WeChat asks how to promote

WeChat Ask How to promote

Search on WeChat - Here comes the question to see how to use it# WeChat # video # ask # search # lead

The video number has another accurate traffic portal. Make good use of this function to bring a continuous stream of accurate customers to your video number.

That is to ask about the heavy new functions recently launched.

 WeChat asks how to promote

How to play?

Let me explain clearly in a video.

Then this new function is called WeChat Ask, which is similar to the WeChat version of Zhihu.

First of all, click Search on the Discovery page to find out. If you don't have it, don't worry. The function hasn't been turned on here. I will help you turn it on in three steps.

First, click a topic randomly in the search discovery, and you will see a question,

What about the second? Click Ask and you will enter the question and answer page.

 WeChat asks how to promote

Third, you can click the question and answer, log in according to its operation instructions, write down an answer at random, and then return to the search page. Do you find that your question and answer portal has been opened? The next important thing is its drainage skills.

Listen, the biggest difference between Zhihu and Zhihu is that in addition to using words and pictures, it has an option when answering questions, called short video of video number.

what do you mean?

If this question is well asked and the traffic is high, it can directly lead to your short video. Isn't it very delicious?

I see. How can we play with this mechanism in the future?

I'll teach you.

 WeChat asks how to promote

If you go to a website next door and ask the classic question again, then use your short video to answer it again. There will be traffic, right?

If you understand it, please help me like it, collect it and forward it. Go ahead and do it yourself. If you don't understand it, listen to it several times.

I have prepared the hot questions of the hot industry for you in the top link of the comment area, and you can use them directly.

This article is edited by: Baishou Network Company. I like to click the avatar above to follow. Please do not reprint it

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This article was submitted by Baishou, which does not represent the love operation position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: https://www.iyunying.org/yxzs/wlyx/321025.html

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