The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

1、 Value of activities
1. It's not just about making a good cup of coffee
Liu Lu's coffee shop opened. Although she tried her best to decorate the shop, the busy office workers at the door still didn't notice the coffee shop.
She was worried and couldn't figure out why the legendary "word of mouth effect" had not yet appeared, because Liu Lu believed that her coffee was much better than the Starbucks across the street, and she would fall in love with it once she tried it.
The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She decided to do something, so she went to the only young man in the store and asked for his advice. The man looked up and said slowly: The coffee tastes good, and the environment is also good. Hearing this evaluation, Liu Lu sat down excitedly, leaned forward and asked: Why are there so few people? The man thought for a moment and said, "I didn't find this place. There is no reason to change from Starbucks to here. Besides, I didn't know your coffee is good.".
Liu Lu suddenly realized that because she had no reason to try, she did not know that coffee was good, so there would be no source of word of mouth communication. Opening a coffee shop is not just about making coffee!
The coffee shop is just lying on the roadside quietly, which is unnoticed by people. People need to extend a "hand" to draw customers in. "This hand" is an activity, such as half price of the best selling products, credit card reduction, one free for every full one, etc., and then let customers fall in love with the delicious coffee to drive subsequent consumption and public praise.
2. Internet has something in common with coffee shops
Even if the function and experience of the product are very good, no one may visit it. No users, no value, no reputation, no snowball of users. From this point of view, making Internet products is similar to opening a coffee shop.
The reason is the same as that of opening a coffee shop. Users need to pay attention to this product, give a reason for visiting, and deepen their understanding of the product positioning. It is also necessary to extend the hand of "activities", constantly but strategically pull users to visit, participate or purchase. By virtue of the high quality of the products, we will continue to deepen users' understanding of the products and promote retention and word of mouth communication.
Through the example of the coffee shop above, the " Activity operation ", as well as WIP operate Role played in. Generally speaking, why should we do activities.
The value of "event operation" is summarized as follows:
Attract users' attention
Pull user contribution
Strengthen user awareness
The final effect of all online Internet activities is inseparable from these three points.
2、 How to plan activities
The following is the whole process of planning an activity from beginning to end. Write the specific method first, and then set it in 12 case On.
1. Activity type:
Subsidies, red envelopes for Didi and Meituan takeout
Topic: keep's # I want to make headlines #, microblog's # Take microblog to travel#
Award winning, Kung Fu Panda 3 film review activity, post bar lottery
Game, Alipay Jifu, Baidu Maps # Sakura cone parkour#
2. Purpose:
Pull new, new order user or new startup user of APP
Active, pull the number of access logins and UGCs
Promotion, to increase the number of orders for a certain product or category
Brand, expand brand awareness and brand recognition
3. Cut in demand:
User demand scenario, Didi Spring Festival carpooling
Users' hot spots, # Wang Feng of Weibo made headlines#
User's profit seeking mentality, O2O full and reduced activities
4. Steps of planning activities
The first step is to start from the purpose
Why do you want to do this activity, and what is the purpose? This is the most important. It is reasonable to define the purpose first, and then think about the follow-up of the activity accordingly. The most ideal situation is to transform the "purpose" into a "data". For example, the app hopes to increase the user scale, which is the purpose. Transforming into data is to improve the DAU. Therefore, promoting DAU is the purpose of the activity.
The purpose of the activity is the starting point of planning activities and the source of thinking. Grasping this point, we will not deviate from the original intention in the subsequent steps.
Step 2: Determine the goal and time
The goal is to specify the data. Following the example above, the goal of the activity is to increase DAU by 50% or 10W. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the target expectation, even if there is no specific number, the approximate magnitude should also be given.
Because the expected magnitude will affect the form of the next planning activity. If it is expected to upgrade the DAU from 5W to 6W, there are many applicable forms of activities, and the difficulty is not so great; However, if the expectation is to increase from 5W to 10W, it is necessary to rack our brains. Many forms of activities are not feasible because they cannot meet the expectation.
In addition, the starting and ending time of the activity should also have an approximate range. If you are eager to get the effect of the activity, the activity must be launched as soon as possible; If not, then there is a choice. Because if the activity can take advantage of potential, it will get twice the result with half the effort. This "potential" is the time point.
Step 3: Plan the form of activities
The goal and time are like a box, and this step is to plan the activity form within the box. Generally speaking, what kind of activities to do is the core step of event planning.
The essence of planning activities is to find the best combination of activity objectives, user needs and product forms. Like archery:
The target is a movable bull's-eye. No matter what position you shoot, you should aim at the bull's-eye
The user demand is like the wind direction, which will shoot forcefully and accurately
The product is a bow and arrow, and activities should be landed on the product, just like shooting at the bull's eye with a bow and arrow, rather than throwing stones
There are several key points to pay attention to in planning activities:
① Try to be fun
Activities are for users to "play", just to achieve the purpose of operation in the process of playing. Therefore, even if it is not a game, it can also make the activity gamification, which will be more interesting.
It is true that many products have nothing to do with the game, but they can also be transformed into the form or perspective of the game. Take a cat's eye movie as an example.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

