The interns have established 500 talents a week? How on earth did he do it?

The importance of "content grass planting" for brands is self-evident.

Sydney, the media director of a beauty brand, was facing a difficult problem. The company asked her to cooperate with grass growers to send at least 1000 grass planting content before the 38th Festival, to increase sales through "grass planting+goods", and to ignite new products in the festival.

When Sydney actually started to look for the content of talent hair to plant grass, she faced too many problems:

Former colleagues have taken most of the talent resources away, and need to re-establish a large number of talent;

The sample cooperation process is very complicated, and multiple forms need to be filled in for the application, delivery and logistics of one sample;

It is difficult to monitor the content data. At the same time, 1000 pieces of content are cooperated, and the workload of data detection and effect statistics is huge;


▲ Pictures from the network

Sydney took two colleagues to work. It took three days to find the contact information of dozens of experts, and to communicate and cooperate, arrange samples and focus on data at the same time. The three were busy, but they were still far from their goal.

After communicating with several friends, Sydney found that they had encountered similar problems. Some companies will customize a set of EPR system, but the cost of money and time is high, which is far from satisfying their thirst; Some companies use multi-dimensional tables to further optimize local tables, which has improved efficiency but is not high; Some companies also use the mature CRM management tools on the market to greatly improve their work efficiency.

With the recommendation of friends, Sydney experienced cicada circles and found that the efficiency of talent selection and league building can be so high. Sydney soon completed the establishment of the association with the target number of people, and it seems that it is not difficult to get 1000 pieces of content cooperation.

So, how does Cicada Circle help Sydney improve its efficiency and quickly establish a large number of talents?

1、 Find talent, and accurately position high-quality talent in multiple dimensions

The first problem for Sydney is how to quickly establish a large number of talents in a short time.

There are millions of talents on the market. The first step for Sydney is to select talents that meet the needs of the brand.

In Cicada Circle, you can find the clues of talents who are capable of planting grass on the two mainstream content platforms, Diaoyin and Xiaohongshu. Through talent classification, goods classification, goods information, talent information and other screening conditions, it is easy to filter out most of the talent who do not meet the brand goal.


▲ Cicada Circle - Find the Expert - Little Red Book


After the initial screening, Sydney can further analyze the data of the recommended talent, fan data, content data (likes, fan ratings), recent goods/content cooperation, etc.

Whenever she meets a suitable talent, she just needs to click the "Follow up" button to automatically add the talent to the "My Talent" list and make further linkage actions. She no longer needs to manually enter each talent into Excel.

The "My Talent" list will also automatically update the tag according to the progress of the talent establishment/cooperation. Each time you open it, you can see the current cooperation stage of the partner at a glance.

 attachments-2023-07-FUkUNb9I64c72a924a772.png ▲ Cicada circle my talent list

By using the talent search and talent management functions, and multi-dimensional cross number selection and comparison, Sydney bid farewell to the days of looking for a needle in a haystack, accurately screened talent, and selected the brand Marketing The right person.

2、 Sample tracking, multi process integration, easy sample management

Another function Sydney loves is sample follow-up.

In the past, when Sydney sent a sample to the talent, it needed to go through many links, such as OA application, logistics delivery, and check express delivery. In this process, it also had to fill in many forms, check the logistics situation from time to time, and synchronously send it to the talent. This fragmented work is very distracting.

The sample follow-up function of cicada circle makes the sample management process more efficient and smooth. OA application and logistics delivery are completed in a centralized manner. It also supports automatic updating of logistics information, saving the time for manual checking of logistics information.

 attachments-2023-07-hq2z0kNe64c72aa5a6a74.png ▲ Cicada circle - sample follow-up

When the logistics display signs for receipt, the system will also send a message at the first time to reach the person in charge in time, promote the cooperation progress, and urge the person in charge to launch the test as soon as possible. It is no longer because of the loss of express delivery, missed the start schedule of the talent, and improved the success rate of the broadcast.

Sample follow-up also supports the binding of ERP system, and batch synchronization of sample logistics information. The user can synchronize the sample logistics information in batch to the Wangdiantong background after binding the ERP system of Wangdiantong in the background of Cicada Circle, and the logistics information delivered on Wangdiantong will also be automatically returned to Cicada Circle, effectively improving the work efficiency.


▲ Cicada circle ERP binding

3、 Content monitoring, full link tracking Talent cooperation effect

Content monitoring is an important part of creating blockbusters.

How can we sensitively capture the trend of grass planting content to burst money, and timely contribute to add a fire to the content to make it more popular?

Many teams will open the home page of their partners from time to time to check the grass planting content through manual monitoring. It's good to say that there are several dozens of cooperation contents, but it is almost impossible to realize when facing hundreds, even thousands of cooperation contents.


▲ Cicada circle my content

Cicada circle "My Content" can automatically monitor and count the data of cooperative content, including the number of plays, likes, forwards, comments, etc. The key data indicators of each content are automatically updated every 3 to 10 minutes, which completely frees up the input of human monitoring and saves a lot of time for the media.


▲ Cicada circle - monitoring rules

You can also set user-defined monitoring rules. When the content meets the preset expected value within the specified time, such as the number of likes and plays reaches a certain amount, the user will also be notified through the public account message or the Cicada system. So that the media can catch up with the popularity of the content at the first time, can add more, and continue to amplify the influence of popular content.

4、 Summary

As "talent marketing" has become the inevitable choice of brand marketing. With the increasing scale, brand owners need to think about and solve how to screen efficiently Excellent person of Jianlian Improve the efficiency of sample management, track the effect of content marketing, and even manage stores across platforms and efficiently count employee performance.

Sydney solved these problems with the help of cicadas. Through efficient collaboration mechanism and standardized workflow, it solved the impossible tasks and greatly improved the work efficiency.

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