Fox: Three "Borrowing Power" Mental Skills for Entrepreneurs

We should avoid our own weaknesses and borrow others' strengths to make up for our own weaknesses. This is called "borrowing strength"

Wise people do not use their shortcomings, but use the strengths of fools;  
Do not use the clumsiness of fools, but the ingenuity of fools;
Entrepreneurship In the same way, most people like to learn skills everywhere to make up for their weaknesses, which is obviously wrong thinking.
We should avoid our own weaknesses and borrow others' strengths to make up for our own weaknesses. This is called“ leveraging ”。
When starting a business, there are many points and methods that can be borrowed.
For example:
  • Take advantage of competitors' products;
  • Take advantage of the flow of competitors;
  • The mode of borrowing from the opponent;
  • Borrow the resources of the opponent;
  • Customers who take advantage of competitors;
  • Borrow from the opponent's Marketing Manipulation;
  • Rules of the platform;
  • ……
Each of the above points can be split into very subdivided small nodes.
For example, optical products can be divided into:
  • The product layout of the borrower;
  • Borrow the opponent's selection strategy;
  • Borrow the selling points of competitors' products;
  • Borrow the product form of competitors;
  • The transaction process of the borrower;
  • The sales strategy of the borrower;
  • ……
In short, there are many ways to play by borrowing, but before borrowing, you must learn the basic "marketing deduction" and "marketing psychology".
Because before you borrow the power, you must rehearse the decision-making process of your competitors and customers. If you don't know what your competitors' needs are and what you want to do with each step, how can you successfully borrow the power of your competitors for your use?
Of course, these are not the key points today. I will share these secrets with you in the form of internal information.
Today's key points are: "Take others' strengths and make up for my weaknesses"!

1. Use your strength to fight

The so-called leverage is to use the strengths and strengths of others to solve their own weaknesses or problems.
This method uses "Taiji thinking", and seeks to win by cleverness.
The common situation is that I have products and you have traffic, so we can cooperate and borrow from each other.
Just like you have products, Taobao, Pinxixi, Jingdong, and traffic, so you sell on it and rely on the traffic of the platform.
For example, I have products, but the homogenization is serious. If you find a teacher who knows how to improve the value of products, and help you do product differentiation, the profits will naturally rise.
It is also a way of borrowing strength from others' "experience" to help you and your competitors stagger the edge of competition.
Otherwise, no matter how much promotion fee you burn, there will always be competitors whose prices are cheaper than you.
Of course, you can also find a good teacher to learn the other party's technology and ability, and then apply it to the industry competition. This is the power of borrowing other people's "knowledge".
Taking advantage of strength is a secret skill of experts. Most people use it secretly.
The above is just a basic way of playing with strength, which is enough for ordinary people.
Borrow strength to play a higher level is to "use competitors' moves to counter opponents". This move is tough, so it cannot be said publicly.

2. Use your own strength to defeat others

It is a strategy often mentioned in the art of war to use one's own advantages to attack the other's weaknesses. But there seems to be few people who can use it well. Why?
The reason is very simple, the essence is two words: human nature!
The key to whether this strategy can be used well is whether you can find your own advantages and disadvantages.
In the first lesson of the course, I asked everyone to find their own advantages, but I found that few people really found their own advantages.
Because of humanity, we can only see the things on each other. It is very quick for us to find the weaknesses and shortcomings of others.
If you don't believe it, you can pay attention to it. Even if a child says a wrong word, he can find out the problem for you.
The same is true for adults. We always like to look for other people's shortcomings and problems. Even if we do something wrong, we will look for reasons from others.
As a result, most people cannot change their own shortcomings all their lives, because they always see others' shortcomings.
Therefore, the key of this strategy is to learn to "reflect on" yourself, examine yourself, and find out your strengths and weaknesses, otherwise everything will be in vain.
Many people say they don't know what projects to do or what products to do. The reason is that you don't know where your advantages are or what resources you have.
Just like a student the other day, I asked him what his advantages were. In this case, who do you lose if you start a business?

3. Use the talents of fools

Back to Guiguzi's words at the beginning: "Wise people don't need to be short, but use the strong points of fools."
Just like the boss, a wise man, is borrowing the power of migrant workers, who have plenty of time and power. As long as you get three or five thousand yuan, you will be tired to death for the boss.
The world is cruel. If you don't "use your strength" or "use your own strength to defeat others' shortcomings", you can only let the boss "use your strength".
If you are the boss, you should be good at finding "fools".
The so-called fool is:
a、 He can't find his own advantages, but you find them;
This requires that you are Bole, and you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering the "thousand mile horse".
About 2015, I was drinking tea at the home of an old man whose son had just graduated from college and could not find a suitable job. His father scolded me for nothing
This child is a student of art. Later in the chat, I found that he had a good understanding of color matching.
At that time, I recommended him to a friend in Guangzhou who specializes in women's clothing. He specialized in clothing color matching and Taobao page color matching. Later, I heard that he mixed well.
There are many people who are only intoxicated with their own world, but they don't find out in reverse what field they can use their expertise in, thus losing the best opportunity to play their own role.
Some people are gifted with art, but they are decoration workers;
Some people love pets and have a deep understanding of pet care, but only go to work as a clerk
Too many people fail to find their own highlights and choose irrelevant work.
b、 He has strong points, but he can't use them;
This kind of situation is very common in our life, and it is vividly reflected in the migrant workers.
Some people have outstanding graphic design ability, but only choose to work, because there is no operate Ability, no marketing thinking, not to mention borrowing power, so his strengths can only be used by the boss.
Some people have good sales ability and excellent communication ability with customers, but they only work as an ordinary salesperson at the counter, because she said that she has no products or customers, and can only do sales at the counter
There are too many people in the society who have their own strengths, but their comprehensive ability is not enough to start a business or dare not start a business.
If you are the boss, a resource integration expert, good at discovering the advantages of others, integrating these people, putting the right people in the right position, it is also a borrowing of other people's strengths for you

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