Methods and techniques for selecting audio tapes!

Hello, everyone, I'm Selection of Cicada Mother The small weaving of cicada mother is Shake tape goods All the experts are recommending Options Platform, integrating the whole network High commission products , and Massive talent resources , use the advantage of big data to intelligentize merchants and talent Accurate matching Improve the conversion rate of live broadcast with goods
What I want to share with you today is: Methods and techniques for selecting audio tapes!

1、 Methods and techniques for selecting live streaming products

01 E-commerce with goods Selection Skills

● More: the inventory of goods is sufficient and large, and there are many categories.
● Fast: fast consumables, fast order placement and fast logistics.
● Good: good looking product, price advantage, good product composition and good use effect.
● Economization: product positioning saves worry, trouble, time and money.
● Hot: hot topic products, popular products, such as those of JD, Xiaohongshu, Taobao, and stars.

02 Grasp the six dimensions of selection

◆ Time recognition

Many people choose the products they want to buy according to some subjective factors, such as cold and warm weather, holidays and festivals.
1. Seasonal factors
Clothing is affected by seasons. Clothing in spring, summer, autumn and winter are different, as are fruits and vegetables.
2. Festival factors
Every year, there are different festivals in different time periods, such as New Year's Day 1.1, Children's Day, Valentine's Day on the Double Seventh Festival, and so on. These festivals correspond to different categories of explosives.

◆ Positioning

The positioning of the dithering account has a bearing on our pink increase, cash flow method, profitability and profitability difficulty. For example, the account positioning is food, and the dithering products are food related products. Please refer to other food brands.

◆ Fixed price

The price needs to be people friendly. Short videos and live videos are impulse consumption under sensory stimulation, because the use of dithering is to obtain happiness and information, not just to buy things.
Therefore, the purchase decision time of users is relatively short for products priced at 0-50 yuan; For products priced between 51 and 100 yuan, users may have some concerns and may be considering practicality; Users will be more cautious about products with a list price of more than 101 yuan, which will affect the order rate. The products with good sales volume at present are priced between 0 and 50 yuan, accounting for up to 80%.

◆ Ration

The most concerned groups are mostly the users of catering and daily necessities. The standard to judge the price is the amount of portion. If the amount of portion plus the price combination is favorable, the product will be bought. For example, 9.9 yuan for six packages of spicy duck feet, 9.9 yuan for four packages of hot pot primer, 39.9 yuan for five pairs of underpants, etc.

◆ Predict explosive funds

Whether you are engaged in dithering e-commerce or other platform e-commerce, you need to be alert and sensitive to hot spots and explosive products. You can refer to some big data e-commerce platforms, such as Miyun, Cicada Mama, etc. Try to choose some commodities whose sales have soared recently for promotion. The popular products will have a large audience, which will affect the transformation and make it easier for users to place orders.
For example, in the food field, which has been selling very well, snail powder, hot and sour powder, instant coffee, and some prepared dishes are all popular, while in the life field, there are face towels, wireless microphones, wireless headphones, non stick pans, and so on.

◆ Analyze historical data

When making seasonal products and real-time hot selling products, we should also pay attention to and refer to the selection of peers, because their past success in bringing goods and successful products can be used for reference. Analyze the previous data, and then control certain risks according to their own products or the next plan. As the saying goes, learn from a fall, borrow the wisdom of others, and let yourself avoid detours.
The above points are based on the product Characteristics, audience, historical sales data To evaluate whether it is suitable for sale in Dithering, but we also have to follow the trend of bringing goods and choose the most popular or potential products. At present, many such data platforms, such as Cicada Mama, can refer to these external platforms for product selection in order to select better and more suitable products for sale in Tiaoyin.
There are many third-party list platforms for dithering tapes, such as Cicada Mama.

 two thousand and twenty-two trillion and one hundred and one billion seven hundred and seven million two hundred and eighty-five thousand and seventy-one

 one trillion and six hundred and sixty-five billion three hundred and eighty-five million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-four

Photo source: List of cicada mother's goods

The list of these products is almost the real sales volume on the platform, which can effectively and quickly help us make a good choice of products. E-commerce shopping platforms such as Taobao, Pinduoduo, Jingdong, Netease Yanxuan, Vipshop and so on all have hot sales lists, which have sub categories. You can often brush them to understand the trend of explosive products.
 two thousand and twenty-two trillion and one hundred and one billion seven hundred and seven million three hundred and one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine
Image source: Taobao

03 Selection classification of dithering live broadcast room

◆ Diversion fund

As we all know, it is a low price diversion product. Many businesses are basically losing money on their channeled funds. The main purpose is to attract customers and increase their retention rate. It is usually used in the starting stage to recommend live broadcast and boost the natural traffic in the live broadcast room.
Note: The drainage fund needs to be universal, popular, low cost and low price.

