How can education and training enterprises do a good job of online promotion?

After years of development, plus the impact of the epidemic in 2020, the online education industry has seen a rapid increase in user penetration. According to data, the online education market is expected to reach 485.8 billion yuan in 2020.

More and more traditions Education and training enterprises Starting to expand online business, the Research Report on the K12 Education and Training Industry in the Subsidence Market shows that 95.6% of K12 education and training institutions agree that "the future education model must be OMO (online and offline combination)", and 77.14% of institutions want to have the ability to launch online courses.

Through online transformation, such as building online education platforms such as public accounts, applets, APP, PC online schools, etc. with the help of technology service providers such as makers and craftsmen, education and training enterprises can well accept and keep traffic on their own online platforms, fully control private domain traffic, and reduce Marketing Cost, broaden the scope of enrollment.

So, how can education and training enterprises achieve a successful transformation online Online promotion activities What about?

In marketing psychology, the psychology of conformity, the psychology of being greedy for small things, the sense of urgency and the sense of loss are the four most commonly used and tested psychology. If you want to do a good job in online promotion activities, education and training enterprises can start from these four points and use appropriate marketing tools to achieve the purpose of improving brand exposure and large-scale enrollment.

01 Duration of design activities

Generally speaking, as an online promotion activity, the cycle is best controlled in 3 to 10 days: the time is too short, the communication is not strong enough, and the effect is not good; If the time is too long, consumers will feel tired and their enthusiasm for participation will gradually decline.

02 Clarify the purpose of the activity

Through a successful promotion activity, the turnover of one month or even several months can be created in a short time.

At the same time, it can also maximize brand exposure. On the one hand, it can quickly accumulate popularity and introduce a large amount of traffic into the private domain traffic pool; On the other hand, let the users who have not been transformed in this activity also realize the advantages of enterprise culture and courses, think about it first when they want to consume next time, and pave the way for later transformation.

03 Analyze user profile

If you want to succeed in the activity, it is necessary to analyze the object of the activity.

Education and training enterprises can pass Data analysis , combined with the questionnaire survey, collect user data and feedback, and then design this activity according to the user's learning preferences, habits, gender, age, place of belonging, etc. When pushing activities, you can even set up user groups to refine operate Let the time of event release, communication steps, and promotional copy be as close to the preferences of target users as possible to achieve the maximum effect.

04 Design Activity Plan

1. Combined with important nodes:

Generally speaking, promotion activities can be carried out in combination with major festivals, enterprise anniversaries, hot events, etc., which is reasonable and credible, and easy to resonate and spread.

2. Online and offline combination:

Education and training enterprises can combine online and offline to maximize the impact of activities.

On the line, it is generally possible to create an atmosphere of activities through the store's X shelves, posters, banners and leaflets one week in advance.

The online methods are more abundant. Take the public account and small program knowledge store built with the help of maker craftsmen as an example. It is very convenient to do social marketing because of the access to the WeChat ecosystem.

1) Creation of knowledge store atmosphere

Not only offline stores need to create an atmosphere for activities, but online knowledge stores also need to make users feel the strength of activities.

Education and training enterprises can display this activity in the most prominent position through [Open Screen Advertising], so that every user entering the knowledge store can be attracted at the first time, and directly click to jump to the activity, shortening the access path.

2) Use [Vote] to ignite activities

If an activity wants to succeed, it needs to involve users actively as much as possible. Voting is a good trick.

For example, art training institutions can carry out "I am a little painter" voting activities, so that students' parents can show their children's pictures before and after the learning course in the voting activities, and show them to the circle of friends, WeChat groups, etc., so that all who see can participate in the voting, select the top five works with the highest number of votes, and set corresponding rewards according to the ranking.

In the setting of voting rules, users need to pay attention to the public account to participate in registration and voting. Through this activity, knowledge stores on the public account are channeled and the platform is rapidly expanded.

At the same time, in order to maximize the impact, enterprises can also synchronously publicize this voting activity on Weibo, so that more people know about it, and lead to knowledge stores.

3) Stepped wadding

An important element of the activity is to give consumers real discounts. Education and training enterprises can open their own star courses to the "group competition" activity, which will trigger users to actively spread.

For example, the education and training enterprise creates the Ladder Group, and sets the group payment price corresponding to different group members. For example, the original price of the course is 599 yuan. When two members form a group, the group price is 399 yuan; When 5 people form a group, the price of the group is 159 yuan; When 8 people form a group, the price of the group is 89 yuan.

Through the price gap, users are encouraged to actively share in the group and achieve efficient user fission.

4) Live broadcast with goods and lessons

Live broadcast belongs to the sunrise industry. With the popularity of 5G, a large number of businesses have turned to live broadcast. Face to face communication can promote communication and enhance the credibility of the event.

Education and training enterprises can ignite the atmosphere of the broadcast room through live broadcast+lucky turntable lottery, set prizes as some high-value physical prizes (such as physical books, electronic dictionaries, etc.) and platform virtual goods (coupons, online courses, VIP weekly cards, etc.), stimulate user participation, and guide users to focus on stores and experience courses with virtual goods.

At the same time, when the lecturer is teaching, the teaching assistants can also interact in the live broadcast room, such as the countdown of the number of annual card concessions on the platform. "At present, there are still six preferential annual card quotas left, and the activity will end at the end of this live broadcast", to increase the tension and stimulate user transformation.

At the end of the live broadcast, guide users to enter the exclusive community, and then conduct subsequent transformation. For example, teaching assistants can make a return visit to activities in the community, collect user feedback and answer questions, so that new users can have a sense of trust, and also enhance the stickiness between enterprises and users.

In a word, online is the trend of the times. Through online promotion activities and offline stores, education and training enterprises can reduce their marketing costs and achieve sustainable and efficient cash flow.

For teaching and training enterprises, it is no longer the time to hesitate whether it is necessary to transform online, but should enter the board first to occupy the highest point.

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