The page is too long, only part of it is truncated. There is a movie list at the bottom of the page. The rule of the activity is to guess the movie based on these expressions and write a movie review. Awards will be awarded according to the number of guesses.
② Convenient operation
From the time the user sees the activity to the end of the operation, there will be a great loss for each step. First, there should be fewer steps for activity operation; Second, don't let users jump around in the pages of inactive processes. Users will not be able to find their way, especially apps.
③ The rules are easy to understand
When planning activities, make the rules as simple as possible, so that users can understand without studying, and can see "what you do, what you get" at a glance.
In addition to simple rule settings, rules should also be expressed concisely. A complete activity rule requires a lot of words, including time, operation method, award evaluation method, prize list, additional conditions, precautions, etc. These are all reading costs for users. In fact, users can only participate in the most critical rules. Others are not important, and even some clauses are just for exemption.
Therefore, when expressing rules on the active page, the core rules are placed prominently at the top of the page, and the specific rules and exemptions are placed at the bottom of the page. This part of the content is only available, and it doesn't matter if users can't see it.
Take the case of Uber to see if the expression of activity rules is easy to understand.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

When I saw the activity rule of uber, I was overwhelmed by a bunch of wordy scripts with different characters. This is simply an IQ test. It seems that the purpose is not to make users understand it, but to try to defeat more people.
I tried to change it:
Take Uber 3 times this Saturday and Sunday, and you will get 6 free uses next week; Take Uber for 5 or more times, and you can get 10 free applications next week!
Compared with the text above, I think it is most important to make it easier to understand. Many of the texts in the figure above are meaningless, but increase the reading cost, such as the first sentence and the last sentence. There are a lot of words in this paragraph. At this time, there is no need for such text to set off the atmosphere. Moreover, the headline of the page can already achieve this effect.
Moreover, because of the "View Details" portal, there is no need to write too many detailed rules here, such as the maximum deduction of 15 yuan, the date of receipt, and the deadline of the activity. Interested users will read the rules in detail.
④ Highlight user benefits
Users participating in activities will have corresponding material or spiritual benefits. In the activity page, users' benefits should be placed in a prominent position, with the highest priority. Because the audience of the page is the user, it conforms to the user's self-interest psychology.
So many activity pages put prizes in the header, such as material iPhones, red envelopes, gift boxes, and spiritual privileges, grades, and titles, and then the activity rules and operation area is at the bottom. There are many such cases, so I will not elaborate here.
⑤ Visual progress identification
Activities usually have a series of operations. After each operation, users should be given a feedback, such as a number+1 or a progress bar. Purpose To inform the user that the operation is successful and has been recorded, which is also a spiritual incentive.
The activity page also needs to create a popular atmosphere, which is in line with the Chinese people's psychology of being lively. So many activity pages will display "12345 people have participated" on the head, and the number will be constantly updated.
The following figure is the first product launched by Meituan that year. The page will show the countdown of the effective time and how many people have bought it. Although Meituan is not an activity platform from the present point of view, it still had activity attributes at the beginning of its establishment, so this case can also be used for reference.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

