Are you ready for large-scale layoffs to resume

Recently, there are three related“ Layoff ”The news of

In the comparison between the total number of employees shown in the semi annual report of listed banks and the number of employees at the end of last year's annual report, it is found that the total number of employees of the four major banks of China Construction, Industry and Agriculture, has decreased by more than 20000;

Wal Mart, a retail chain giant, announced plans to cut 7000 jobs in its back office system;

It is reported that all employees in the same city of 58 will have 996 (working hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week), without any compensation, which is regarded as "disguised layoff"

Since the beginning of this year, a large number of enterprises have experienced "layoffs", which many people call "the arrival of the capital winter". Many employees are not prepared for the "layoff storm" and have been in the situation of "boiling frogs in warm water" for a long time without knowing it. What kind of employees are the "high-risk frogs" in the workplace? When the "layoff storm" approaches, who will be the first person to bear the brunt?

 Capital enters the cold winter? Is the layoff storm coming? These five categories of employees are already very dangerous
1. Employees who flout the system

"Without rules, you can't make a circle". If any enterprise can't act according to the rules and regulations, normal enterprises operate Can not be carried out smoothly. The managers of every enterprise also know that if they indulge in management, they will disrupt the normal rules and regulations, which will not only weaken the competitiveness of the enterprise unknowingly, but also allow a small number of malicious personnel to take advantage of it. Therefore, employees who flout the system are always the first person on the "layoff" list, and no company will show mercy to employees who disrupt the morale.

In any company, the system is not a mere decoration. The purpose of managers to formulate systems, standards and norms is to improve the cohesion and competitiveness of the enterprise. Heads of various departments will also pay close attention to the implementation of rules and regulations by subordinates. So don't be complacent about violating the enterprise system. Everyone in the workplace should abide by the bottom line of the system, whether written or unwritten, which is also the key to avoid being "laid off".

2. Employees with long-term poor performance

Usually in the case of the boss, there are these types of employees:

(1) Intelligent and dedicated employees. They love their work and create benefits for the company;

(2) Employees who are dedicated but lack wisdom. Such employees can dedicate their own sweat and work hard without great development;

(3) Employees without wisdom and effort. Their attitude towards work is muddling along, unable to create benefits for the company, and may even become a burden for the company.

So when the situation of the enterprise has endangered the necessity of layoffs, which type of employees will the managers lay off first? No doubt, it must be the third one. In the workplace, many people attribute their low performance to various reasons, and they will not regret if they do not want to make progress. They are lucky that their career path will not be long-term. You should know that it is hard to find an "iron rice bowl" or "golden rice bowl" in modern society. If you don't work hard, don't blame yourself for being on the front line of layoffs!

3. Employees with low loyalty

If an employee has neither professional ethics nor team centripetal force, even if he is trained, he may not be used by the enterprise. This is a truth that every manager understands. All, usually a talented but immoral employee can not be permanently reused by the company. Nowadays, the competition in the business field is increasingly fierce. Any company without loyal employees will be difficult to win in the competition; Only loyal employees can focus on the overall situation in the competition and create benefits for the enterprise.

Siemens China Co., Ltd. once made it clear that "in the recruitment process of the company, we will not want anyone who changes jobs every half a year or a year." Because they think that employees who change jobs frequently are never employees with high loyalty, and no matter how talented and successful they are, they are not people who can really bring benefits to the company. Therefore, employees with low loyalty are often considered for layoff.

 Capital enters the cold winter? Is the layoff storm coming? These five categories of employees are already very dangerous
4. Employees with poor interpersonal relationships

An employee who is unable to handle interpersonal relationships will inevitably be more difficult to take a good career path than others, and will encounter more frustrations, because when encountering problems, no one will be willing to help, or even be trampled on by others. When the layoff storm blows up, the isolated workers are the most likely to enter the demission crowd.

What kind of employees are generally regarded as having bad interpersonal relationships? If you are usually grumpy and unable to control yourself; Office lone ranger, not good at cooperating with others; Like to take credit, do not know how to share and so on. If an employee leaves a lot of bad impression on his/her boss, can't be welcomed by his/her colleagues, and can't get along well with others around him/her, it's no surprise that he/she will be expelled from the company.

5. A clique of employees

Whether it is a large enterprise or a small department, managers are very opposed to and dislike the emergence of "small circles" in the team, because "small circles" are the most likely to break the existence of enterprise harmony and centripetal force. Sometimes, as long as they are "people in the circle", difficult things can be easily done, and things that cannot be done can be done; As long as the "people in the circle" have problems or even mistakes, major events can be reduced to small ones, and minor ones can be reduced to small ones; As long as you are a "person in the circle", no achievements can help you make achievements, and small achievements can help you make big achievements. This "differentiated" treatment will make many employees lose confidence in the company.

Just imagine that if someone divides the department into several small groups and treats the people on their "side" with special treatment, and suppresses the people who are not close to them, then the suppressed employees will certainly feel unhappy and have an impact on work efficiency. In the long run, the losses of the enterprise can be imagined. Therefore, managers cannot tolerate the phenomenon of cliques in enterprises, and will deal with it seriously once encountered. Therefore, if they do not want to survive in the workplace, they must know how to deal with themselves.

"It is impossible to have lifelong employment these days, only lifelong employability. In the future, it is very difficult for us to obtain the opportunity of lifelong employment by relying on our academic qualifications, but we can survive by cultivating the 'ability of lifelong employment'." This is a very famous sentence, and it is also very useful. We should always check our professional status quo in the workplace, Only by finding and solving their own problems in time can we avoid being abandoned easily when the uncontrollable crisis comes.

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