"99click Marketing College" information flow advertising optimization nine strategies!

The nine information flow advertising optimization strategies are well used, and the KPI will not be completed.

 "99click Marketing College" information flow advertising optimization nine strategies!

Account optimization refers to the process of constantly improving the promotion effect by changing the key elements in the promotion (budget, time period, material, bid, landing page, etc.). The three important stages in the promotion are: gaining exposure opportunities; Win customer clicks; Get transformed. The three stages are closely linked, and the goal of promotion optimization is to do every step well, so as to maximize the promotion effect.

The excellent promotion effect generally needs to meet the two conditions of large transformation amount and low transformation cost or one of them. When the promotion effect is poor, we can check in turn, find the key constraints, and then optimize.

Make good use of these nine information flow advertising optimization strategies, and you will not be afraid of failing to achieve KPI.

1. Account structure optimization

to make clear Marketing Set clear and reasonable account structure. The setting of the promotion plan serves the advertiser's own marketing planning ideas, without fixed regulatory restrictions, but it should ensure a clear structure to improve management efficiency and facilitate later data statistics and analysis.

2. Optimization of orientation mode

The purpose of orientation is to limit the advertising audience to a certain range and achieve more accurate touch, so as to improve the return on investment.

When using the orientation method, it is necessary to do a portrait analysis of the target population as well as analyze the characteristics of the target population. The more detailed the better. For example: region, age, browsing habits, hobbies, combined with Baidu index to analyze the geographical distribution of people, age distribution, etc.

In addition to the preliminary orientation setting based on our own crowd portrait analysis, we also recommend that you use the "posterior" method to secondary locate the target users.

Through the "Report Analysis" → "Population Analysis" in the promotion statistics background, you can view the effect data based on geographical location, understand your users' geographical location (or where they are when they click the advertisement), age distribution, gender distribution, and the popularity of your promotion plan in different regions/age groups/genders, Check our crowd portrait analysis through data verification to increase accuracy.

Analyze how to make targeted optimization and adjustment based on the actual data feedback from the background. For example, if we find that there are too many clicks in a certain region through analysis, we can set up an independent plan, allocate budget, and design targeted advertising language to further improve the effect.

Use a variety of targeted combination launch, try as many as possible, observe the launch effect of advertisements with different targeted conditions, and gradually select the most suitable targeted setting.

In addition, it should be noted that: (1) The orientation should not be too narrow, the orientation conditions are too thin or cross reused too much, which will lead to too low advertising exposure. When setting the orientation conditions, it is recommended to refer to the system estimation at the top of the orientation setting page for flexible adjustment. (2) In the same account, advertisements with the same direction and the same specification will compete with each other for traffic, so it is not recommended that advertisements with the same direction and the same specification be submitted repeatedly.

3. Promotion budget optimization

As for the set budget amount, there is no uniform standard or rule to follow because each advertiser's situation and promotion goals are different. You need to master the skills step by step during the launch process.

For beginners, it is advisable to start with a small amount. After the launch, it is necessary to closely monitor the effect data and offline time of the promotion plan, and increase or decrease the budget amount at any time according to the actual promotion situation. Offline time refers to (the time when the expenses of the current day reach the budget limit)

The following two points can be focused on in budget optimization:

(1) The function of uniform consumption is that the system can intelligently and dynamically allocate exposure within the time period set by the advertiser to achieve stable consumption as far as possible. However, if your strategy is to grab the most exposure in the fastest time, or you are currently in the testing stage of advertising, you can turn off uniform consumption. Observe the consumption speed and click distribution of the budget without limitation.

(2) When the budget consumption is too fast, you can consider the refined budget allocation by region and platform. You can view the budget proportion of different regions, platforms or other dimensions through the background report, and then combine the effect data and the company's marketing plan to do the refined splitting.

4. Promotion period optimization

The promotion time period is generally set according to the active time of the target audience on the promotion platform. It is suggested that advertisers can first conduct a large-scale test and set the delivery time based on the actual data

5. Bid optimization

The above-mentioned elements orientation, budget and time period are the basic settings of advertising exposure. Within the scope of basic settings, the amount of advertising exposure is mainly determined by two factors: bid and material click rate.

ECPM=CTR (click rate) * CPC (click price) * 1000. When the product of CTR and CPC is high enough, enough exposure will be obtained.

Suggested steps for bid adjustment:

(1) Create a new advertisement, upload high-quality advertising materials, and set the initial price to a higher value. For example, if the recommended bid range is 0.48 – 1.50 yuan, it can be set to more than 1.0 yuan.