The above five points are the things that should be paid attention to in the activity itself. In addition, no more specific methods can be given. There is no shortcut to success, only to understand the method, accumulate more and fight for talent. After this step, the form, rules and logic behind the activity are determined.
Step 4: Follow up design, development and launch
An activity is a project with full responsibility for operation, and this link mainly reflects the role of the project manager. Whether PM landing, UI design, RD development and launch, or application for resources, external cooperation, etc., operators should follow up and pay attention to the final effect and time point.
Step 5: Promotion resources are ready
The promotion channels are also very important for the good effect of the activity, which should be prepared before the launch of the activity, including determining the launch schedule, material design and data statistics. This step is carried out in parallel with the previous step.
Promotion resources are divided into in station and out station.
In the station, it is mainly the existing channels such as resource location, push, system notification, or targeted push of precise user groups
Outside the station, it is generally necessary to exchange resources or pay for purchase. Find a product that is more suitable for promoting this activity. It has a better conversion rate than the site.
In addition, the application market and the Appstore are also off-site channels. The former can apply for cooperation in the first launch, award-winning activities, special topics, etc., and can also pay to buy referral seats; The latter is to brush the list.
Step 6: Do a good job in risk control and alternatives
List the possible risk points of the activity, and have alternative solutions according to each risk point.
There are several types of risk points:
In terms of technology, online time delay or post online bug
In terms of promotion, resources were not in place on time
In terms of users, the main selling point of the activity is that users don't buy it
External environment, other hot spots, such as haze, six children, Malaysia Airlines
In terms of law, there are illegal acts, such as Huang Fei and consumer rights and interests
Cheating loopholes, rule loopholes found by users, order swiping, watering, etc
Step 7: Warm up activities before going online
Online activities are popular for a short time, about one or two days. But for this short outbreak, there should be a warm-up in the early stage and an end in the later stage, so as to serve the peak of the activity well before and after. This is to control the rhythm of activities.
Among them, the warm-up of activities is very important, which is related to whether or not we can meet the explosion point and how high the explosion point is. The simplest way to preheat is to tell, for example, what activities will be launched on which day. The more complicated way is not only to inform, but also to have gimmicky elements to attract users' interest and attention, and also to invest promotion resources to expand the audience.
The most typical warm-up example is the upgrade of Didi's brand, which is a step of my analysis. If I fail to communicate with Didi's friends, it may not be accurate.
① The dissemination picture of "Didi Farewell by Taxi" (below) was released, causing users to guess.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

② It was told that something big was going to happen, which led users to speculate. A variety of interesting "Didi XX" spread in the circle of friends.
③ The countdown starts near the announcement date, as shown below.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

④ Insert this information into Didi's red envelope, as shown below.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

⑤ Officially renamed and released official notice, as shown below.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

⑥ On Weibo and other platforms, the # D Contest # was launched to consolidate users' awareness of the new brand. It belongs to post launch communication, as shown below.

