1000W < Annual turnover < 100 million
Business enterprises, wholesale and retail enterprises, modern service industry, chain retail industry, trading companies

Annual turnover<1000w
Trade enterprises and trading companies

Kingdee Cloud - Stars
Deep integration of industry, finance and tax products, and integration of operation and management
View detailed function comparison

Standard edition

Integrated management of industry and finance
¥1500 /Since
  • Accounting treatment*
  • Financial statements*
  • asset management
  • Invoicing management
  • Tax management
  • Customer operation*
  • Procurement management*
  • Sales management*
  • Inventory management*
  • Accounts receivable and payable*
  • Car sales visit
  • Retail management*
  • POS Cashier System*
  • Store Marketing
  • Light analysis
*Indicates that only some functions are supported

professional edition

Operation+management integration solution
¥2800 /Since
  • Standard version features included
  • Accounting Treatment
  • financial statements
  • Salary management*
  • Expense Reimbursement
  • Customer operation
  • Inventory management
  • Accounts receivable and payable
  • Cashier management
  • Retail management
  • Store Mall
  • POS Cashier System
*Indicates that only some functions are supported


Integrated production, supply and marketing solutions
¥4000 /Since
  • Professional features included
  • Salary management
  • purchasing management
  • Sales management
  • Production management
  • OEM
Kingdee · Jingdouyun
Lightweight standardized financial business assistant, suitable for start-ups and micro enterprises
View detailed function comparison

Cloud Accounting

Intelligent financial and tax management is universal
¥798 /Since
  • Intelligent bookkeeping
  • Book/Report
  • asset management
  • control over invoices
  • Cashier management
  • Salary management
  • One click tax declaration
  • Closing
  • Financial and tax services
  • Jingdouyun APP
  • Intelligent ticket collection*
  • Custom Report*
*Value added services need to be purchased separately

Cloud purchase, sales and storage - standard version

Purchase, sales and inventory supply chain management
¥698 /Since
  • Commodity management
  • purchase goods
  • Sales
  • Warehouse management
  • fund management
  • Jingdouyun APP
  • Customer management workbench*
  • Sales workbench*
  • Sales Invoicing*
  • Salesperson APP*
*Value added services need to be purchased separately

Cloud purchase, sales and storage - advanced version

Intelligent billing customer management and collaboration
¥1298 /Since
  • Standard version features included
  • Applet
  • AI Billing
  • Customer/Supplier Collaboration
  • Supplier Self Reconciliation
  • Full process automation of documents
  • Smart customer management
  • Self service report
  • Delivery management
  • Customer management workbench
  • Sales workbench
Other products
 Cloud accounting personal account

Cloud accounting personal version

Intelligent bookkeeping and easy management
¥698 /Since
 No worries about accounts

