier to learn, 7 * 24 online, easy to collaborate and link. And Kingdee headquarters provides 7 * 24 after-sales service, 365 days a year.
How can using Jingdouyun Cloud Accounting help me?
Compared with traditional accounting software, cloud accounting has the following important advantages: first, it does not limit the operating environment and location, and can be used anytime, anywhere, and can be coordinated in different places; The second is that the A/C set is continuous, which allows cross year audit and cross year de closing; Third, it is easy to maintain. Cloud accounting provides in-depth financial data analysis, compares with the average financial indicators of peer enterprises, and gives analysis suggestions. 900+senior experts answer online to help you better sort out and solve corporate finance and tax problems.
How safe is cloud accounting?
The data of Jingdou Cloud Accounting is stored on the top cloud service platform in China, and is maintained by a professional technical operation and maintenance team. Your A/C set in Jingdouyun Cloud Accounting can be backed up locally at any time, and all modules can be exported to table format. Security is the most basic prerequisite for our cooperation. After you purchase the product, we will sign a contract to protect your legitimate rights and interests. At present, we have more than one million customers, and the renewal rate is more than 80%. For products that have been verified by so many customers, you should never worry about security issues.
How to get support and services?
4008-836-836 is the technical support service hotline of Kingdee Group, providing 7 * 24 service. If you have not purchased Kingdee service or the service has expired, you can call 400-830-0755 to consult pre-sales consultants to obtain pre-sales services such as Jingdouyun Cloud Accounting professional product plan, experience and trial.
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

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