• Clearly demonstrate business processes related to purchase, sales and warehouse management

  • Directly generate accounting vouchers from business documents to improve financial bookkeeping efficiency

  • Timely control of data to avoid operational risk

  • Deep fusion nailing, push warning messages regularly every day

  • Cloud Accounting

    Efficient: One click import of mainstream financial software data; Account books and reports are automatically generated; One click closing, easy to handle the end of the period

    intelligence: Take photos and scan codes to identify and check invoices, and check duplicate invoices to achieve intelligent bookkeeping

    integrate: One click voucher or journal generation from purchase, sales, inventory, reimbursement and business documents

    to open up: It supports open interfaces, can interface with third-party industry systems, and has strong scalability

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  • Cloud purchase, sales and inventory

    Smart management: Mobile billing, order for sale, inventory check, fund management, and digital management of the whole business process

    Intelligent analysis: Customer analysis, commodity analysis, sales analysis, purchase analysis, capital analysis, etc., to gain insight into the overall situation of the enterprise

    Open symbiosis: Perfect connection with finance, one click generation of business vouchers, saving time and worry in accounting

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  • Kingdee Cloud Star Nail Special Edition

    Customer management: Customer contact, customer visit, customer labels, customer portraits, all aspects of customer understanding

    Field management: Field task list, store visit and sales, clock in, distribution, reporting of this product, reporting of competing products, and invoicing at the store to facilitate business

    Purchase, sales and inventory management: The business of "purchase - payment - sales - inventory - shipment - collection" is integrated, perfectly connected with finance, and truly forms a business financial closed loop. Intelligent report analysis, comprehensive understanding of enterprise operation

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Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

got it