(2) Observe the exposure and click data of the advertisement:

A If the advertising exposure is small, less than 3000, please increase your bid appropriately, and make a judgment after obtaining a certain exposure;

B If there is a certain amount of exposure (3000~5000 exposures or more), but the click rate is low, please update and optimize your advertising materials in a timely manner;

C/If you have obtained a certain amount of exposure (5000 exposures or more), and the click through rate is also ideal, you can keep the current ads unchanged, and continue to focus on the data. If you want to get more traffic, you can appropriately increase your bid or replace better materials

(3) Keep an eye on the advertising data. If the data trend shows an upward and stable trend, you can try to gradually reduce the price. If it is lower than the normal level, you can raise the price again and observe again. If the data has not improved after the price increase, it is recommended to give up the price adjustment and update the advertising materials.

Therefore, when 3000~5000 new advertisements have been exposed online, you can decide whether to cut prices, raise prices, pause or change materials, so as to constantly explore optimization experience and improve the promotion effect.

6. Material click rate optimization

The amount of advertising exposure is mainly determined by the bid and the click rate of the material. Therefore, only when the CTR is high enough can the CPC bid be reduced, thus reducing the cost of user acquisition. It is particularly important to emphasize that the click through rate factor is very important. If the click through rate of the material is very low, even if the bid is high, it is difficult to obtain a large amount of traffic.

The following three points can be considered to improve the click rate of materials:

(1) Update frequency: Generally, the advertising materials are updated every 2-3 days. If the exposure and click rate of the advertising materials released continue to be poor during the new advertising training period (1-5 days), you can consider suspending or updating the existing materials.

(2) Specification diversification: It is recommended that advertisers submit all available specifications online to ensure adequate exposure and avoid the failure to obtain the exposure of the advertising space due to the lack of specifications.

(3) Material attraction: Different people have different opinions on whether to attract or not, but there are certain rules to follow in public aesthetics and popular advertising. First, follow the rules and then bring forth the new. However, refining different selling points, understanding consumer psychology → making high-quality materials online → testing data → refining summary → constantly analyzing and accumulating experience is the king's way. I hope everyone can find their own winning secrets.

7. Ad click optimization

Click through rate (CTR), CTR=click through/exposure

For most advertisers (not just seeking exposure), the higher the CTR, the better.

On the premise that the exposure is fixed, the improvement of CTR mainly depends on the attractiveness of the material, and the relative CTR is also an important indicator to measure the excellence of the material.

8. Material quality optimization

Basic elements of excellent materials:

(1) Clarify the promotion goal: before making the material, first determine who to say, what to say, and what transformation goals to achieve in the advertisement, so that the target can be targeted, and then the target can be met.

(2) Avoid repetition: advertising materials do not win with more. Avoid using the same materials repeatedly. Too many repeated materials will make users visual fatigue and reduce click through rate. One or two similar advertising materials with the same orientation conditions can be used.

(3) Clear copywriting: the copywriting should focus on the key points, be as targeted and attractive as possible, and do not use popular copywriting. It can be in the form of theme+auxiliary description. It is suggested that there should be no more than 2 fonts/colors. Try to use standard fonts instead of deformed fonts and younger fonts.

(4) The composition is simple and the priorities are clear: within the effective advertising size, the key points should be highlighted as much as possible, and the complexity should be eliminated. Try to use a stable (inverted triangle, vertical) and symmetrical (left picture, right text, right picture, left text) composition, and try to avoid using too many decorative forms. The whole picture should enable users to quickly and clearly perceive the relationship between the picture, text, and background.

(5) Overall coordination: the overall color and style of the material should be kept uniform, and the background should use solid color, flat and micro texture pictures as far as possible, and avoid using too similar or eye-catching pictures.

(6) Reasonable size selection: while referring to the above suggestions, you also need to select a suitable advertising size for your advertising materials. Different advertising platforms provide different advertising sizes for selection. These sizes correspond to different exposure and click costs. Reasonable selection according to their own needs can achieve better results. If the promotion goal is to obtain high exposure in a short period of time with less budget and improve the public awareness of the brand, then you can choose the image advertising space with high average daily exposure and low unit price to launch.

9. Improvement and optimization of landing page transformation capability

(1) The advertising materials should be consistent with or relevant to the landing page;

(2) Improve the quality of website production, including rich content and high readability;

(3) Improve your product advantages, including price, product quality, brand and evaluation;

(4) The online help page is relatively complete, and the customer service responds in a timely manner;

(5) Self service shopping tips on the store/commodity page, with new user guide and customer service guide;

(6) Whether there are incentives for new users;

(7) Reduce any information that may cause a low sense of security.

(8) Check whether the basic elements of the general landing page are complete.

Want to know more marketing management Dry goods, please follow our WeChat official account: cn99click

Or visit our official website: http://www.99click.com

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