Talent marketing, brand building "quality effect integration" winning strategy

The era of live broadcast e-commerce, Talent marketing realization Marketing Broken circle

 Why do you want to do talent marketing?

At the moment when the live broadcast e-commerce is heavily involved and traffic is tight, everyone hopes to help the brand promote sales growth and brand exposure through talent resources in addition to their own hard working live broadcast and short video shooting.

 The rumored "brand must be talent marketing" in the Jianghu, what is talent marketing in the end? What is included?

Talent marketing, in short, is to contact the talent, use live broadcast and short video to help you sell your goods and increase the brand's publicity exposure!

How to use talent marketing to expand brand sales and achieve“ Combination of quality and effect ”?

 attachments-2023-08-FRTQaE4m64cb12d34bc73.jpg ▲ Produced by Cicada Mama E-commerce Academy

1、 Catch the crowd to find the sales point distribution talent

1. Focus on crowd commodity audience crowd portrait

Once there was a high-quality talent in front of me. I didn't cherish it until I lost it. If God gave me a chance to match the talent again, I would say: first look at my product audience!

Analyze the benefits of product audience portrait:

1. Clarify the product positioning, improve the success rate of matching talent, and save the cost of building a joint talent

2. Improve the order delivery rate with goods and interaction rate of grass planting

Where can I check my product audience portrait?

There are 2 ways:

01 Short video grass planting user portrait - cicada mother BI



02 Portrait of Brand Audience - Cicada Mother BI




Determine the consumption level according to the product audience portrait.

Judge the basic audience portraits of the product by gender, age and region, classify the portraits of eight e-commerce groups, judge the consumer level of audience portraits, study the preferences of such groups for content, and match the talents of the corresponding content for cooperation and matching.

2. Find the selling points and sort out the core selling points

After identifying the audience group of the product, we can make a product hand card in coordination with the selling points of the product, which can not only accurately select the right talent, but also greatly improve the success rate of cooperation.

Mastercard for products with goods:

① Record the basic information of commodities, integrate the selling points of commodities, and sort out the speaker's scripts in advance;

② [Auxiliary tools] for the talent of building a joint venture to help improve the success rate of the talent of building a joint venture and reduce communication costs;

③ The speech integrity during the delivery of the products by the experts, so as to prevent the "open window" of the products introduced by the experts;

④ The basis for product update iteration and subsequent synchronization of Daren's product update information;

3. Quality tools of the distributor assist in matching

The refining of product audience portraits and the matching of talents after sorting out product selling points can greatly improve the efficiency and success rate of Jianlian talents.

Specific matching logic:

1. Match the talent of the corresponding fan portraits with the product audience portraits, and use [Cicada Circle] to reach this type of talent efficiently and accurately;

2. Usage of Cicada Circle: Cicada Circle - Daren Library - Daren Information Search - Classified Search (shown in the attached figure);

3. Use the sorted out selling points and commodity hand cards to further match the talent and improve the success rate of the talent cooperation.

(Data source: https://www.kolkoc.com ))

▲ STEP1: Open the homepage of cicada circle

 attachments-2023-08-K1sPvDCI64cb136aa8940.png ▲ STEP2: Select the talent pool

2、 Set goals, provide matching products and build a matrix

1. Set goals and define stage goals and needs

It is easy to cause blind matching when matching talents after completing the preliminary work. Even if the talents label matches the product, the final result is not optimistic. Clarify the needs of the current stage before matching, which can not only accurately match the talent, but also better achieve the set goals.

What are the core needs of brands in talent marketing?

Demand for goods transfer: Daren sells brand products in the form of short video trailers and live studio trailers, bringing direct GMV revenue to the brand.

Grass planting publicity demand: Daren brings exposure to brand products but does not directly bring GMV benefits to them by shooting soft implanted Amway content such as product recommendation and trial.

As a brand, at what stage do you need to carry goods for conversion and plant grass for publicity?

At what stage does the brand need to bring goods to transform the type of talent?

① There is a certain foundation for product transformation and there is still a brand with transformation at present;

② Brands in marketing cycle (hot sale) and participating in marketing nodes;

③ A brand with strong product strength.

At what stage do brands need grass planting and publicity talents?

① New brand, brand side in the stage of platform user cognition (water storage period);

② Products with narrow audience and weak product force;

③ The pre promotion needs before the marketing nodes of mature brand products.

2. Find the right person for the right product, and also give the right product

Brands without talent marketing experience often think that they can wait for GMV after finding the right talent, but the final output of the talent is far from the expected. Of course, the reason is that there is no right product. It is important to select the right talent, but it is more important to select the product that can bring the best sales volume to the talent.

What details should we pay attention to when giving products?

Don't blindly give products: the right products are given to the right people. Although the fan portrait is consistent with the product category, it is also very important to select the right products from them.


▲ Correct matching of products

Check the profit rate of the product: the profit space of the commodity is insufficient, it is difficult to provide a good mechanism for reaching people to carry goods in live broadcast rooms and short videos, and the market competitiveness will be greatly weakened.

3. Build a matrix. Play different talent matrices with three different marketing methods

From the "single play" at the beginning of talent marketing to the multi matrix now, more and more brands are no longer blindly following the crowd to "find the head and break the middle end". More yuan of combination and collocation make talent marketing play endlessly.