Account worry free agency version

Intimate steward who makes it easy for you to account on behalf
¥1388 /Since
Purchase process
 Purchase process
1. Select service
Select the service you need
2. Confirm the order
Confirm your order information
So that we can open services for you
3. Invoice application
Invoice required
We will provide you with
4. Payment method
Support: Alipay
Online banking and bank transfer
5. Successful purchase
After successful payment
Service will be opened for you
Function Comparison of Kingdee Cloud and Star Version
Support functions Some functions Function not supported
Function comparison Standard edition professional edition Ultimate
General functions
Commodity characteristics (auxiliary attribute, serial number, batch shelf life)
Product type (package, service)
Barcode management (one product with multiple codes, one code with multiple products)
Foreign currency
Settlement company (third-party settlement customer/supplier)
Enterprise interconnection
Unified Column Settings
Purchase and sales price limit
External commodity library
Doc Operation Control
Print control
Floating Multi Units
Message Center new
Intelligent bin selection
Accounting Treatment
Standard accounting treatment
Account multidimensional accounting (up to 12 supplementary accounting dimensions are supported)
Voucher Attachment Management
Standard financial account book (six standard account books)
Accounting Item Sub ledger
Comprehensive Statement of Accounting Items
Accounting Item Portfolio Table
Closing intelligent carry forward
Invoice import identification generates voucher
Business Doc Generate Voucher
Timed voucher
Electronic accounting archives
Generate vouchers from external documents
financial statements
Three major statements
Project Profit Statement
Custom Report
Smart Reports
Multi A/C Set Report Management
asset management
Asset addition
Asset change
Asset liquidation
Asset splitting
Accrued depreciation
Asset Statement
Asset and GL Reconciliation
Independent asset closing
Cashier management
Cash and bank deposit journal
Bank deposit reconciliation, bank deposit balance reconciliation
Cashier Balance Table
Reconciliation between cashier and general ledger
Bank enterprise Internet - stream download
Bank enterprise interconnection - real-time balance
Business Doc Generate Journal
Intelligent identification of bank flow
Salary management
Salary items
Salary Statistics
Individual income tax calculation
Invoicing management
One click invoicing of sales documents
Digital invoice
Scanning code of retail order for invoicing
Manual invoicing, Excel import and batch invoicing
Full process processing of invoice query, electronic invoice delivery, invoice red ink offset, invoice printing, etc
Tax management
Intelligent ticket collection and invoice authentication
VAT Tax Return (Pre)
One click tax declaration
Tax burden calculation, purchase and output matching query
Tax risk report
Expense Reimbursement
Loan repayment form
Payment Requisition
Multi accounting A/C set posting (one reimbursement corresponds to multiple financial A/C sets)
WeChat card package ticket collection
Customer operation
Sales funnel
Customer analysis
Customer layered Kanban
Customer layered management
Customer distribution map
purchasing management
Order by sales
Intelligent replenishment
Purchase requisition
Purchase Order
Est. Receipt Opening
Purchase receipt
Purchase return
Purchase invoice (receipt/return)
Delegated Receipt
Entrusted return
Entrusted settlement
Estimation Adjustment Doc
Multi dimension purchase report
Purchase Order Change
Estimated cost of purchase order
Purchase order invoicing status
Direct deduction of purchase order advance payment
Purchase order generates purchase invoice
Purchase receipt generates purchase invoice
Purchase invoice generates purchase receipt
Parity Write-off
Purchase expense apportion commodity cost
Purchase invoice registration (purchase invoice matching)
Supplier price strategy
Set supplier price policy by order quantity
Consolidated Receipt
Return and Resend
Advance payment deduction
Amount change of receipt document/return document
Sales management
Sales quotation
Sales Order
Sales Issue Opening
Sales issue
Sales return
Sales invoice (issue/return)
Customer price policy is set by sales volume new
Sales exchange application
Sales return application
Beginning of consignment
good commissioned
Consignment settlement
Return on consignment
Delegated Settlement Return
Customer price strategy
Sales Order Change
Wholesale promotion
Purchase order invoicing status
Generate sales invoice from sales order
Generate sales invoice from sales issue
Expenses borne by customers
Order lock
Multi dimensional sales report
Business Income Statement
Sales invoice registration (output invoice matching)
Sales Issue Opening
Consolidated issue
Advance collection deduction
Parity Write-off
selling expenses
Return and Resend
Direct deduction of advance collection of sales order
Estimated expense of sales order
Amount change of issue document/return document
Inventory management
Miscellaneous issue/receipt
Warehouse transfer, same price/different price transfer
Assembly and disassembly
Business Closing
Inventory reservation document new
Picking and inspection new
Production picking list/production return list
Product warehousing form/product return form
Expense Allocation Doc
Self made Receipt Accounting
Inventory issue accounting (timing can be set)
Inventory Alert/Shelf Life Alert
Stock age analysis
Position management
Multi person inventory
Cost adjustment
Timing cost accounting
Accounts receivable and payable
Collection and payment
Advance receipt and advance payment
Other income and expenditure and refund
Manual write off (7 write off methods)
Fund Transfer Doc
A/R and A/P Details
A/R A/P Summary
Customer Supplier Statement
Fund Analysis Report
A/R A/P Alert Table
credit management
Aging schedule
Consolidated collection
Automatic transaction write off
Visit pin (mobile end)
Line management
Follow up tasks
Follow up record
Competitive product reporting
Report of this product
Follow up scheme configuration new
Follow up Summary
Car pin (mobile end)
Pick up and load
Driver management
Depot management
Order submission
Vehicle sales billing
Car sales return to warehouse
Daily settlement of income and expenditure
Production management
BOM management, multi-level maintenance, batch modification
BOM forward query, reverse query and cost query
Suggestions on material requirements
Planned order (purchase, subcontracting, production)
Initial entry of WIP
MO, batch addition
Production picking list/production return list
Product warehousing form/product return form
Change of MO
Backflush picking
Item Substitution
Expense distribution method: unified distribution, distribution by workshop
