Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

With the rapid evolution of social media, Daren has upgraded iteratively with the prosperity of the platform, and e-commerce distribution in the live broadcast scenario has become the most direct way to realize brand goods. More and more brands have increased sales through the combination of shop broadcast and reach broadcast, and different industry layouts Talent marketing The situation and cooperation mode are different, This article will take the beauty industry as an example to become an expert in the disassembly industry Marketing Some methodologies of

Contents include:

1. Industry insight

2. Method refining

three case Disassembly

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

Analysis on the distribution of No.1 beauty products/brands

1. Among the top 500 products in the beauty care industry, 41.8% of the products whose sales reached 55.85% higher than the industry average accounted for 41.8%.

2. Among the small stores with the top 200 sales in the beauty care industry, 58% of the stores take Dabao as the main delivery channel.

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Whether it is the best selling goods or brands, Dabao is the main way to bring goods!

No. 2 Distribution of beauty care industry

1. In the category of beauty care, the average proportion of sales reached 55.86%, Far beyond The average proportion of brand self broadcast sales is 27.85% and the average proportion of store broadcast sales is 16.29%.

2. Around the Spring Festival, there was a significant contraction in the proportion of reach broadcasts, and the market share was squeezed by store broadcasts. However, around the "38 Queen's Day", the proportion of reach broadcasts rebounded, and there was a significant increase, and it remained stable later.

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NO.3 Distribution of skin care products/beauty tools/cosmetics/perfume

1. Check the secondary category of beauty care. Skin care products account for a higher proportion of sales than beauty tools and cosmetics/perfume categories. Beauty tools and cosmetics/perfume categories rely more on the "38 Queen's Day" to carry out distribution strategies.

2. The category of beauty tools has increased significantly before the "38 Queen's Day", reaching the peak in the 10th week, and then showing a small fluctuation and stability.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

It is easy to see from the above data that, Dabao is still the main channel for carrying goods in the beauty care industry, and its carrying capacity is strong.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

NO.1 Clarify the value and direction of talent marketing

When the brand is doing talent marketing, it is necessary to pre anchor the purpose of talent marketing. Is it to do "incremental" in the growth of mature brands, or to help new brands complete the "cold start" of new products?

Common marketing purposes of talent include brand exposure, mind grass planting, effect transformation, cold start of new products, etc. The strategies adopted for different purposes are different.

NO.2 Develop Talent Marketing Strategy

When formulating the marketing strategy of talent, brands need to consider the following points:

1. How many talents should be found and how much should be controlled in the proportion of reaching broadcast?

2. Type of talent meeting the current goal: content type and fan level:

With“ Brand exposure ”As the goal, spread the net widely, and take the content reach efficiency and crowd overlap as the screening criteria;

With“ Mind grows grass ”As the goal, balance grass planting and transformation, and pay attention to the accumulation of A3 people's ability;

With“ Effect conversion ”For the target, screen the target talent matrix, increase the conversion depth of target users, and improve the conversion rate of A3 → A4 population;

With“ Cold start of new products ”For the goal, the talent matrix will be quickly expanded, the top talent will improve the efficiency of new grass planting, pay attention to the growth of A3 population, the waist and tail talent will increase the reach area of the whole platform, and focus on the growth of A4 population.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

NO.3 "Cost reduction and efficiency increase" efficient talent management

With the strategy, the implementation of talent marketing should pursue cost reduction and efficiency increase:

1. Track the progress of talent cooperation and evaluate the effect of talent cooperation - efficient!

After landing, it is necessary to follow up the progress of talent cooperation in real time, collect the data of talent cooperation, clearly and intuitively present the effect data of each stage of talent marketing through the production of cooperation funnel, detect the "health" of the launch, and make targeted optimization.

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▲ Cicada circle - data overview

2. Manage more talents with less media - human efficiency!

The cooperation process is automated. Based on the cooperation form, it automatically follows up the cooperation of talents, saves unnecessary time in the process of cooperation, and establishes alliances and cooperates with more talents.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

▲ Cicada circle cooperation order management

3. High quality talents have cooperated for many times – growth!

According to the data of existing cooperation talents, judge the cooperation effect of the talents, mark the high-quality talents, and the high-quality talents have cooperated many times to amplify the determined success factors.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

▲ Cicada Circle - Talent Label Management

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

The previous article shared the industry trend and methodology. How to disassemble and analyze a brand in the industry? We select a brand that is # 12 in the beauty and skin care industry and # 9 in the category of skin care products facial skin care as an example.

NO.1 Brand Overview

The average daily sales of the brand are concentrated in 250w-500w, with 238 connected people, 1163 live broadcasts and 71 videos.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

NO.2 Disassembly of marketing

The brand can be found by viewing the data:

1. Short video grass planting continues to accumulate A3 people, and finally transforms in the live broadcast room/short video.

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2. Live broadcast is still the main channel for carrying goods.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

3. Since 2023, the proportion of the number of broadcast accounts reached each month in the total number of broadcast accounts is basically more than 95%.

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4. The proportion of transactions brought by self broadcasting and Dabao is equal, which indicates that the brand self broadcasting has stronger carrying capacity.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

5. In the case of stronger capacity of self broadcasting with goods, there are still more than 200 DDB cooperations every month, and the cooperation talents are concentrated in the head, shoulder and waist, which indicates that the main goals of DDB for the brand are:

① Build a talent matrix to continuously reserve A3 people for the brand and improve brand influence;

② Use the head to bring brand exposure;

③ The transformation power of the waist and tail talent with goods is strong, and the cost performance ratio is high, supporting the overall transformation effect of the brand talent marketing.

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1. Disassemble the type of brand partners and find Beauty, fashion, life, evaluation, mother and child, and beauty talent Brand preferred talent type;

2. However, as time goes by, the proportion of beauty talents has been declining, and the proportion of mothers and babies with parents and children has been steadily increasing;

3. When planning the talent marketing matrix, Priority should be given to the distribution of the brand's industry top talent With the change of touch points of users, people gradually began to expand their boundaries, and Gradually increase "rational grass planting" Proportion of planting grass on the whole.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

NO.3 Product/Talent Strategy Collaboration

1. Compare the price segment distribution of the number of goods and the sales segment distribution, and the products with good brand transaction effect are 300-1000 yuan;

2. The products delivered by Daren are mainly products with medium and high passenger prices, which are distributed around 150-200 yuan;

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

3. The customer price of 300 yuan and above is mainly the number of top players (the number of fans is 500w and above). The number of top players has increased the overall customer price of the brand due to their strong influence;

4. The unit price of the official flagship store (brand self broadcast) is about 200 yuan, which is 241.23 yuan lower than the unit price of the brand.

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

 Understand each article! How can talent marketing spend small money on big things?

Different industries have different marketing situations and cooperation modes. Later, we will share with other industries, such as food and beverage, clothing and underwear.

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