Play 1: Change from single to diversified combination of daily marketing

Since 2021, Douyin has actively produced a group of super head talent, leading many brand businesses to follow the trend and blindly seek such super head talent as the backbone of talent marketing. The risk of a single game is extremely high.

However, since 2022, with the maturity of live broadcast content and talent, more and more businesses are willing to trust the content production capacity of mid waist talent and the ability to transform goods, abandoning the previous talent marketing method of "looking for the head and breaking the middle tail", and making daily talent marketing more diversified.

This diversified talent combination has brought better marketing performance, lower marketing costs, and less operational risk.

Play 2: KOL+KOC to get through the content marketing link

The content marketing game has a variety of options for the brand through the diversity of the content output direction of the talent at different stages, the proportion of the talent at different levels, and the type of the talent. It is mainly divided into four stages: circle building, circle expansion, circle breaking and transformation.

① Phase I: building a circle (new product release, brand renewal)

If the brand is in the early stage of product launch and has not yet established user awareness on the basis of the platform, through planning about 90% of the waist and tail KOCs, its content orientation focuses on product advantages to create momentum for new products; The remaining 10% will seek KOL cooperation on the Jianlian platform to endorse the brand for the new product platform.

② Stage 2: Circle expansion (cognitive upgrading, benchmarking competitive products)

Establish user awareness after extensive deployment in the first stage, and start to improve user awareness in the second stage. From the perspective of content marketing, improving user cognition means more professional and authoritative. Therefore, in the second phase, it is planned to build the super head and head KOL in 50% of the professional fields of the Union to do video content grass planting and endorsement; The remaining 50% of KOC's content production direction has been adjusted from the initial introduction of product advantages to the real experience from the consumer's standpoint, so as to improve the perceived authenticity of users' content.

③ Stage 3: Circle breaking (greatly promoting water storage and reaching through circle breaking)

In the second stage, after improving users' awareness of the product, more so-called "grounded" talents are needed to output content, and 95% of the content is planned to be given to KOC, whose content direction is more inclined to create a perceptible consumer experience, triggering strong interaction among users; The remaining 5% will be given to the cross domain and cross circle KOL to further improve the brand voice, hoping to reach more users in different fields to pay attention to the product before the promotion.

④ Stage 4: Transformation (promote harvesting and transform with goods)

The final stage is the stage to test the ability of transformation with goods. From the game of talent combination of content marketing, more businesses still rely more on the platform to give priority to the traffic of the head KOL and stars in the big promotion stage, so businesses will put more budget (90%) in the big promotion period to seek the cooperation of the head KOL, And through the combination of live broadcast with goods+short video with goods, output hard power content transformation, which is more direct, and live broadcast slice with short video launch brings more transformation channels; The other 10% KOC cooperated with the head KOL to introduce the product content of the whole brand.

 attachments-2023-08-17OIEvS264cb13bfa284f.png ▲ Full process of content marketing talent matrix

Play 3: Rules for building small and medium-sized brand node marketing talent matrix

As mentioned above, the talent matrix can be combined from the perspective of content marketing. If the brand is in the period of promotion, it can be transformed into hard power through a large number of strong endorsements of KOL and live broadcast scheduling. How can small and medium-sized brands improve the production ratio of talent marketing during the promotion? What are the playing methods? Further planning needs to be made for node marketing:

Take the end of year promotion on December 21, 2022 as an example:

① Phase I: Warm up publicity period (new product launch)

In the early stage of the promotion, the content storage will be carried out. Through a large proportion of KOL and a small number of KOC stores, the core goal is to make a large area of exposure, create momentum and publicity, and do not have to be too harsh on the label of talent, which can be universal entertainment, universal life, peers and cross industry talent.

② Stage 2: Grass planting resonance period (increase occupancy)

On the basis of the previous sales volume, adjust the proportion of talent. The core of the matrix is the mid waist talent. Use its high-quality content production capacity and fan stickiness to improve the market share of products. And in the selection of talent, we no longer use the pan label talent. Jianlian is mainly vertical to the industry in product portraits.

③ Stage 3: Weeding conversion period (harvest stage)

Different from the brand during the promotion period without pre warming up, after the early impoundment stage and the market share increase, the weeding conversion period is more through the small and medium-sized talents in the vertical industry, and the potential low powder and high conversion talents, but the final weeding effect has a direct relationship with the previous paving amount.

 attachments-2023-08-FT92Infp64cb1a4790c17.jpg ▲ The whole process of building a small and medium-sized brand node marketing talent matrix

3、 Re launch after effect

1. Follow up the data feedback of the effect expert

In order to create a better long-term cooperation feasibility after the successful cooperation with talent, it is necessary to collect and analyze the data feedback of grass planting publicity and type of talent transformation with goods in a multi-dimensional way, and screen out the list of talent worthy of continued cooperation.

What data need to be focused on?

Grass planting publicity experts:


Person in charge of goods transformation:



Brands have different understandings of talent marketing at different stages, and their needs vary greatly.

First define the audience portrait and advantages of your own products, then do talent matching and product distribution, finally combine the existing talent according to different talent matrix matching methods, match and manage talent resources through high-quality tools, finally select the right talent for long-term cooperation, reduce communication costs, so that the brand will have a more efficient performance in talent marketing.

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