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Account Compilation

Account Compilation

Introduction to the compilation of accounting subjects

An account is a category that performs classified accounting on the specific contents of an accounting element object. The specific contents of accounting objects are different, and the management requirements are also different. In order to comprehensively, systematically and classically account for and supervise the occurrence of various economic businesses, as well as the resulting increase or decrease of various assets, liabilities, owner's equity and various gains and losses, it is necessary to set up accounting subjects according to various accounting objects. Setting up accounting subjects is to scientifically classify the specific contents of accounting objects, It is a method of classified accounting and supervision.

In order to continuously, systematically and comprehensively account for and supervise the increase and decrease of various accounting elements caused by economic activities, it is necessary to scientifically classify the specific contents of accounting elements according to their different characteristics and economic management requirements, and determine in advance the name of the items to be classified and specify their accounting contents. Such items that perform classified accounting on the specific contents of accounting elements are called accounts.

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