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

Step 8: Keep an eye on the progress of activities after going online

After the above seven steps, the activity goes online. At this time, the main responsibility of the operation becomes to monitor the effect and see whether the activity is on the expected track. If it is within the adjustable range, act as soon as possible.
What needs to be monitored is data and feedback:
Data. There are two cases: real-time and unit time (usually per day). You should have psychological expectations for data fluctuations, and think that it is normal to go up and down.
If it exceeds the fluctuation range, it is considered as an abnormal situation, and specific reasons need to be traced. The possibility is equal to the "risk point" above.
Feedback. Pay close attention to all platforms where user feedback will appear, such as user groups, post bars, microblogs, circles of friends, etc.
While paying attention to the activity process, we should also collect valuable information to prepare for the activity summary. For example:
Optimizable process or experience
Record the peak and trough of data
Collect user feedback and discussion
Interesting screenshots during the activity
Step 9: Announce the activity results
So many things have been done before, in fact, this step is most easily ignored, because the roles of the official and the user are reversed in this step. The first step is for the official to ask users to participate in activities. At this step, users become more active in paying attention to the results, and the official revenue stage has ended.
Therefore, we remind you not to be a snake in a tiger's head. At this time, users are staring at us, and it depends on this step to make them satisfied or disappointed. Just like the consumer buying a house, the contract signing in front of the house is greeted by the smiling face of the real estate sales. By the time the house is delivered, the consumer's money has been given to the real estate company, and the mentality will be more subtle, hoping that the other party will have better delivery services and complete the whole transaction.
Never turn your back on others like some real estate profiteers. Attention should be paid to these issues when publishing activity results:
① Inform all event audience users
If the activity is launched to all users, the results should also be presented to all users; If it was only shown to some users at the beginning, the results would also be shown to this group of people.
In short, the audience users who publish the activity results should be consistent with the audience users when the activity is launched.
② Channels for feedback to users
On the activity results page, provide a channel for users to appeal and inquire, and face possible problems in the future with an open attitude. This is just like the after-sales service of e-commerce. Even if there may be a situation of desperation and dishonesty, the operation cannot avoid it, because this is one of the responsibilities of the operation itself.
③ Try to be completely transparent and fair
When publishing the results, list the ID, achievements and awards of each award-winning user. If allowed, you can even list the scores of all participating users. Strictly follow the activity rules to implement and publish, without any ambiguity or concealment, which is related to the credibility of users.
Step 10: activity summary
The first is to write to yourself. Just like checking your exam results when you are at school, you should have an explanation of your work during this period of time, and work from beginning to end.
The second is to sum up the experience of the activity. It is also wealth to continue to develop the good places and avoid the bad places next time.
Finally, it is given to superiors and colleagues for reporting and sharing. No matter how hard the process is, the superior should judge the operation based on the final results, and also need to understand the progress of each step of the project; Colleagues also need to make progress in other directions, and those who have made great contributions to the product will naturally have the right to speak accordingly.
Elements to be included in activity summary:
① Background
This summary should be made sure that everyone can understand it, even the colleagues who do not understand the project. Therefore, it is necessary to write the background clearly, and never assume that others should understand some information by default.
For example, Homework is the learning software of K12, which can take photos and search questions or ask Xueba questions. At present, the problem is that due to the high cost of answering, the problem solving rate of high school mathematics is relatively low, and we hope to improve the problem solving rate through activities.
② Objectives
Explicitly inform the campaign objectives, within what time frame, and how much data will be improved.
For example, the one hour solution rate of math problems in senior high school is 90%, and that in junior high school is 98%. It is expected to increase to 95% through activities, similar to junior high school mathematics. The activity time is from January 1 to January 7.
③ Effect
What we are talking about here is the final effect. Only the core data will be written, and whether it meets the expectations. There is no need to write process data and analyze processes.
For example, after the activity, the math solution rate of senior high school rose to 95%, meeting the activity expectations.
④ Detailed analysis
List specific measures and data, analyze the progress of each step of the activity, and draw conclusions.
For example, in order to improve the 1-hour solution rate of high school mathematics, the strategy is to expand the introduction of answer teachers and tilt the existing incentive lever to high school mathematics. Then list each step separately, which is very different for each project, so I will not write it in detail here.
⑤ Experience summary
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the activity and list them separately.
For example, the advantage is that the method of introducing teachers is high-quality and effective; The disadvantage is insufficient preparation for low quality answers.
⑥ Follow up plan
From the perspective of this activity, analyze the inspiration brought to myself for looking forward to the follow-up work. If the activity is effective, whether it can be reused in the future, or whether the modules in the activity can be taken out and continue to play a role.
For example, the next step will be to sort out the complete process of introducing teachers and implement the product.
The above six points are the elements of the activity summary, which is the combination of the above cases:
It can be seen from the data that the problem solving rate of high school mathematics is relatively low, and we hope to improve the problem solving rate through activities.
The rate of solving mathematical problems in one hour in senior high school is 90%, and that in junior high school is 98%. It is expected to increase to 95% through activities, similar to junior high school mathematics. The activity time is from January 1 to January 7.
After the activity, the math solution rate of senior high school rose to 95%, meeting the activity expectations.
Detailed analysis:
In order to improve the 1-hour solution rate of high school mathematics, the strategy is to expand the introduction of answer teachers and tilt the existing incentive lever to high school mathematics.
Experience summary:
1. The advantage is that the method of introducing teachers is high quality and effective. 2. The disadvantage is that the preparation for low quality answers is insufficient
Follow up plan:
1. The next step will be to sort out the complete process of introducing teachers and implement the product.
3、 Case study
The above ideas will be followed by case analysis. Each case is divided into these questions:
Activity Type Activity Purpose Cut in Demand My View
1. Didi's Spring Festival Travel Home

