Matrix | 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix Research Report

 Matrix | 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix Research Report

Account number in matrix form operate The system can realize a virtuous circle of multi party flow collection and communication, improve brand voice and promote the transformation of enterprise sales business.

The advantages brought by the matrix attract more and more enterprises to build the brand matrix on the new media platform.

In order to better guide the brand building matrix, the new list matrix was released Research Report on 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix

This report has conducted in-depth research around the brand matrix, focusing on enterprises Strategy and Practice of Building Brand Matrix Let's talk about the brand matrix Composition Common types, functions and operation strategies And the report also analyzes in detail Industry Excellence Matrix case , hoping to help enterprises solve the problems encountered in building the brand matrix.

 Matrix | 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix Research Report

A quick look at the report

■ The brand can adopt 1+X+K+N matrix layout

■ The brand matrix is divided into two categories based on the purpose – Sound volume conversion matrix and Sales conversion matrix

■ The brand matrix can be IP based operation Realize a user centered all-round strategy and deepen the relationship between brand and users;

■ Brands can use the influence of celebrities to create momentum through KOL/KOC Matrix operation mode of to quickly gather attention;

Dealer Matrix It aims to make full use of short video and live broadcast platforms to enhance brand influence and sales transformation;

The matrix number should be well positioned : Brand number conveys brand information, Rensethao establishes brand image, Daren Renhao strengthens brand influence, and leads to sales transformation;

■ During the operation of the whole brand matrix, enterprises need to always User centric , well built and maintained User experience


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Research Report on 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix

 Matrix | 2024 Enterprise New Media Brand Matrix Research Report

Brand matrix structure and classification


Matrix number composition:

Overview of 1+X+K+N matrix layout

The brand can adopt 1+X+K+N matrix layout , that is One main brand account+X self operating accounts+N dealer or store accounts+K president individual KOL or employee KOC accounts

In addition to the main account number of the brand, the number and positioning of other accounts can be reasonably matched according to the needs of the brand, and integrated into the most suitable for the brand itself New Media Matrix

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Matrix number type:

Volume conversion matrix

The brand matrix is divided into two categories based on the purpose - volume conversion matrix and sales conversion matrix.

On the social media platform, Voice conversion account matrix It mainly promotes brand awareness and influence by publishing interesting and attractive content, and focuses on interaction and cooperative promotion with fans to quickly expand brand exposure.

and Sales conversion account number matrix More attention is paid to transforming user interests into purchase behavior, publishing detailed product information and using shopping functions, and formulating accurate Marketing Strategies to improve sales conversion rate and directly achieve business goals. The two complement each other and jointly build a comprehensive strategy of social media marketing.

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Role of brand matrix


Diversified IP strategies deepen user connections

The influence of enabling enterprises continues to grow

Brand matrix can Realize a comprehensive user centric strategy through IP based operations , skillfully use various IP forms to deepen the connection between brands and users.

By creating Brand IP Enterprises can get closer to users and establish deep emotional ties; Expert IP It will create a professional image, win the trust of users, and further drive product sales; Founder IP Tell brand stories, give brand depth, and attract people with the same frequency; Assistant IP and Sales IP We will precisely promote product transformation and achieve growth goals.

This diversified IP operation strategy can not only enhance brand influence, but also effectively promote the sustainable growth of enterprises.

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Dealer matrix integrates internal and external resources

Realize traffic connection and brand sales expansion

The dealer matrix aims to make full use of short videos and live broadcast platforms to enhance brand influence and sales transformation

At the initial stage, the dealer matrix focuses on ability training, and at the middle stage, it realizes the flow connection and brand volume expansion, and at the later stage, it focuses on the collection of clues and sales transformation.

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Brand matrix operation strategy


Clarify account positioning: content and user operation driven

Realize brand sustainable development

The matrix number should be well positioned : Brand number conveys brand information, Rensethao establishes brand image, Daren Renhao strengthens brand influence, and leads to sales transformation; Through content operation, guide life search, encourage UGC content, and meet the balance of supply and demand on the content side.

User operation rules Get users through lifestyle entry points And realize user activation, retention and transformation through high-quality content and services. Finally, realize commercial realization and promote the sustainable development of the brand.

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User digital operation: comprehensively control user behavior

Realize refined management

User digital operation closed-loop It is an operation strategy that takes data as the core and realizes comprehensive control and refined management of user behavior through scientific and technological tools and platforms.

This closed loop contains From user identification to brand appreciation A series of steps to improve user experience, enhance user loyalty, optimize products and services, and ultimately achieve business growth.

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Industry Case Reference


Gree Matrix Case: Celebrity Effect Matching Norm Matrix

Strengthen the content and enhance the ability to obtain volume

Gree Electric, led by industry leader Dong Mingzhu, With its profound enterprise new media matrix system, it has successfully built an influential social media communication link

By constantly optimizing and enriching the content of each account, the readability and attractiveness of the articles have been improved, effectively promoting the data growth of the content published by each account, and winning more social media attention and recognition for the brand.

This series of measures not only significantly improved the brand awareness of Gree Electric, but also further consolidated its leading position in the market.

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Mengniu matrix case: "radial" layout leads to global collaboration

Highlight the new strength of social media marketing

Mengniu account matrix Unique "radial" structure talent showing itself, Effectively drive the development of sub accounts with the solid endorsement of the parent account This layout delicately divides accounts according to product lines and service lines, ensuring accurate delivery of content.

From a broader perspective of the whole network, Mengniu brand account has fully covered all major social media platforms and major categories, An integrated whole link layout combining "grass planting" and "grass pulling" has been formed

Through the diversified marketing scenarios of cross platform matrix and account matrix, Mengniu successfully realized the brand's global collaborative operation, and demonstrated its outstanding strength in the field of social media marketing.

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