These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

There are many advantages for enterprises to build a new media matrix - expanding brand voice, enriching content forms, improving publicity efficiency, reducing operational risks, and saving advertising costs

Enterprise construction New Media Matrix There are many benefits - expanding brand voice, enriching content forms, improving publicity efficiency, reducing operate Risk, saving advertising costs

Even so, few enterprises can really make the new media matrix produce such an effect.

More enterprises often rush into the market and leave in dismay. They waste a lot of energy and time to set up a matrix account. After posting several articles, they find no immediate effect. They think that the matrix operation is not feasible and directly terminate the investment.

However, these new media matrices that are not far away may have failed to consider the following three points from the beginning:

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Sort out matrix requirements and define action objectives

With the gradual enrichment of communication tools, enterprises have evolved from relying excessively on external "content resources" to relying heavily on their own "content assets". Building a new media matrix has become the choice of many enterprises.

Then, under what circumstances do enterprises need to establish a new media matrix?

1) Establish brand image

The operation matrix account is more conducive to the centralized establishment of brand image.

2) Improve fan stickiness

For the operation matrix account, the content of each account is more vertical, and the fans will be more vertical, and the fan stickiness is relatively high.

3) Get customer leads

Customers' information acquisition channels are scattered in multiple online new media platforms. The online matrix can gather traffic for enterprises and attract more customer resources.


After enterprises think clearly and decide to do the new media matrix, if they want to unify the behavior of the whole team, they need a goal.

Just try to follow the trend, without goal guidance and correction of strategic direction, it is easy to get nothing.

It is better to have a clear qualitative and quantitative description of this goal

For example, for an enterprise that needs to expand its user coverage, the goal of "increasing the number of fans by 500w a year" must be more instructive than "letting more people access brand accounts".

However, this goal cannot be set at will. It still needs Ensure rationality and enforceability

If the matrix can only increase fans by 5w in a month, expect Marketing The matrix can bring 500w fans a year, which is not recognized by everyone in the team. A team that cannot be tied together is doomed to fail to achieve the goal.

in general, The clearer and more specific the purpose, the higher the degree of completion On the contrary, vague goals lead to chaotic organizations and meaningless actions, which is why many enterprises' new media matrix cannot continue.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Analyze the current situation of the enterprise and build a matrix structure

After defining the objectives, there is another question worth thinking about - is the current matrix structure suitable for enterprises?

Building a matrix structure is equivalent to arranging troops The array needs to be flexibly arranged based on weapons and equipment, grain and forage reserves, enemy array and battle environment. Different industries, stages and scales of enterprises will require different matrix structures.

Generally speaking, common matrices have several structures:

1、 Radial

It is suitable for brands with high popularity and many product lines or dealers.

Multiple sub accounts are brought by the parent account, each of which is operated under the endorsement of the brand, and the sub account is also an enterprise account.

The advantage lies in the ability to use brand endorsement to quickly bring up sub account traffic.

For example, Midea, Haier and other brands.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Example drawing reference

2、 Blue V+personal mode

Suitable for service-oriented enterprises

If there is no connection between accounts, it will help to establish brand image, and because personal accounts have real person settings and operate independently, it is more in line with users' viewing preferences.

For example, Meituan matrix account and blue V account show official activities and notices, while personal account shows the daily grounding of Meituan employees, which can attract more traffic.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Example drawing reference

3、 Centripetal type

It is suitable for blue V with weak brand power and need to improve brand influence.

Several accounts with independent people were launched, and a complete series of content was presented, but all of them pointed to the brand. Diversion of multiple accounts to brands can enhance brand power.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Example drawing reference

4、 Deep type

It is suitable for a blue V that can provide a variety of products/services for a certain group of people.

Create sub accounts in the category segmentation field, and publish different content according to the classification.

The advantages are shown in opening up the upstream and downstream, enhancing fans' stickiness, locking fans under the matrix, and improving loyalty.

Suppose a beauty brand uses this method to build a matrix, which can be divided into: makeup tutorial account, makeup grass planting account, etc.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Example drawing reference

5、 Funnel type

It is suitable for blue V that needs to realize sales conversion.

Attract fans through one or more sub accounts with non commercialized content. As the funnel surface, sub accounts can reduce users' aversion to advertising, maximize the absorption of fans, and direct users with purchase intention to the parent account to place orders.

Suppose a basketball equipment brand uses a "funnel" matrix, and users who need to purchase basketball equipment can be redirected to the parent account through the sub accounts of NBA highlights, Lakers fans, bulls fans and other content.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Example drawing reference

Of course, these models are not completely fixed, and enterprises need to adjust flexibly based on their own actual conditions.

 These three points have not gone well, and it is difficult for the enterprise new media matrix to take a long-term view

Centralized management to improve efficiency

Determining the matrix structure is just the beginning. If you want to use the new media matrix to drive the target, enterprises will encounter the following problems:

  • How to collect a large number of decentralized and privatized accounts?
  • How to organize people who are cross level, cross location and have many changes?
  • Data are numerous, complex and changing at any time. How do you count them?
  • Content is massive, repetitive and easy to lose. How can it be precipitated?

Matrix resource management is never a simple proposition.

How to manage the account, personnel, content and data in the matrix?

Many enterprises adopt "Forms+WeChat group" We use EXCEL forms to record accounts and data, and we use WeChat groups to communicate and feedback, but this mode often Lack of efficiency and flexibility

for instance:

As a new media matrix, Didi hopes that when online taxi hailing drivers want to change cars and buy cars, Didi's account will appear in front of them.

There are about 300 matrix accounts doing this now. The headquarters needs to regularly monitor the number of published works and traffic scale of the accounts.

However, the accounts are in the hands of the person in charge of each region and the sales. What should the headquarters do if it wants to know the data of these accounts?

At each cycle node, ask the person in charge of the relevant line to fill in the form and collect?

On the other hand, if the headquarters requires each account to publish a certain number of works every week, how can we make sure that this matter is finally implemented?

Go to each account and count them?

These tasks are extremely tedious and time-consuming.

The low efficiency of management makes it difficult for managers to quickly mobilize matrix resources to respond to changes in the market environment. The blocking of information between groups also leads to the inability of members to promote each other's growth. The entire organization is rigid, rigid and difficult to sustain development.

Choosing and using digital and online collaboration tools/systems to solve efficiency problems is crucial for a new media matrix organization that wants to win in the long run.

Emancipate the burden of management and go further with light clothing.

Write at the end

The new media matrix of enterprises is a trend, an opportunity and full of challenges.

The so-called three points, namely, the purpose, structure and management efficiency, should be taken into consideration in advance to help enterprises fight this flow war.

If the enterprise wants to Efficient management of its new media matrix Welcome to experience the one-stop, digital matrix management system.

*Matrix Connect is more suitable for enterprises with more than 50 accounts

Baidu Search Xinbang Matrices "Or go to Matrix official website (matrix. newrank. cn) to experience.

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