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: product module, which can be regarded as activity
② Purpose of the activity: cater to the needs of users and strengthen the user awareness of Didi as a travel product
③ Cut into demand: going home during the Spring Festival is a strong demand
④ My opinion: Didi has always been very grounded. This time, it tells users that they can do a lot in travel.
2. Alipay Jifu

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: game
② Activity purpose: establish user relations and prepare for subsequent socialization
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: no matter how many people complain and whether Alipay can socialize well, at least this activity has made you add many friends, which is enough.
3. Meituan take out red envelope

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: subsidy
② Activity purpose: improve market share and cultivate user habits
③ Cutting into demand: chasing profits
④ My opinion: Red envelopes are just a form of subsidies, and there should be other means to achieve subsidies. It's a pity that everyone has been continuing this game, and there is no incentive for innovation.
4. "Sakura cone parkour" of Baidu Maps

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: game
② Activity purpose: Baidu Maps O2O business model exploration
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: good data effect is not difficult for Baidu to achieve. More importantly, it is a good combination of online and offline. The threshold for user participation is low and very grounded.
5. "Take a picture of yourself and I'll draw it" of the same

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: games, topics
② Activity purpose: increase interaction and indirectly improve DAU
③ Cut in demand: interesting
④ My opinion: It's very interesting and creative. Same creates many games.
6. The "soft text contest" of Hammer mobile phone

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: topic
② Activity purpose: brand communication through microblog platform
③ Cut in demand: interesting
④ My opinion: the force is obvious, which is very compatible with the user group of Hammer
7. # Bang of Weibo Wang Feng made headlines#

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: topic
② Activity purpose: commercial purpose. At that time, Wang Feng's new songs were first released in microblog music, and the topic of operation planning was ignited, with more than 100 million topics
③ Cut in demand: interesting
④ My opinion: it is done by one operator, and it is really ranked as No. 1 hot topic naturally. I took advantage of the situation and did a good job.
8. Keep's community topic

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: topic
② Activity purpose: connect the transformation from tools to interaction, and improve user stickiness
③ Cut in demand: the displayed psychological demands
④ My opinion: fitness experts love beauty and themselves very much, and community topics give them a good space to show off for Xiaobai users to look up to. Conversely, it is also an incentive for small white users.
9. Kung Fu Panda Film Review Activity of Cat's Eye Film

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: prizes, games
② Activity purpose: increase the number of UGC users
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: the activity is gamified, and the film is combined with UGC, which is creative.
10. The # of microblog takes microblog to travel#

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: topic
② Activity purpose: increase activity and indirectly improve DAU
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: make good use of the "vacation" hot spot, and guide users to UGC through topics. Later, it began to be commercialized.
11. Momo Red Packet Battle

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: game
② Purpose of the activity: to improve the activity and promote the core point of making friends
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: Red envelopes are only applicable to people nearby, so the activity still focuses on making friends with strangers, taking advantage of the Spring Festival and red envelopes.
12. Tencent Sports's "Welfare on the Spot"

 The most complete method of activity operation in history (with 12 cases attached)

① Activity type: game
② Activity purpose: commercial interests
③ Cut into demand: profit seeking and interesting
④ My opinion: it would be better to win the prize if you could throw a few balls between the balls. Commercialization is well integrated with user needs, and it is really interesting.
Finally, I finished.
Author: Han Xu, WeChat official account: operation dog's work diary, cat's eye film product operation expert. In the past 10 years, he has focused on Internet operations, including product operations, user operations, community operations and UGC operations.

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