Expense allocation standard: by finished output, by finished output material cost
Expense Allocation Standard: Allocate by Hours
Cost collection and allocation
Collection of completed and WIP
Production cost accounting
Subcontracting management
BOM management, multi-level maintenance, batch modification
BOM forward query, reverse query and cost query
Subcontracting order
Subcontracting Material Issuance/Subcontracting Material Return
Subcontracting Product Receipt Doc/Subcontracting Product Return Doc
Subcontract Order Change
Subcontracting Backflush Issuing
Subcontracting Expense/Subcontracting Expense (Return)
Automatic adjustment of inter period difference of subcontracting expenses
Subcontracting cost accounting
OEM order
Warehousing/return of customer supplied materials
OEM issue/return
OEM invoice
Ordering Mall
Applet Mall/H5 Mall
Shop home decoration, shop page settings
Commodity management of the mall
Mall order management
Mall customer management
Self promotion point management of the mall
Shopping mall freight management
Commodity operation shielding and commodity purchase restriction
Customer price strategy, recent sales price, commodity price strategy
Online payment and offline payment in shopping malls
Wholesale promotion
Stored value
luck draw
Live applet
New Year's Message
Retail management
Integral management
100+promotion mix
Deduction coupons, discount coupons, vouchers, multiple verification coupons
Various coupon methods (member gift, top up, promotion, member upgrade
Mobile collection, precision marketing, code scanning and order counting, sub card service, gift card)
Smart store management (retail invoicing, shift payment, report statistics, stores
Retail price, store price adjustment sheet)
Commodity management (retail label, taste management)
Store delivery price strategy
Purchasing and distribution strategy
Intelligent call off, distribution and distribution (one button call off, intelligent distribution, one button distribution
Unified allocation)
Store Mall
Store mall management backstage (store/product data, product placement/grouping
Store price adjustment sheet, mall configuration/decoration, distribution management)
Home page of mall applet, product details page
Applet product classification (store promotion information, product grouping and classification)
Applet shopping cart, confirm order, order list, order details
User's personal homepage (membership information, assets, order, recharge, coupon collection
Heart, receiving address)
POS end - delivery desk
POS Cashier System
Smart store management
Billing of member business
Multiple promotion methods
Multiple payment methods
Customer self-service (billing, self-service invoicing, self-service weighing)
Multiple delivery methods
Fresh food weighing
Purchasing management
Inventory query, smooth and unsalable query, commodity sales statistics, daily cashier report
Store Marketing
Retail promotion
Coupon Collection Record
Coupon write off record
Gift Card Scheme
Gift card consumption flow
Gift Card Verification Record
Gift voucher scheme
Gift voucher exchange flow
Gift voucher verification record
Gift voucher details
Precision marketing
Pay courtesy
Etiquette for membership
Have a nice birthday
SMS marketing
Reminder settings
Template Settings
View History
SMS signature
SMS purchase
Light analysis
Light modeling, multi-dimensional, high-performance, business user oriented data visualization
Function comparison of Jingdouyun · Cloud purchase, sales and storage version
Support functions Some functions Function not supported Coming soon
Function comparison Standard edition Advanced Edition
purchasing management
Purchase Order
Purchase Order
Purchase Return Note
Order Kanban by Sales
Intelligent replenishment
Purchase invoice registration
Purchase Order Tracking Table
Purchase Details
Purchase Summary by Commodity
Purchase Summary by Supplier
Purchase Summary by Business Representative
List of Purchase Payment
Purchase Order Change Form
Sales management
Sales Order
Sales Order
Sales Return Note
Intelligent recording (picture recognition)
Delivery note
Sales invoice registration
Sales Order Tracking Table
Sales Details
Sales Summary by Product
Sales Summary by Customer
Sales Summary by Salesperson
Sales Summary by Brand
Sales Summary by Department
Sales Summary by Project
Sales Collection List
Balance sheet of current company
Sales Profit Statement
Sales ranking table
Sales Order Change Form
Check table
Inventory management
Stock Transfer
Count sheet/count record
Serial number counting
Miscellaneous Receipt Doc
Miscellaneous Issue Doc
Cost Adjustment Doc
Assembly list
Disassembly list
Commodity Inventory Balance Table
Goods Receipt and Delivery Details
Goods Receipt/Delivery Summary
Miscellaneous Receipt/Issue Details
Serial number tracking table
Serial number status table
Batch shelf life list
Batch Tracking Table
fund management
Advance Collection Doc
Payment Doc
Write off Sheet
Other income document
Other expense sheet
List of purchase and sales expenses
Fund Transfer Doc
Online collection details
Cash and bank statement
Detailed Statement of Accounts Payable
Detailed statement of accounts receivable
Summary of accounts payable
Summary of accounts receivable
Customer reconciliation workbench
Customer Statement
Super statement
Supplier Statement
Detailed Statement of Other Income and Expenditure
Income Statement
Customer operation
Customer Business Overview
Customer layered operation
Customer contribution analysis
Recommended goods list
Customer contact group
Follow up Task/Follow up Record
High seas customers
Value added services (to be purchased)
Sales Invoicing
Logistics services
Customer management workbench (Free of charge)
Sales workbench (assembly order, disassembly order, transfer order) (Free of charge)
Salesperson APP
Jingdouyun APP
Jingdou Cloud Operation Assistant (applet)
Business data board on the home page
To do reminder
Manual recording (sales, purchase, expense)
Smart recording (voice, picture, text)
Business statement
Self service report
Customer task follow-up
Place orders on behalf of customers
Delivery note (list to be delivered, delivery confirmation, reassignment, shortage, collection)
Customer reconciliation
Customer Alert
Jingdou Cloud Collaboration (applet)
Customer self-service purchase (intelligent, manual, code scanning)
Account Statement
WeChat binding
Online collection
Purchase confirmation
One click sharing
Receipt confirmation, payment and sharing of sales orders
Online collection
Document sharing
Document Center
project management
Department management
Shelf management
Brand management
Sales specifications
Printing function
Online printing
Online template printing
Cloud Printing
Print barcode and label
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

got it
