Good copywriting, understand emotions

Advertising common sense (ID: advertous)
Author | Brother Zhu; Executive Producer | Ghost

All copywriting should arouse the emotional reaction of consumers, otherwise there is no way to talk about the promotion function.

The emotional copywriting discussed here mainly refers to the emotional experience inspired by the expressive force of words pointing to emotional resonance and value recognition, rather than directly pointing to consumption impulse. In other words, the purpose of emotional copywriting is to communicate, and it will not directly promote purchase, but its influence is very lasting.

This time, we will look at the specific aspects of emotional copywriting from four aspects: arousing resonance, emotional communication, rendering atmosphere, and strengthening barriers case Application in.

 Good copywriting, understand emotions


Starting from the perspective of real and subtle insight, it will arouse the emotional resonance of consumers.

Example 1 Baidu APP: Maybe there are people to take care of, so they have to listen to rumors

Young people teased the elderly to listen to rumors, but Baidu said that the elders were powerless and concerned about their children when facing the complex network environment. The first half showed the products, and the last sentence marked the public mood and sublimated the theme.

Example 2: Gloria: 2022, turn over

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

When the social mood is depressed, Pelaya's copywriting gives a boost to confused consumers. The copywriting is simple but powerful, which adds points to the brand image.

Example 3 Oupai: staying in the room

Oupai applies the concept of "staying behind" to the room, which is very novel. People who watch it will be touched by their own experience. The film shows the process of transforming the left behind rooms, conveys brand care, and also gives consumption tips. Not only the new home decoration, but also the old house reconstruction can choose Oupai.

 Good copywriting, understand emotions Emotional communication

Let consumers feel the value of the brand and promote emotional communication.

Example 4 Nike: Find Your Greatness (Live your greatness)

The film shows various sports scenes of ordinary people. No matter who they are, no matter where they are, they can live a great life as long as they do it. The very inspiring copy conveys Nike's brand spirit.

Example 5 Patagonia: Buy less, think more

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

As a consumer brand, the practice of persuading consumers to examine consumption is self defeating and curious. Buy less, think more, and give suggestions from the perspective of consumers. Consumers will trust the brand more if their goodwill is improved.

Example 6 but lab: Desperate Sweetheart

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

The brand becomes the Internet mouthpiece of young people by virtue of the emotional release copy. This is another kind of emotional communication between the brand and consumers, that is, to help young people vent their dissatisfaction. Consumers feel that the brand and themselves are the united front, and their preference for the brand has increased.


 Good copywriting, understand emotions

Rendering atmosphere

It sets off the atmosphere, helps consumers take their emotions and enhances the communication effect.

Example 7 The new season of Little Red Book: from college students to college acquaintances

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

The Little Red Book shows the hot topic scenes of freshmen such as New Year orientation and military training, and invites the big masters, seniors, and housekeepers in the canteen to give warm suggestions, creating a warm atmosphere for sharing and improving user activity.

Example 8 Meituan Bike: Children's Playground is on sale in spring, only 0.4 yuan for children

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

The unlimited outdoor spring scenery is compared to a "children's playground", which evokes everyone's desire for happy play scenes with "being a child again", and then cleverly converts "only 0.4 yuan" to promote the mood step by step.

Example 9 Jiang Xiaobai's emotional copywriting

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

Many people may not have drunk Jiangxiaobai, but they have seen Jiangxiaobai's copywriting. The copywriting about friendship, love and work shows young people's emotions, which improves brand awareness, makes brand image distinctive, and reduces the difficulty of communication.


 Good copywriting, understand emotions

Strengthen barriers

Emotional value helps brands build value barriers and enhance brand competitiveness.

Example 10 blank me

The theme is "optical base makeup". This sentence not only refers to using half of the makeup, but also implies a hopeful mood to light up the future. It gives consideration to both functions and emotions, and has great potential.

Example 11 Netease Cloud Music Music Review Notes

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

The official selected music reviews of NetEase Cloud Music have captured the mood of listeners. Every time they are forwarded, users spontaneously spread brand information, reducing the cost of brand communication. In addition, these music reviews together shape the community atmosphere and brand image of NetEase Cloud Music, attract more people to join, and form a brand culture circle.

Ex.12 Over 13: Wearing is our own

In the film, different people walk in the street wearing horse face skirts, and their confident attitude is impressive. The film is an advertisement launched more than 13 years after the horse dress incident, which accurately pokes the patriotic sentiment of the Chinese people and has a strong appeal. Many people did not wear Han suits, but because of this event, they learned about the audience of the horse dress, identified more than 13 cultural callers, and let the brand seize the cognitive opportunity.


The skillful use of emotional copywriting techniques can bring different effects to copywriting:

1. Insight into the truth and subtlety, and arouse the emotional resonance of consumers.
2. Deliver brand values and promote emotional communication.
3. Help to substitute emotion and enhance communication effect.
4. Help build value barriers and enhance brand competitiveness.

Learn the universal formula of emotional copywriting to increase your creative treasure house.

 Good copywriting, understand emotions

Have you learned? See you in the next issue.

Interactive topic: what have you seen the most Understand emotions Your copy?

Originated from WeChat official account( Plum blossom net

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