◆ Welfare fund

Welfare funds are used as the receiving of diversion funds, and the main purpose is to promote the activity products of interaction indicators and transaction indicators. In the case of improving the UV value, the price difference with the drainage money will not be too large, and it can also effectively avoid the popularity of the live broadcast room when transferring money.
Note: The welfare fund is to select the best or high cost performance funds of the same industry, and the price is not low, and basically does not make money.

◆ Profit

The profit is a positive price commodity, which is mainly used by the live broadcast room to earn profits and stimulate trading indicators. Generally, the cost is sold at a price higher than 10%. How to select profit funds? The profit model is not the most expensive one, but the potential one. Only the potential products can become the best model, so as to improve the GMV and UV values of the live broadcast room and drive the completion of the live broadcast room.
Profit payment has two conditions:
● First, it sells well and is very stable
● The second one is fake and popular, which suddenly sells well and has great potential.

◆ Main push

The main products are those with high prices, which can help the user tag of the whole number be more accurate and improve user value.

2、 Precautions for live broadcast selection

1. The live video goods selection is associated with the account positioning attribute

We often say that the video content should be perpendicular to the account location, so that the system will attach accurate tags based on your vertical content and recommend videos to more accurate fans.
The same is true for live video with goods. If your account focuses on beauty, try to choose beauty related products for live video with goods.
On the one hand, your familiarity with the product is high, on the other hand, it also meets fans' expectations for the account, which is more conducive to improving product transformation.

2. Try the product in person

Only after you have used the product can you know whether it is a good product, whether it is suitable for the needs of your fans' consumer groups, what features it has, how to use it, and how to explain and recommend it to fans during live broadcast.
For example, if you sell a facial cleanser, you must know this product in advance
Is it suitable for oily skin or dry skin? What kind of skin do you have and how do you feel after using it? How do other skin types around you feel after using it? What do your fans need for facial cleanser? Can your cleanser meet their needs?
All of these need to be tested by you before you can draw a conclusion. Only then can you recommend your product to the audience and fans in the live broadcast room according to the actual use experience, and the product will be more convincing.

3. Choose products according to the needs of fans

Fans on your account must pay attention to you because your specific attributes can meet their needs, so when you choose live streaming products, you must understand the attributes and needs of fans on your live streaming account.
For example, the age level of fans, the ratio of men and women, and the demand for products.
To understand our account analysis profile, we can use Data analysis Tools.
For example, cicada mother data.
Taking Cicada Mama's data as an example, we can learn about the gender, age, geographical distribution and constellation distribution of the broadcaster's fans on the detail page of Cicada Mama's data talent [Talent Analysis]. Through the interpretation of the large fan profile, we can identify the target user profile of our account.
According to these needs, timely supplement product categories to meet the needs of fans.

 two thousand and twenty-two trillion and one hundred and one billion seven hundred and seven million five hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven


4. Select the hot live product with goods

Just like the logic of sending videos to the hot spot, the selection of live video products can also be hot.
For example, we should eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival and moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.
Small fans in summer, hand warmers in winter, or a product that is popular on the Internet at a certain time and stars are all products that we can enjoy.
No matter whether people need it or not, at that time, people keep a high degree of attention to them. Even if they don't buy it, they may also discuss relevant topics in your live broadcast room to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room.
According to the short video Data analysis tools The list of popular products and popular items on the website will determine the selection of live broadcast products.

5. Choose cost-effective live delivery products

No matter which platform it is, products with high cost performance and low customer price will be more advantageous in the delivery of goods.
For example, we mentioned in our previous sharing that Weiya's live video products will always give fans the benefit of "the lowest price in the whole network" and "unconditional return".
On the one hand, it guarantees the rights and interests of fans to the greatest extent, and on the other hand, it also makes fans have a high trust in the anchor, with a high return rate.
When you choose products, it is better not to exceed 100 yuan per customer. 100 yuan is the psychological bottom line of users for a price range. According to our practice, 60% of the popular products in Tiaoyin have a price range of about 10 to 50 yuan.
For example, the prices of dishwashing paper towels, toughened films, and these dithering products are all lower than 50 yuan after receiving coupons.

6. Select live products with tools

For example, we can, for example, analyze the data of Feigua, which of the live broadcast products sell well? Which products sell the most at the peak of live broadcast? Which products are clicked the most? Which products are traded most?
Based on these data, we can obtain the name, category, unit price, source and other information of high sales products, and then select the appropriate live streaming products based on these information in combination with account positioning and fans' needs.

7. Select live delivery products with high repurchase rate

It is not easy to quickly add new customers because of the relatively stable fan group.
Therefore, the frequency of product purchase affects the income and the activity of fans. If it is not handled properly, the fans will lose their fans. Choose some FMCG products with high repurchase rate, which will have better effect.

After we choose goods, we must try them first. Only when you have really used it, you will know what the product is like, and you will be more clear about how to introduce it to your fans, and the content delivered will be convincing and have a higher turnover rate.

Well, that's the end of today's sharing. If you have any questions, welcome Official website of cicada mother selection&focus on [cicada mother selection] Find us~

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